This list last updated
- December 21, 2018, Department letter informing the Board of schedule delays to complete Actions 2-3 and 2-4 of the DOE Implementation Plan for Recommendation 2012-2, Hanford Tank Farms Flammable Gas Safety Strategy.
- December 21, 2018, Department letter transmitting the Annual Report for Fiscal Year 2018, to also include deliverables 1-7, 1-8, 1-9, 1-11, 1-13, 3-3, and 3-4 of the Implementation Plan for Recommendation 2012-1, Savannah River Site Building 235-F Safety.
- December 21, 2018, Board letter responding to DOE’s letter dated December 13, 2018, concerning DOE Order 140.1, Interface with the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board.
- December 19, 2018, Board letter informing DOE that the Board has selected three standards to review in fiscal year 2019: 10 CFR Part 830, Nuclear Safety Management, DOE Order 420.1 C, Facility Safety, and DOE Standard 1158-2010, Self-Assessment Standard for DOE Contractor Criticality Safety Programs.
- December 19, 2018, Board letter identifying safety items with the safety basis for the U1a Complex at the Nevada National Security Site for DOE’s information and use.
- December 13, 2018, Department letter responding to the Board letter of September 17, 2018, regarding DOE Order 140.1, Interface with the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board.
- December 10, 2018, Department letter informing the Board that DOE has completed all commitments to address the operability and safety of the overall electrical distribution system at the Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant (WTP) at the Hanford Site.
- December 7, 2018, Board letter establishing a reporting requirement for a briefing and a copy of DOE’s evaluation of whether or not the SRS H-Canyon Exhaust (HCAEX) Tunnel is necessary as a post-seismic safety class control.
- November 29, 2018, Department letter providing an update to activities to verify actions taken to address Recommendation 2015-1, Emergency Preparedness and Response at the Pantex Plant.
- November 28, 2018, Board letter transmitting the results of its review of the Nuclear Criticality Safety Program at Los Alamos National Laboratory.
- November 13, 2018, Board letters (5) inviting the NNSA and DOE-EM Field Office Managers and personnel at LANL, SNL, and WIPP to appear at the Board’s public hearing on DOE’s interface with the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board be scheduled in February 2019 in Albuquerque, NM.
- November 6, 2018, Department letter informing the Board that DOE has completed Action 3-1 (provide safety-significant annulus level detectors in each of the double-shell tank annuli where the flammable gas hazards exist) of the Implementation Plan for Recommendation 2012-2, Hanford Tank Farms Flammable Gas Safety Strategy.
- October 30, 2018, Board letter thanking Ms. White for accepting the invitation to appear and provide testimony at the DNFSB public hearing scheduled for 10:00 am on November 28, 2018, at the DNFSB headquarters.
- October 24, 2018, Department letter documenting resolution of safety issues regarding the safety design strategy for the Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant (WTP) High-Level Waste Facility.
- October 17, 2018, Board letter transmitting the results of its review of the Pantex Special Tooling Program for DOE’s use and information.
- October 16, 2018, Board letters inviting the Under Secretary for Science and the Assistant Secretary for Environmental Management to appear at the Board’s public hearing on DOE’s interface with the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board on either November 28, 29, or 30, 2018.
- October 5, 2018, Board letter transmitting comments for the proposed revision to 10 C.F.R. Part 830, Nuclear Safety Management.
- September 24, 2018, Board letter providing a summary of safety issues with maintenance and inspection processes and procedures at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant for DOE’s information and use.
- September 17, 2018, Board letter transmitting its concerns with DOE Order 140.1, Interface with the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board, and noting its apprehension that DOE Order 140.1 wrongly attempts to diminish the Board's ability to perform its statutory mandate under the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended.
- September 10, 2018, Board letter providing a copy of its Policy Statement-9, Policy statement on the Resident Inspector Program of the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board, which establishes key aspects of the DNFSB’s approach to field oversight.
- September 7, 2018, Board letter providing the results of its review of the SRS H-Canyon Facility Justification for Continued Operation (JCO) and its identification of several issues with the implementation of compensatory measure in the JCO, for DOE’s information and use.
- September 7, 2018, Board letter providing its evaluation of the uranium airborne release fraction (ARF) and respirable fraction (RF) to be used in safety analysis of fires at Y-12 and in the Uranium Processing Facility (UPF) safety analysis, for DOE’s information and use in evaluating the applicability of these results and in considering revisions to the DOE Handbook 3010-94, Airborne Release Fractions/Rates and Respirable Fractions for Nonreactor Nuclear Facilities.
- September 7, 2018, Board letter establishing a reporting requirement for a briefing prior to the implementation of the interim revision to DOE-NA-STD-3016-2016, Hazard Analysis Reports for Nuclear Explosive Operations, detailing how NNSA will implement the revision and on any changes-planned or taken-to the safety control strategies of nuclear explosive facilities as a result of the revision.
- September 7, 2018, Board letter providing its evaluation of DOE’s radiological practices and safety strategy for the remediation of the contaminated soil underneath the Hanford 300 Area, 324 Building B-Cell for DOE use and information.
- August 20, 2018, Department letter responding to the May 17, 2018, Board letter regarding the path forward to ensure the continued structural integrity of the H-Canyon Exhaust Tunnel at the Savannah River Site.
