This list last updated
- December 31, 2014, Department letter transmitting the Annual Report for Fiscal Year 2014, to also include deliverables 1-6, 3-3, and 3-4 of the Implementation Plan for Recommendation 2012-1, Savannah River Site Building 235-F Safety.
- December 29, 2014, Department letter transmitting the report, Federal Safety Oversight Capability and Criteria for Oversight of High-Hazard Nuclear Facilities, in response to the Board letter of May 1, 2014.
- December 19, 2014, Department letter providing the status for Action 1-6 of the Implementation Plan for Recommendation 2011-1, Safety Culture at the Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant.
- December 17, 2014, Board letter establishing a 30-day reporting requirement for an updated plan and schedule for completing the alternate seismic analysis of the Los Alamos National Laboratory Plutonium Facility.
- December 10, 2014, National Nuclear Security Administration memorandum approving the site performance culture sustainment plans per Action 2-13 of the Implementation Plan for Recommendation 2011-1, Safety Culture at the Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant.
- December 9, 2014, Board letter establishing a 90-day reporting requirement for NNSA’s path forward for resolution of safety basis issues at the Radioassay and Nondestructive Testing (RANT) Shipping Facility at Los Alamos National Laboratory.
- December 9, 2014, Board letter closing issues regarding the design of instrumentation and control systems at the Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant.
- December 5, 2014, Board letter establishing a 90-day reporting requirement for a report documenting DOE's plan to address all design basis melter accident scenarios to support development of safety basis for the High-Level Waste facility at the Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant.
- December 5, 2014, Board letter establishing a reporting requirement for an updated report and briefing on the safety strategy for upgrading the double-shell tank ventilation.
- December 1, 2014, Federal Register publication of the Department's response to Board recommendation 2014-1, Emergency Preparedness and Response.
- November 28, 2014, Department letter providing a summary of schedule changes for the remaining actions and deliverables in the Implementation Plan for Recommendation 2012-1, Savannah River Site Building 235-F Safety.
- November 24, 2014, Department letter transmitting deliverable 6.1.2 of the Implementation Plan for Recommendation 2010-1, Safety Analysis Requirements for Defining Adequate Protection for the Public and the Workers.
- November 24, 2014, Department letter transmitting the Office of Science’s deliverable for Action 2-13 of the Implementation Plan for Recommendation 2011-1, Safety Culture at the Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant.
- November 24, 2014, Department letter responding to the Board letter of September 24, 2014, providing an updated plan and schedule for addressing the Board’s concerns with potential releases of ammonia at the Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant.
- November 13, 2014, Department letter transmitting the Office of Environmental Management’s deliverable for Action 2-12 of the Implementation Plan for Recommendation 2011-1, Safety Culture at the Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant.
- November 7, 2014, Department letter responding to Board Recommendation 2014-1, Emergency Preparedness and Response.
- October 30, 2014, Department letter providing a clarification to the letter dated September 10, 2014, regarding deliverable 1-2 of the Implementation Plan for Recommendation 2012-2, Hanford Tank Farms Flammable Gas Safety Strategy.
- October 29, 2014, Board letter thanking Mr. Whitney for his participation in the Board’s October 7, 2014, Public Meeting and Hearing on Safety Culture and Board Recommendation 2011-1.
- October 29, 2014, Board letter thanking Ms. Creedon for her participation in the Board’s October 7, 2014, Public Meeting and Hearing on Safety Culture and Board Recommendation 2011-1.
- October 29, 2014, Board letter thanking Secretary Moniz for his participation in the Board’s October 7, 2014, Public Meeting and Hearing on Safety Culture and Board Recommendation 2011-1.
- October 23, 2014, Board letter establishing a 90-day reporting requirement for DOE's intent and plan to include the updated volcanic ashfall hazard assessment into the WTP design and safety basis.
- October 18, 2014, Department letter transmitting the Regulatory Analysis and decision on the regulatory options per commitment 6.5.1 of the Implementation Plan for Recommendation 2010-1, Safety Analysis Requirements for Defining Adequate Protection for the Public and the Worker.
- October 3, 2014, Department letter transmitting deliverables from the National Nuclear Security Administration for Action 2-10 and 2-12 of the Implementation Plan for Recommendation 2011-1, Safety Culture at the Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant.
- September 26, 2014, Department letter transmitting the Office of Environmental Management’s deliverable for Action 2-10 of the Implementation Plan for Recommendation 2011-1, Safety Culture at the Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant.
- September 25, 2014, Department letter informing the Board that DOE Savannah River and its contractor successfully completed the dissolution of the Sodium Reactor Experiment used nuclear fuel at the L-Area Disassembly Basin at the Savannah River Site.
- September 24, 2014, Department letter transmitting the Office of Science’s deliverable for Action 2-12 of the Implementation Plan for Recommendation 2011-1, Safety Culture at the Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant.
- September 24, 2014, Board letter establishing a 60-day reporting requirement for an updated plan and schedule for addressing the Board’s concerns with potential releases of ammonia at the Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant (WTP).
