Recommendation 2000-2, Configuration Management, Vital Safety Systems
2000-2 BY YEAR:
2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000
This page last updated Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Key Documents & Information
- Board Recommendation: from Chairman Conway to Secretary Richardson, dated March 8, 2000.
- Board Technical Report: DNFSB/TECH 26.
- Department Response: from Secretary Richardson to Chairman Conway, dated April 28, 2000.
- Department Implementation Plan: dated October 31, 2000.
- Department Closure Proposal: dated May 26, 2006.
- Board Closure: dated August 8, 2007.
Chronicle of Related Correspondence
- May 26, 2006, Department letter reporting completion of all Commitments in the Implementation Plan for Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board Recommendation 2000-2, Configuration Management - Vital Safety Systems and requesting closure of recommendation 2000-2.
- March 27, 2006, Board letter establishing a 60-day reporting requirement regarding validating certain aspects of DOE's vital safety system activities prior to closing the recommendation.
- November 28, 2005, Board letter establishing a 60-day reporting requirement regarding safety management programs and vital safety systems at the Device Assembly Facility (DAF) at the Nevada Test Site.
- October 26, 2005, Department letter forwarding the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Nuclear Materials Technology Program Configuration Management Resource Loaded Schedule.
- July 26, 2005, Department letter forwarding Report on Livermore Site Office's evaluation of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory's Configuration Management in Buildings 331, 334, 239, 251, and Radioactive and Hazardous Waste Management Facilities.
- January 4, 2005, Department letter forwarding an interim report regarding configuration management for vital safety systems at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.
- November 3, 2004, Board letter establishing a 60-day reporting requirement regarding configuration management program for safety systems at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and Livermore Site Office relative to the 2000-2 implementation plan, Configuration Management, Vital Safety Systems.
- January 14, 2004, Department letter reporting completion of Commitment 25 in implementation plan 2000-2, Configuration Management, Vital Safety Systems, which requires the issuance of direction to site offices for implementing the revised Nuclear Air Cleaning Handbook.
- December 17, 2003, Department letter reporting completion of Commitment 24, revision and issuance of the Nuclear Air Cleaning Handbook, in implementation plan 2000-2, Configuration Management, Vital Safety Systems.
- November 24, 2003, Department letter regarding follow-up activities to ensure High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filter testing at NNSA sites.
- September 30, 2003, Department letter regarding updated listing of Department personnel serving as subject matter experts (SME) for safety system oversight.
- September 26, 2003, Department letter regarding revision and re-issuance of the Nuclear Air Cleaning Handbook relative to implementation plan 2000-2, Configuration Management, Vital Safety Systems.
- June 30, 2003, Department letter providing a status update on the revision and re-issuance of the Nuclear Air Cleaning Handbook relative to implementation plan 2000-2, Configuration Management, Vital Safety Systems.
- June 12, 2003, Board letter regarding Quality Assurance Improvement Plan Commitment 1.1.2 to review Phase I and Phase II assessments relative to implementation plan 2000-2, Configuration Management, Vital Safety Systems.
- June 12, 2003, Board letter establishing a 6-month reporting requirement for a briefing on the status of various items related to completing the Department's 2000-2 implementation plan, Configuration Management, Vital Safety Sytems.
- May 13, 2003, Department letter reporting completion of two deliverables in the Quality Assurance Improvement Plan.
- May 2, 2003, Department letter providing status on institutionalizing the periodic safety system assessments relative to the 2000-2 implementation plan, Configuration Management, Vital Safety Systems.
- April 7, 2003, Department letter regarding NNSA plans for institutionalizing safety system assessments relative to the 2000-2 implementation plan, Configuration Management, Vital Safety Systems.
- March 28, 2003, Department letter providing an updated listing of Department personnel serving as subject matter experts for safety system oversight.
- February 3, 2003, Department letter with status on the committed updated listing of Department personnel providing oversight of safety systems.
- January 24, 2003, Board letter establishing a 30-day reporting requirement regarding safety-related action plans defunded by the Department and revised plan for completing Phase II assessment of the Los Alamos National Laboratory site-wide fire alarm system.
- January 9, 2003, Board letter the Department's Quality Assurance Improvement Plan for Defense Nuclear Facilities.
- December 16, 2002, Board letter enclosing a staff issue report on the status of implementation plan 2000-2, Configuration Management, Vital Safety Systems at the Hanford Site.
- December 2, 2002, Department letter describing the Department's path forward towards closure of recommendation 2000-2, Configuration Management, Vital Safety Systems.
- October 10, 2002, Department letter enclosing an initial Phase II assessment report from the Kirtland Site Operations Office relative to the 2000-2 implementation plan.
- October 3, 2002, Department letter forwarding an initial Phase II Assessment Report form the Nevada Operations Office, Waste Examination Facility, Visual Examination and Repackaging Building, Confinement Ventilation System relative to the 2000-2 implementation plan.
