Y-12 National Security Complex/Oak Ridge National Laboratory
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This page last updated Thursday, December 9, 2021
Key Documents & Information
- Y-12 and Oak Ridge Office Contact for Board Issues
- EHSS-1.1 Site Contact
- ORNL Website
- Y-12 Website
- Related Recommendations: 2011-1, 94-4
Chronicle of Related Correspondence
- No document links for 2024
- No document links for 2023
- No document links for 2022
- November 1, 2021, ' ' " " А А А
- August 10, 2021, sk test 3
- July 7, 2021, Board letter providing its report concerning the criticality hazards of the out-of-service systems with uranium holdup located in Building 9212 at the Y-12 National Security Complex.test
- June 15, 2021, test HTML Bullet • here (pilcrow) ¶ here (section mark) § here
- April 8, 2021, BB21A08A
- No document links for 2020
- July 25, 2019, Board letter transmitting the results of its review of the Y-12 National Security Complex (Y-12) Criticality Safety Program.
- July 24, 2019, Department letter responding to the Board letter of June 5, 2019, requesting information related to the Y-12 Criticality Safety Program.
- June 5, 2019, Board letter establishing a 30-day reporting requirement for DOE to provide information regarding the Y-12 Complex criticality safety program.
- February 6, 2019, Board letter establishing a 30-day reporting requirement for a briefing regarding the Nuclear Criticality Safety Program at the Y-12 National Security Complex, to include overall performance and recent reportable occurrences.
- January 25, 2019, Department letter transmitting the 2018 Annual Criticality Safety Metrics Report.
- September 7, 2018, Board letter providing its evaluation of the uranium airborne release fraction (ARF) and respirable fraction (RF) to be used in safety analysis of fires at Y-12 and in the Uranium Processing Facility (UPF) safety analysis, for DOEs information and use in evaluating the applicability of these results and in considering revisions to the DOE Handbook 3010-94, Airborne Release Fractions/Rates and Respirable Fractions for Nonreactor Nuclear Facilities.
- June 27, 2018, Board letter recognizing and congratulating Ms. Christy Drewry of the NNSA Production Office on being honored as the recipient of the 2017 DOE Annual Safety System Oversight (SSO) Award.
- June 6, 2018, Board letter recognizing and congratulating Ms. Christy Drewry of the NNSA Production Office on being honored as the recipient of the 2017 DOE Annual Safety System Oversight (SSO) Award.
- October 13, 2017, Department letter in response to the Board's June 26, 2017, letter regarding opportunities for improvement related to the Uranium Processing Facility safety strategy for fire protection.
- June 26, 2017, Board project letter for the Uranium Processing Facility (UPF) describing opportunities for improvement related to the UPF safety strategy for fire protection.
- May 11, 2017, Board letter removing the annual reporting requirement regarding the safety of Y-12's 9212 Complex and providing the Board staff report entitled, Y-12 National Security Complex Extended Life Program Safety Strategy, for NNSAs information and use.
- June 20, 2016, Board letter recognizing and congratulating Mr. Jeffrey Edlund, NNSA Production Office, on being named the 2015 DOE Facility Representative of the Year.
- January 7, 2016, Department letter providing a schedule to conduct specific analyses of the structures, systems, and components needed to confine and control hazardous material for the Electrorefining Project at Y-12, in response to the Board letter of October 29, 2015.
- October 29, 2015, Board letter establishing a 60-day reporting requirement for NNSA to provide a schedule to conduct specific analyses of the structures, systems, and components needed to confine and control hazardous material for the Electrorefining Project at Y-12.
- September 11, 2015, Department letter responding to the Board letter of June 25, 2015, and providing a report on the design methodology and technical basis associated with the design of the UPF confinement ventilation system in a post-seismic condition.
- July 21, 2015, Department letter transmitting the Office of Environmental Management's deliverable for Action 2-13 (site-specific safety culture sustainment tools) of the Implementation Plan for Recommendation 2011-1, Safety Culture at the Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant.
- June 25, 2015, Board letter establishing a 90-day reporting requirement for a report on the design methodology and technical basis associated with the design of the UPF confinement ventilation system in a post-seismic condition.
- February 4, 2015, Board letter transmitting the report "Structural Evaluations of the 9215 Complex and Building 9204-2E at the Y-12 National Security Complex" for NNSA information and use as it considers long-term mission work at Y-12.
- December 10, 2014, National Nuclear Security Administration memorandum approving the site performance culture sustainment plans per Action 2-13 of the Implementation Plan for Recommendation 2011-1, Safety Culture at the Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant.
