This list last updated
- December 31, 2009, Department letter transmitting deliverables for the 2004-2 IP commitment 8.6.5.
- December 18, 2009, Board letter partially rejecting the DOE Recommendation 2009-1 Implementation Plan, and reaffirming the original Recommendation 2009-1
- December 10, 2009, Board letter forwarding Think Outside the Bomb organization comments on Board Recommendation 2009-2.
- December 7, 2009, Board letter forwarding a copy of the Board's December 7, 2009, periodic report to Congress.
- December 2, 2009, Board letter establishing a 90-day reporting requirement for providing a report on the actions taken or planned by LASO and LANS to address work planning and controls deficiencies.
- December 2, 2009, Board letter establishing a 90-day reporting requirement for providing a report assessing issues regarding the Waste Treatment Plant structural steel design.
- December 1, 2009, Department letter transmitting revised completion dates for completing the K-Basin sludge treatment portion of the 2000-1 Implementation Plan.
- November 18, 2009, Department letter forwarding the deliverables for commitments 5.2.4 and 5.2.5 in the 2007-1 Implementation Plan.
- November 17, 2009, Federal Register publication of the Department's response to Board recommendation 2009-1, Risk Assessment Methodologies at Defense Nuclear Facilities.
- November 6, 2009, Federal Register publication of DNFSB Recommendation 2009-2, Los Alamos National Laboratory Plutonium Facility Seismic Safety.
- November 3, 2009, Department letter accepting Board Recommendation 2009-1, Risk Assessment Methodologies at Defense Nuclear Facilities, and forwarding the Department's Implementation Plan.
- October 26, 2009, Board letter forwarding Recommendation 2009-2, Los Alamos National Laboratory Plutonium Facility Seismic Safety.
- October 15, 2009, Board letter requesting a briefing during the Board's next site visit on actions planned or taken to strengthen the process for developing and implementing technical procedures at Pantex.
- October 15, 2009, Board letter forwarding the staff report on the details of the review of the design, testing, and controls for air pulse agitators for the SWPF at the SRS.
- October 14, 2009, Board announcement of a Public Meeting on implementation of Recommendation 2004-1, scheduled on November 24, 2009 at 9 AM at the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board Headquarters in Washington, D.C
- September 28, 2009, Department letter advising that the reports on the results of the state-of-the-practice reviews required by the 2007-1 Implementation Plan will be completed by October 30, 2009.
- September 24, 2009, Department letter transmitting the final report on the plan, schedule, funding source, and progress for implementing the LANL fire and emergency services Baseline Needs Assessment.
- September 22, 2009, Department letter transmitting Revision 5 to the Implementation Plan for Recommendation 2001-1, High-Level Waste Management at the Savannah River Site.
- September 16, 2009, Department letter transmitting the DOE-wide plan for implementing DOE Manual 441.1-1 at its defense nuclear facilities.
- September 14, 2009, Department letter transmitting the CMRR Certification Report.
- September 4, 2009, Board Report to Congressional Defense Committees on the CMRR Project at Los Alamos Certification Review.
- September 4, 2009, Department letter transmitting the 2004-2, Active Confinement Systems, IP deliverables 8.6.3 and 8.6.5 for the Criticality Experimental Facility located in the Device Assembly Facility at the Nevada Test Site.
- September 2, 2009, Department letter transmitting the 2004-2, Active Confinement Systems, IP deliverables 8.6.3 and 8.6.5 for the Waste Solidification Building at SRS.
- August 31, 2009, Department letter transmitting the 2004-2, Active Confinement Systems, IP deliverables 8.6.3 and 8.6.5 for the Annular Core Research Reactor at SNL.
- August 26, 2009, Board staff letter identifying that the CMRR Certification Finding 4, Identification of Safety-related Controls, Functional Requirements, and Performance Criteria, can be considered closed.
- August 26, 2009, Board staff letter identifying that the CMRR Certification Finding 2, Seismic Design of Active Confinement Ventilation Systems, can be considered closed.
- August 26, 2009, Board staff letter identifying that the CMRR Certification Finding 1, CMRR Seismic Design Issues, can be considered closed.