- September 18, 2002, Board letter enclosing a summary on open commitments under implementation plan 2000-2, Configuration Management, Vital Safety Systems.
- September 3, 2002, Department letter forwarding an initial Phase II assessment report on Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Building 625 Fire Sprinkler System relative to the 2000-2 implementation plan.
- August 14, 2002, Department letter providing additional detail for the Federal Technical Capability Program (FTCP) agents to identify staff level personnel responsible for the oversight of contractor safety systems.
- July 23, 2002, Department letter forwarding an initial Phase II assessment report for Los Alamos National Laboratory in relation to the 2000-2 implementation plan.
- July 11, 2002, Department letter informing the Board of a revision to the Nuclear Air Cleaning Handbook relative to Commitment 23 of the 2000-2 implementation plan.
- July 10, 2002, Department letter forwarding the Initial Phase II report from the Y-12 Area Office, Building 9215 Stack 3 Exhaust System relative to the 2000-2 implementation plan.
- July 10, 2002, Department letter forwarding an initial Phase II assessment report from the Amarillo Area Office, Pantex Plant System Drawing Program, in relation to the 2000-2 implementation plan.
- June 25, 2002, Department letter providing annual reports to the Secretary on Environment, Safety and Health assessments of safety systems (related to the 2000-2 implementation plan).
- May 23, 2002, Department letter forwarding the initial Phase II assessment reports from the Office of River Protection, Richland Operations Office, and Savannah River Operations Office.
- April 26, 2002, Department letter forwarding an initial Phase II assessment report form Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Building 3019A, Cell Off-Gas Confinement Ventilation System relative to implementation plan 2000-2.
- April 19, 2002, Board letter establishing a 30-day reporting requirement addressing the issues outlined in the enclosed staff report on the emergency power system at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory's Plutonium Facility (Building 332).
- April 11, 2002, Department letter enclosing the Functional Area Qualification Standard Update Schedule in relation to Commitment 19 of implementation plan 2000-2, which calls for the Department to revise the Technical Qualification Program standards. It proposes closure of said commitment.
- April 9, 2002, Department letter regarding Commitment 8 of Implementation Plan 2000-2, which calls for a summary of resources allocated for corrective actions in the FY 2003 budget request for Congress.
- April 9, 2002, Department letter forwarding the initial Phase II assessment report from the Rocky Flats Field Office relative to Implmentation Plan 2000-2.
- April 4, 2002, Department letter forwarding the list of Phase II assessments and expected completion dates relative to Commitment 6 of Implementation Plan 2000-2, which calls for the evaluation of the results of Phase I assessments and identification of facilities that will receive Phase II assessments.
- March 28, 2002, Department letter forwarding initial Phase II assessment reports from Carlsbad Field Office and Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory relative to Implementation Plan 2000-2.
- March 21, 2002, Department letter regarding a change in Implementation Plan 2000-2, Configuration Management, Vital Safety Systems.
- January 28, 2002, Board letter regarding revision of the Nuclear Air Cleaning Handbook, ERDA 76-21.
- January 24, 2002, Department letter forwarding a report documenting completion of Commitments 17 and 18 in Implementation Plan 2000-2. Commitment 17 calls for Federal expertise to ensure effective oversight of contractor safety systems at defense nuclear facilites. Commitment 18 calls for a report identifying DOE needs for Federal technical personnel and means of addressing critical technical skill gaps. It proposes closure of these commitments.
- January 17, 2002, Department letter reporting completion of Commitment 21, which calls for the institutionalization of the annual ES&H Assessment Summary in an Order or Policy revision, in Implementation Plan 2000-2 and proposing closure of said commitment.
- December 18, 2001, Board letter regarding Phase II assessment of the operability of vital safety systems at the defense nuclear facilities relative to Implementation Plan 2000-2.
- December 17, 2001, Department letter forwarding information on Deliverables 16 - 20, and 23 in Implementation Plan 2000-2.
- December 7, 2001, Department letter regarding commencement of Phase II assessments relative to Implementation Plan 2000-2.
- October 30, 2001, Department letter responding to a Board letter dated December 1, 1999 regarding quality assurance at National Nuclear Security Administration sites.
- August 27, 2001, Department letter informing completion of Commitment 10 in 2000-2 Implementation Plan and enclosing the Assessment Criteria and Guidelines to Ascertain the Current Condition of Confinement Ventilation Systems in Defense Nuclear Facilities. Commitment 10 calls for testing the effectiveness of confinement ventilation assessment criteria.
- August 14, 2001, Board letter enclosing observations made by the Board�s staff during their observations of the pilot Phase II assessments of confinement ventilation systems conducted at the Savannah River Site�s H-Canyon and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.
- August 1, 2001, Department letter forwarding information concerning Commitments 2 and 5 relative to Implementation Plan 2000-2.