- September 23, 2014, Department letter transmitting the Office of Science’s deliverable for Action 2-10 of the Implementation Plan for Recommendation 2011-1, Safety Culture at the Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant.
- September 19, 2014, Board letter transmitting the September 2014 Periodic Report to Congress on the status of significant unresolved issues with DOE’s design and construction projects.
- September 16, 2014, Department letter responding to the Board letter of August 7, 2014, concerning the current safety challenges at the National Nuclear Security Administration's defense nuclear facilities.
- September 10, 2014, Department letter transmitting deliverable 1-3 of the Implementation Plan for Recommendation 2012-2, Hanford Tank Farms Flammable Gas Safety Strategy.
- September 10, 2014, Department letter transmitting deliverable 1-2 of the Implementation Plan for Recommendation 2012-2, Hanford Tank Farms Flammable Gas Safety Strategy.
- September 5, 2014, Department letter providing the current plans for resumption of operations at the Plutonium Facility (PF-4) at Los Alamos National Laboratory.
- September 3, 2014, September 3, 2014, Board letter forwarding Recommendation 2014-1, Emergency Preparedness and Response.
- August 29, 2014, Department letter informing the Board of the changes in the expected delivery dates for certain deliverables in the DOE Implementation Plan for Recommendation 2012-2, Hanford Tank Farms Flammable Gas Safety Strategy.
- August 28, 2014, Department letter responding to the Board letter of June 18, 2014, concerning the Safety Basis for the 242-A Evaporator facility at the Hanford site.
- August 7, 2014, Board letter establishing a 60-day reporting requirement for a briefing on actions taken or planned by NNSA to resolve safety issues for the Transuranic Waste Facility project at Los Alamos National Laboratory.
- August 7, 2014, Board letter providing a summary of the current challenges NNSA faces in the area of safety at NNSA’s defense nuclear facilities
- July 30, 2014, Department letter responding to the Board letter of March 31, 2014, detailing 1) the updated schedule for implementation of the Manual, 2) an updated schedule for repackaging nuclear materials, and 3) DOE's plan for phasing out the nuclear material packaging Manual and converting the content into an appropriate directive.
- July 15, 2014, Board letter closing Recommendation 2004-2, Active Confinement Systems.
- July 14, 2014, Department letter transmitting the Office of Science’s deliverable for Action 2-11 of the Implementation Plan for Recommendation 2011-1, Safety Culture at the Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant.
- July 11, 2014, Department letter transmitting the report regarding falling man and special tooling at Pantex, in response to the Board letter of June 2, 2014.
- July 9, 2014, Department letter transmitting the FY2013 Annual Report on Nuclear Criticality Safety.
- June 30, 2014, Department letter transmitting the National Nuclear Security Administration’s deliverable for Action 2-11 of the Implementation Plan for Recommendation 2011-1, Safety Culture at the Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant.
- June 30, 2014, Department letter transmitting deliverable from the Office of Environmental Management for Action 2-11 of the Implementation Plan for Recommendation 2011-1, Safety Culture at the Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant.
- June 29, 2014, Department letter notifying the Board that DOE has completed all actions in the Implementation Plan for Recommendation 2004-2, Active Confinement Systems.
- June 20, 2014, Department letter transmitting the report on DOE's evaluation of the need for an additional independent assessment at the completion of startup testing of the Idaho National Laboratory Integrated Waste Treatment Unit, in response to the Board letter of May 23, 2014.
- June 18, 2014, Board letter establishing a 90-day reporting requirement, (or prior to the introduction of radioactive waste into the facility) for a report that addresses concerns pertaining to the Safety Basis for the 242-A Evaporator facility at the Hanford site.
- June 2, 2014, Board letter establishing a 45-day reporting requirement for a report and briefing by NNSA that details (a) the results of all applicable falling man experiments, (b) any immediate compensatory measures deemed necessary based on these results, and (c) the actions and timeline associated with revising the falling man analysis.
- June 1, 2014, test
- May 29, 2014, Department letter transmitting deliverables 2-8 and 2-9 of the Implementation Plan for Recommendation 2011-1, Safety Culture at the Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant.
- May 23, 2014, Board letter establishing a 30-day reporting requirement for a report and briefing on DOE's evaluation of the need for an independent assessment after the completion of startup testing at the Idaho National Laboratory Integrated Waste Treatment Unit.
- May 20, 2014, Board letter recognizing Mr. Christopher D. Fischahs of the Los Alamos Field Office as the winner of the 2013 Department of Energy Annual Safety System Oversight Award.
- May 20, 2014, Board letter recognizing Mr. Robert D. Yates of the Savannah River Operations Office as the 2013 Department of Energy Facility Representative of the Year.
- May 16, 2014, Board letter transmitting the Report to Congress on the status of significant unresolved issues with the DOE’s Design and Construction Projects.