- August 25, 2009, Board letter providing an outline of topics to be addressed at the September 29, 2009, public meeting on Recommendation 2004-1, and inviting the Secretary to testify.
- August 14, 2009, Department letter transmitting supplemental information in support of closing CMRR Certification Findings 1, 2, and 4.
- July 30, 2009, Board letter forwarding Recommendation 2009-1, Risk Assessment Methodologies at Defense Nuclear Facilities.
- July 29, 2009, Department letter providing revised schedule and commitments for completing the remaining 2004-2 IP deliverables.
- July 28, 2009, Board letter establishing a reporting requirement to provide a briefing in October 2009 on the plans to modify/upgrade the Device Assembly Facility fire protection systems.
- July 28, 2009, Board letter discussing HS-Pu storage and Vital Safety System Assessments at LANL.
- July 27, 2009, Department letter responding to the February 6, 2009, letter regarding electrical safety issues in H-Area of SRS.
- July 10, 2009, Board staff letter identifying that the CMRR Certification Finding 3, Preliminary Documented Safety Analysis Safety-Related Functions and Requirements, can be considered closed.
- July 10, 2009, Board staff letter identifying that the CMRR Certification Finding 5, System Design Descriptions, can be considered closed.
- July 9, 2009, Department letter responding to Board letter dated March 5, 2009, regarding the Savannah River Tank 48 Treatment Project.
- June 24, 2009, Department letter requesting a 90-day extension for responding to the Board's March 31, 2009, letter requesting a revision to the 2001-1 Implementation Plan.
- June 22, 2009, Board letter forwarding a copy of the Board's June 22, 2009, Quarterly Report to Congress
- June 19, 2009, Department letter providing the summary of the May 19, 2009, LANL fire and emergency services Baseline Needs Assessment.
- June 16, 2009, Department letter forwarding the final "PF-4 Ventilation System Evaluation".
- June 10, 2009, Board letter to the newly appointed Under Secretary of Energy summarizing the Board's views on the state of nuclear safety at the DOE Defense Nuclear Facilities with emphasis on the CTA function.
- June 3, 2009, Board letter congratulating Stanley Watkins of the Y-12 Site Office for being honored as the 2008 DOE Facility Representative of the Year.
- June 1, 2009, Departmental letter responding to the Board's letter dated March 23, 2009 regarding actions to be taken to address work planning and controls at the Idaho Cleanup Project
- May 20, 2009, Department letter forwarding the 2008 Annual Report to Congress on DOE's activities relating to the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board.
- May 18, 2009, Department letter identifying actions to improve the storage of Pu-238 at LANL
- May 11, 2009, Department letter acknowledging the concerns identified in the Board's March 23, 2009, letter to the Secretary.
- April 30, 2009, Department letter transmitting the Salt Waste Processing Facility Summary Structural Engineering Report to the Board Staff.
- April 28, 2009, Department letter transmitting the CMRR Certification Plan.
- April 22, 2009, Departmental letter transmitting the report summarizing the results of comprehensive oversight reviews of the implementation of the Operating Experience Program (OEP) in the National Nuclear Security Administration.
- April 22, 2009, Department letter transmitting the CMRR Preliminary Safety Validation Report in support of CMRR Board certification.
- April 21, 2009, Department letter responding to Board staff letters dated March 4, 2009 and March 30, 2009, regarding CMRR Board Certification.
- April 21, 2009, Department letter responding to Board staff letter dated March 16, 2009, regarding CMRR Board Certification.
- April 21, 2009, Board letter establishing a 60-day reporting requirement for providing a report on actions to be taken to complete the deliverables and remediate deviations from the guidance developed in accordance with the 2004-2 Implementation Plan.
- April 7, 2009, Department letter transmitting the Summary Structural Reports for the WTP HLW Vitrification Building and Pretreatment facility to the Board staff.
- April 7, 2009, Board letter establishing a 45-day reporting requirement regarding immediate actions/compensatory measures taken, and a 60-day reporting requirement for plan of action for improving the safety posture of HS-Pu Storage at LANL.
- April 2, 2009, Department letter transmitting the Y-12 Continued Safe Operating Oversight Team Annual Report (Y/TIS-345).