- August 1, 2001, Department letter forwarding information concerning Commitment 5 relative to Implementation Plan 2000-2.
- July 19, 2001, Department letter providing information on commitments 17, 18, and 19 of Implementation Plan 2000-2, Configuration Management, Vital Safety Systems. Commitment 17 calls for federal expertise to ensure effective oversight of contractor safety systems at defense nuclear facilities. Commitment 18 calls for a report identifying DOE needs for federal technical personnel determined in Commitment 17. Commitment 19 calls for changes to the Technical Qualification Program.
- July 11, 2001, Department letter reporting completion of commitment 27 of Implementation Plan 2000-2, Configuration Management, Vital Safety Systems.
- July 10, 2001, Department letter reporting completion of commitment 4 of Implementation Plan 2000-2, Configuration Management, Vital Safety Systems.
- June 4, 2001, Department letter enclosing a memorandum regarding 100 Percent Quality Assurance Testing of HEPA Filters at the Filter Test Facility in relation to Board Technical Report 23 and Implementation Plan 2000-2.
- May 29, 2001, Board letter providing a 60-day reporting requirement to answer follow-up questions from the Public Meetings held in February 2001 on Recommendations 95-2, 98-1, and 2000-2.
- May 15, 2001, Department letter enclosing a deliverable for Commitment 13 of Implementation Plan 2000-2.
- April 19, 2001, Department letter forwarding information on Commitment 9 of Implementation Plan 2000-2. It proposes closure of said commitment. Commitment 9 is the Assessment Criteria and Guidelines to Ascertain the Current Condition of Confinement Ventilation Systems.
- April 2, 2001, Department letter forwarding information on Deliverable 15 in relation to Implementation Plan 2000-2. Commitment 15 calls for the Department to institute the System Engineer concept in directives.
- March 15, 2001, Department letter forwarding information regarding Deliverable 20 relative to Implementation Plan 2000-2. Commitment 20 calls for an annual review of the results of environment, safety and health assessments.
- March 14, 2001, Department letter forwarding information on Deliverables 2 and 3 in relation to Implementation Plan 2000-2. Commitment 2 calls for a list of vital safety systems at defense nuclear facilities for the Federal Technical Capability Panel. Commitment 3 calls for the completion of Phase 1 assessments of safety class, confinement ventilation, and fire protection systems at priority facilities in Appendix E of the implementation plan.
- February 21, 2001, Department letter reporting completion of commitment 14 of Implementation Plan 2000-2. Commitment 14 calls for an interim direction to designate Systems Engineers for vital safety systems.
- January 31, 2001, Department letter forwarding information on Deliverables 2, 14, 27, 28, 29 under Implementation Plan 2000-2. Commitment 2 calls for a list of vital safety systems for the Federal Technical Capabilities Panel. Commitment 14 calls for an interim secretarial guidance on establishing system engineers. Commitments 27 and 29 call for the path forward on HEPA filter testing policies and the consolidation or closing of filter testing facilities. Commitment 28 calls for maintaining operation and finding of the Filter Test Facility. It proposes closure of deliverable 28.
- January 29, 2001, Department letter forwarding a report on Initial Joint Review of Wildland Fire Safety at Department of Energy Sites. This is a deliverable under implementation plan 2000-2 commitment 12.
- January 23, 2001, Department letter proposing closure of completed Commitment 1 in Implementation Plan 2000-2. Commitment 1 calls for conducting operability assessments of vital safety systems at certain facilities listed in the implementation plan.
- January 9, 2001, Department Memorandum for distribution on the management structure for actions under Implementation Plan 2000-2, Configuration Management, Vital Safety Systems.
- December 19, 2000, Department letter informing the Board on the completion of commitment 26 in Implementation Plan 2000-2 and proposing closure of this commitment.
- December 14, 2000, Board letter accepting Implementation Plan for Recommendation 2000-2.
- October 31, 2000, Department letter forwarding its initial implementation plan for Recommendation 2000-2, Configuration Management, Vital Safety Systems.
- September 26, 2000, Board letter commending the Department of its initiative to assess the defense nuclear facilities of its state of readiness and capabilities to deal with fires, and awaiting the Department's plan for Recommendation 2000-2.
- September 8, 2000, Board letter enclosing an amplification on Recommendation 2000-2.
- August 21, 2000, Department letter notifying the Board of the Department's need of an additional 45 days to transmit the implementation plan for Recommendation 2000-2.
- July 10, 2000, Board letter enclosing a staff issue report on the procurement and field testing of HEPA filters at the Hanford Site in relation to the prepartion of implementation plan for Recommendation 2000-2.
- April 28, 2000, Department letter acknowledging receipt of the Board's Recommendation 2000-2, Configuration Management, Vital Safety Systems and accepting the recommendations contained therein.
- March 8, 2000, Board letter forwarding Recommendation 2000-2, Configuration Management, Vital Safety Systems.