- May 16, 2014, Board letter concerning the shortcomings in the safe performance of work across the Savannah River Site and establishing a 60-day reporting requirement for a briefing to (1) identify the actions taken by DOE and its contractors to improve performance, and (2) identify how DOE and the contractors' assurance programs will evaluate the effectiveness of these actions.
- May 16, 2014, Board letter establishing a 14-day reporting requirement for a briefing on how NNSA will ensure that adequate controls will be identified as the Los Alamos National Laboratory resumes higher-risk operations at PF-4.
- May 12, 2014, Board letter concerning the conduct of operations and maintenance programs at Sandia National Laboratories' Technical Area V.
- May 2, 2014, Board project letter for the Sludge Treatment Project (STP) also known as the Engineered Container Retrieval and Transfer System (ECRTS), at the Hanford Site.
- May 1, 2014, Board letter closing Recommendation 2004-1, Oversight of Complex, High-Hazard Nuclear Operations. The letter also establishes a 6-month reporting requirement for a report and briefing on DOE's federal safety oversight capability and its criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of federal safety oversight of high hazard nuclear operations at DOE's defense nuclear facilities.
- April 30, 2014, Board letter highlighting specific areas that would benefit from increased management attention during the Management and Operating contract transition period at the Pantex Plant and Y-12 National Security Complex.
- April 28, 2014, Department letter providing further information related to the safety analysis and design of the slurry transport system in the Pretreatment Facility of the Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant.
- April 23, 2014, Board letter indicating the Board’s closure of the preliminary design and safety basis issue for Phase 1 of the Sludge Treatment Project (STP).
- April 21, 2014, Board letter indicating the Board’s closure of issues related to the integration of safety into the Uranium Processing Facility (UPF) design
- April 4, 2014, Department letter responding to the Board’s letter of March 12, 2014, regarding the evaluation of the ventilation system at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) and evaluation of the safety controls and contingency plans necessary to maintain confinement to ensure adequate protection of the workers and the public.
- April 4, 2014, Board letter establishing a 90-day reporting requirement for a briefing on the actions identified to improve the process to revise, update, and improve the DOE directives and technical standards of interest to the Board.
- April 3, 2014, Department letter transmitting the Y-12 Safety Conscious Work Environment Self-Assessment Report, per commitment 2-5 of the DOE Implementation Plan for Recommendation 2011-1, Safety Culture at the Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant.
- March 31, 2014, Board letter closing Recommendation 2005-1, Nuclear Material Packaging, and establishing a 120-day reporting requirement for (1) an updated schedule for implementation of the Manual; (2) an updated schedule for repackaging nuclear materials into containers that meet the requirements of the Manual; and (3) DOE's plan for phasing out the Manual and converting the content into an appropriate directive.
- March 28, 2014, Board letter establishing a 7-day reporting requirement for a briefing to (1) identify emergency management resources needed to augment WIPP response capabilities, and (2) identify specific preconditions and contingency plans being implemented to ensure protection of the public and workers in case of another radiological release event during reentry activities.
- March 21, 2014, Board letter transmitting the Board’s response to Senator Udall and Senator Heinrich regarding two recent events at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant.
- March 19, 2014, Department letter transmitting deliverable 2-7 of the Implementation Plan for Board Recommendation 2011-1, Safety Culture at the Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant
- March 19, 2014, Department letter transmitting deliverable 4-2 (Demonstrate current capabilities to recover from a loss of ventilation) of the DOE Implementation Plan for Recommendation 2012-2, Hanford Tank Farms Flammable Gas Safety Strategy.
- March 12, 2014, Board letter regarding the unanticipated release of radioactive material at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP).
- March 6, 2014, Department letter transmitting its Nuclear Safety R&D Status Report, per commitments 7 and 8 of the DOE Implementation Plan for Recommendation 2004-1, Oversight of Complex High-Hazard Nuclear Operations.
- February 19, 2014, Department letter in response to the Board letter of November 1, 2013, regarding the safety implications of removing a portion of the radioactive liquid from tank 241-AY-102 at the Hanford site.
- February 14, 2014, Department letter transmitting the effectiveness assessment of the actions DOE has taken to improve work planning and control programs.
- February 11, 2014, Department letter transmitting the National Nuclear Security Administration's assessment of the metrics relied upon in performing line oversight of criticality safety programs, in response to the Board letter of October 23, 2013.
- February 5, 2014, Department letter transmitting the Office of Environmental Management's assessment of the metrics relied upon in performing line oversight of criticality safety programs, in response to the Board letter of October 23, 2013.
- January 31, 2014, Department letter transmitting deliverable 2-1 of the Implementation Plan for Recommendation 2012-2, Hanford Tank Farms Flammable Gas Safety Strategy.
- January 28, 2014, Board letter closing Recommendation 2009-1, Risk Assessment Methodologies at Defense Nuclear Facilities.
- January 28, 2014, Board letter closing Recommendation 2010-2, Pulse Jet Mixing at the Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant (WTP).