- March 31, 2009, Board letter requesting within 90 days revised Implementation Plan for Recommendation 2001-1, High Level Waste Management in Savannah River Site.
- March 30, 2009, Board staff letter providing findings regarding CMRR SDDs do not incorporate PDSA requirements adequately.
- March 24, 2009, Board's Nineteenth Annual Report to Congress for Calendar Year 2008.
- March 24, 2009, Department letter summarizing actions being taken to resolve open SWPF project issues.
- March 23, 2009, Board letter establishing a 90-day reporting requirement regarding actions to be taken to address work planning and controls deficiencies at the Idaho Cleanup Project.
- March 23, 2009, Board letter to the newly appointed Secretary summarizing the Board's views on the state of nuclear safety at the DOE Defense Nuclear Facilities.
- March 19, 2009, Department letter forwarding the Federal Technical Capability Program Corrective Action Plan to the Board.
- March 18, 2009, Board letter transmitting Board staff concerns regarding the integration of safety into the design of the TRU Waste Facility at LANL.
- March 18, 2009, Board letter forwarding comments on review of maintenance at Savannah River High Level Waste (HLW) Tank Farms.
- March 16, 2009, Board staff letter providing findings regarding CMRR Inadequate identificaton of safety-related controls, functional requirements and performance criteria.
- March 11, 2009, Department letter responding to two Board staff letters dated January 16,2009 regarding CMRR Board Certification.
- March 10, 2009, Department letter providing an initial response to the Board's request for the plans for implementing the LANL fire and emergency response Baseline Needs Assessment.
- March 5, 2009, Department letter providing a report detailing the disposition of NESS, NCE and OSR findings from 2003 through 2008.
- March 5, 2009, Board letter identifying several concerns regarding the processing of Tank 48 contents at SRS.
- March 4, 2009, Board staff letter identifying concerns regarding documenting and maintaining Preliminary Documented Safety Analysis safety-related functions and requirements related to CMRR Board certification.
- February 26, 2009, National Nuclear Security Administration memo regarding the recognition of HSPD-12 Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board Credentials.
- February 23, 2009, Departmental letter transmitting the DOE Annual Report on Nuclear Criticality Safety for calendar year 2008.
- February 17, 2009, Board letter transmitting a copy of the Board's seventh Quarterly Report to Congress.
- February 10, 2009, Board letter identifying several design concerns that must be resolved prior to construction completion and operations of Salt Waste Processing Facility.
- February 6, 2009, Board letter forwarding staff report addressing open design issues for the Radioactive Liquid Waste Treatment Facility at LANL.
- February 6, 2009, Board letter establishing a 90-day reporting requirement regarding the H-Canyon safety related electrical distribution system.
- February 5, 2009, Department memorandum addressing milestones 5.1.1, 5.1.2 and deliverable for milestone 5.4.1 in the Department of Energy Implementation Plan for Board Recommendation 2008-1.
- January 23, 2009, Department letter reporting closure of electrical safety issues at the Plutonium Finishing Plant and Hanford tank farms.
- January 23, 2009, Board letter establishing a 90-day reporting requirement regarding nuclear criticality safety evaluation concerns at Y-12.
- January 22, 2009, Board letter providing the results of the staff review of ISM Work Planning and control processes at Y-12
- January 16, 2009, Board staff letter identifying seismic design concerns related to CMRR Board certification.
- January 16, 2009, Board staff letter identifying active confinement ventilation system seismic design concern related to CMRR Board certification.
- January 13, 2009, Board letter establishing a reporting requirement regarding items to be addressed in a supplement to the July 23, 2008, criticality safety report.
- January 13, 2009, Board letter establishing a 90-day reporting requirement for submitting several deliverables associated with the ventilation system review and upgrading of the LANL Plutonium Facility.
- January 12, 2009, Board letter regarding the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board's review of the final design documents for the Waste Solidification Building (WSB), to be constructed at the Savannah River Site.
- January 8, 2009, Board letter regarding a three-step strategy for resolving safety issues related to fire protection coating on structural steel used in the construction of the Hanford Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant (WTP).