- August 14, 2018, Board letter encouraging DOE to evaluate and disseminate a DOE Operating Experience document for information contained in DOE’s April 4, 2018, response letter to the Board concerning SRS Conduct of Operations safety management program.
- August 14, 2018, Board letter providing its evaluation of DOE’s progress on Recommendation 2012-1, Savannah River Site Building 235-F Safety, and providing its advice to DOE for the remaining Implementation Plan deliverables for DOE’s information and use.
- July 23, 2018, Department letter informing the Board that DOE has completed Action 2-2 (installation of safety significant instrumentation for real-time monitoring of the ventilation exhaust flow from each double-shell tank where the flammable gas hazard exists) of the Implementation Plan for Recommendation 2012-2, Hanford Tank Farms Flammable Gas Safety Strategy.
- July 23, 2018, Board letter to Administrator Gordon-Hagerty congratulating her on her confirmation as Administrator of the National Nuclear Security Administration, and providing a brief summary of items for which the Board is conducting safety oversight.
- July 12, 2018, Board letters inviting the Secretary of Energy (or his representative), the NNSA Administrator, the Under Secretary of Energy, and the Under Secretary for Science to appear at a public hearing on DOE’s interface with the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board on August 28, 2018, or on a date the Secretary of Energy, or his representative, is available.
- June 29, 2018, Board letter informing DOE that the Board has issued Policy Statement-8 entitled, Policy Statement on Oversight of Department of Energy Defense Nuclear Facility Standards, which establishes the approach the Board will take to review and evaluate DOE defense nuclear facility standards. The Board is providing this Policy Statement for DOE’s information.
- June 27, 2018, Board letter recognizing and congratulating Ms. Christy Drewry of the NNSA Production Office on being honored as the recipient of the 2017 DOE Annual Safety System Oversight (SSO) Award.
- June 27, 2018, Board letter recognizing and congratulating Mr. Tom Kohler of the DOE Savannah River Operations Office on being named the 2017 DOE Facility Representative of the Year.
- June 6, 2018, Board letter recognizing and congratulating Ms. Christy Drewry of the NNSA Production Office on being honored as the recipient of the 2017 DOE Annual Safety System Oversight (SSO) Award.
- June 4, 2018, Board letter congratulating Ms. Anne Marie White on her confirmation as Assistant Secretary of Energy for Environmental Management and providing a brief summary of some of the Board’s current nuclear safety oversight activities at the Office of Environmental Management’s Defense Nuclear Facilities.
- June 4, 2018, Board letter describing its current concerns regarding the Savannah River Site revised tritium facilities safety basis and analyses, and noting that the Board will review DOE's approved revision to the safety documentation and provide independent analysis and advice regarding any additional items of concern.
- May 24, 2018, Board letter informing the Department that the Board plans to assess the impact to safety of any changes to operations and safety control strategy pertaining to fire protection at LANL Area G.
- May 17, 2018, Board letter establishing a 90-day reporting requirement for a written response and briefing on the path forward to ensure the continued structural integrity of the H-Canyon Exhaust Tunnel at the Savannah River Site (SRS) or any alternatives being evaluated to replace the exhaust tunnel.
- April 27, 2018, Board letter noting that DOE is undertaking a review and potential revisions to 10 CFR Part 830, Nuclear Safety Management, and that the Board plans to review and provide comments to the rule-making during the public comment period
- April 27, 2018, Board letter noting that the Board had decided to not issue a final recommendation concerning atmospheric dispersion modeling at the Savannah River Site, and enclosing the Board's proposed final recommendation, the notational votes, and vote comments for DOE’s information.
- April 24, 2018, Board letter regarding the fire detection and response time at the Solid Waste Management Facility (SWMF) at Savannah River Site for DOE’s information and use.
- April 4, 2018, Department letter in response to the Board letter dated January 4, 2018, regarding Conduct of Operations Safety Management Program at the Savannah River Site.
- March 27, 2018, Board letter documenting the weaknesses (designation of several hazards as standard industrial hazards and are screened from further analysis) in the safety basis for the Integrated Waste Treatment Unit (IWTU) at Idaho National Laboratory.
- March 26, 2018, Board letter describing the concern that the final design documentation for the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) safety significant confinement ventilation system (SSCVS) does not adequately address design requirements for the full integration of the underground safety significant continuous air monitoring system.
- March 15, 2018, Board letter transmitting the DNFSB Technical Report (DNFSB/TECH-43) entitled, Deficiencies in DOE Standard 5506-2007, Preparation of Safety Basis Documents for Transuranic (TRU) Waste Facilities, for DOE’s information and use
- January 29, 2018, Department letter transmitting the Resolution Record regarding the methodology for estimating dose consequences due to spray leaks from pressurized piping at the Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant.
- January 24, 2018, Department letter transmitting the Fiscal Year 2017 Annual Metrics Report on the Nuclear Criticality Safety Criteria.
- January 11, 2018, Department letter transmitting the Baseline Emergency Management Criteria and Review Approach Document, per commitment of the DOE Implementation Plan for Recommendation 2014-1, Emergency Preparedness and Response.
- January 4, 2018, Board letter establishing a 90-day reporting requirement for a report and briefing related to Conduct of Operations Safety Management Program at the Savannah River Site.