This list last updated
- December 15, 2017, Department letter transmitting the Annual Report for Fiscal Year 2017, to also include deliverables 1-13, 3-3, and 3-4 of the Implementation Plan for Recommendation 2012-1, Savannah River Site Building 235-F Safety.
- December 13, 2017, sk test 7/2/2021
- December 11, 2017, Department letter informing the Board of the status of activities for Action 3-1 (Provide safety-significant annulus level detectors in each of the double-shell tank annuli where flammable gas exists) of the Implementation Plan for Recommendation 2012-2, Hanford Tank Farms Flammable Gas Safety Strategy.
- October 27, 2017, Board letter providing the results of its review of LLNL’s weapon response technical basis documentation for the W80 weapon program.
- October 26, 2017, Board letter providing its annual status update on DOE’s progress regarding Recommendation 2012-2, Hanford Tank Farms Flammable Gas Safety Strategy.
- October 13, 2017, Department letter in response to the Board's June 26, 2017, letter regarding opportunities for improvement related to the Uranium Processing Facility safety strategy for fire protection.
- October 12, 2017, Board letter transmitting the Technical Report entitled, Flammable Gas and Criticality Hazards at the Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant (DNFSB/TECH-42), for DOE’s information and use.
- October 11, 2017, Board letter regarding emergency preparedness and response at the Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) to aid the DOE and NNSA in addressing LANL's weaknesses and in the broader implementation of Board Recommendation 2014-1, Emergency Preparedness and Response.
- October 11, 2017, Department letter in response to the May 10, 2017, Board letter regarding supplemental actions planned by line management to ensure safety oversight is not degraded at defense nuclear facilities prior to implementing DOE Order 232.2A, Occurrence Reporting and Processing of Operations Information.
- September 18, 2017, Board letter informing DOE that the Board has voted to hold a public meeting in lieu of the public hearing scheduled for September 26, 2017, and that the participation by DOE’s senior leadership team is no longer required by 42 U.S.C. § 2286b(a).
- September 15, 2017, Board letter recognizing and congratulating Mr. N. Scott Dolezal of the NNSA Production Office on being honored as the recipient of the 2016 DOE Annual Safety System Oversight (SSO) Award.
- September 15, 2017, Board letter recognizing and congratulating Mr. Nicholas A. Balsmeier of the DOE Idaho Operations Office on being named the 2016 DOE Facility Representative of the Year.
- September 13, 2017, Board letter regarding the designation of specific administrative controls (SACs) at the Savannah River Site (SRS) for DOE’s use as appropriate.
- August 14, 2017, Department letter informing the Board that DOE has completed commitments and 6.1.2 of the Implementation Plan for Recommendation 2014-1, Emergency Preparedness and Response
- August 7, 2017, Board letter transmitting the DNFSB Staff Issue Report, Alternative Methodology for Safety Integrity Level Determination of Instrumented Systems at the Low-Activity Waste Pretreatment System, for DOE's information and use.
- July 27, 2017, Board letter inviting DOE/NNSA leadership, or their designees, to appear at the Board's public hearing on September 13, 2017, to discuss the status of emergency management across the DOE defense nuclear facilities.
- July 25, 2017, Board letter communicating its assessment of the progress on Recommendation 2015-1, Emergency Preparedness and Response at the Pantex Plant, and acknowledging that DOE has submitted its final set of deliverables to the Board.
- July 13, 2017, Board letter transmitting the notational vote in which the Board decided to not issue and transmit to DOE the final Recommendation concerning Emergency Preparedness and Response at the Los Alamos National Laboratory.
- July 6, 2017, Board letter stating that the Board concurs that the control set documented in Revision 2 of the preliminary documented safety analysis for the Hanford Sludge Treatment Project Engineered Container Retrieval and Transfer System provides adequate protection to the public on the Columbia River, the letter also transmits the Technical Report entitled, Spray Release Accidents at the Hanford Sludge Treatment Project (DNFSB/TECH-41) for DOE’s information and use as necessary.
- June 26, 2017, Board project letter for the Uranium Processing Facility (UPF) describing opportunities for improvement related to the UPF safety strategy for fire protection.
- June 13, 2017, Department (NA-NPO) letter transmitting the set of fourth quarter milestone deliverables for the DOE Implementation Plan for Recommendation 2015-1, Emergency Preparedness and Response at the Pantex Plant.
- May 11, 2017, Board letter removing the annual reporting requirement regarding the safety of Y-12's 9212 Complex and providing the Board staff report entitled, Y-12 National Security Complex Extended Life Program Safety Strategy, for NNSA’s information and use.
- May 10, 2017, Board letter establishing a reporting requirement for DOE to provide a report regarding any supplemental actions planned by line management to ensure safety oversight is not degraded at defense nuclear facilities prior to implementing DOE Order 232.2A, Occurrence Reporting and Processing of Operations Information.
- March 17, 2017, Board letter congratulating Secretary Perry on his confirmation and providing a brief summary of the Board’s current nuclear safety oversight activities.
- March 13, 2017, Department (NA-NPO) letter transmitting the set of third quarter milestone deliverables for the DOE Implementation Plan for Recommendation 2015-1, Emergency Preparedness and Response at the Pantex Plant.
- February 16, 2017, Board letter communicating its review of the DOE Implementation Plan, Revision 1, for Board Recommendation 2014-1, Emergency Preparedness and Response, and concluding that the plan will not effectively implement the Recommendation.
- February 1, 2017, Department letter transmitting the Fiscal Year 2016 Annual Metrics report on the Nuclear Criticality Safety Criteria.
- January 24, 2017, Department letter documenting the progress made to address a number of technical issues associated with the Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant (WTP) at Hanford.
- January 3, 2017, Board letter closing Recommendation 2009-2, Los Alamos National Laboratory Plutonium Facility Seismic Safety.