- November 13, 2014, Department letter transmitting the Office of Environmental Managements deliverable for Action 2-12 of the Implementation Plan for Recommendation 2011-1, Safety Culture at the Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant.
- October 3, 2014, Department letter transmitting deliverables from the National Nuclear Security Administration for Action 2-10 and 2-12 of the Implementation Plan for Recommendation 2011-1, Safety Culture at the Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant.
- September 19, 2014, Board letter transmitting the September 2014 Periodic Report to Congress on the status of significant unresolved issues with DOEs design and construction projects.
- April 30, 2014, Board letter highlighting specific areas that would benefit from increased management attention during the Management and Operating contract transition period at the Pantex Plant and Y-12 National Security Complex.
- April 21, 2014, Board letter indicating the Boards closure of issues related to the integration of safety into the Uranium Processing Facility (UPF) design
- April 3, 2014, Department letter transmitting the Y-12 Safety Conscious Work Environment Self-Assessment Report, per commitment 2-5 of the DOE Implementation Plan for Recommendation 2011-1, Safety Culture at the Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant.
- November 21, 2013, Department letter responding to the Board letter of August 26, 2013, regarding integration of safety into design for the Uranium Processing Facility (UPF) project.
- November 8, 2013, Board letter regarding the status and safety posture of the Transuranic Waste Processing Center Sludge Processing Facility Buildouts (SL-PFB) project at Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
- August 26, 2013, Board letter establishing a 60-day reporting requirement for NNSA to describe (1) NNSA's plan and schedule for addressing the issues detailed in the enclosed report and (2) NNSA's plan to strengthen oversight of control selection and evaluation processes for the UPF project.
- December 12, 2012, Department letter providing an revise of Action 2-6 in the Department of Energy's Implementation Plan for Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board Recommendation 2011-1, Safety Culture at the Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant.
- November 5, 2012, Department letter responding to the Board letter of September 6, 2012, regarding NNSA's approach to validate the modeling assumptions in the analysis and design of the Uranium Processing Facility main building at Y-12.
- October 18, 2012, Department letter transmitting the Continued Safe Operating Oversight Team Annual Report for the 9212 Complex at Y-12.
- September 6, 2012, Board letter establishing a 60-day reporting requirement regarding NNSA's approach to validate the modeling assumptions in the analysis and design of the Uranium Processing Facility main building at Y-12.
- June 27, 2012, Department letter transmitting the Comprehensive Report Concerning Safety Control Set and Preliminary Safety Design for the Uranium Processing Facility at Y-12 in response to the Board letter of April 2, 2012.
- June 25, 2012, Board letter enclosing a copy of the Boards Report to Congress on the Status of Significant Unresolved Issues with the Department of Energy's Design and Construction Projects.
- June 25, 2012, Department letter responding to the Board letter of December 29, 2011, regarding NNSA's assessment of the effectiveness of the actions to address work planning and control weaknesses at Y-12.
- June 5, 2012, Board letter regarding Training and Qualification Program at the Y-12 National Security Complex.
- May 2, 2012, Department letter responding to the Board letter of April 2, 2012 concerning NNSA's approach for demonstrating adequate integration of safety in the preliminary design of the Uranium Processing Facility at Y-12.
- April 2, 2012, Board letter establishing a 30-day reporting requirement describing NNSA's approach for demonstration of the adequate integration of safety in the preliminary design of the Uranium Processing Facility (UPF) at the Y-12 National Security Complex.
- March 27, 2012, Department letter requesting a 60-day extension to respond to Board letter of December 29, 2011, concerning the work planning and control issues at the Y-12 National Security Complex.
- February 24, 2012, Department letter in response to the Board letter of August 25, 2011, concerning weaknesses with technical procedures and their implementation at the Y-12 National Security Complex.
- December 29, 2011, Board letter establishing a 120-day reporting requirement for NNSA's assessment of the effectiveness of YSO's and contractor's actions to address work planning and control weaknesses at Y-12.
- October 19, 2011, Department letter providing initial response to the Board letter of August 25, 2011, regarding conduct of operations at the Y-12 National Security Complex.
- October 5, 2011, Department letter updating the plans for addressing verification/validation and root cause analysis relating to the System for Analysis of Soil-Structure Interaction (SASSI).
- August 25, 2011, Board letter establishing a 6-month reporting requirement regarding weaknesses in conduct of operations and technical procedures at the Y-12 National Security Complex.
- August 3, 2011, Department letter forwarding the Facility Risk Review Follow-on Evaluation for Building 9212 at Y-12.
- June 16, 2011, Department letter in response to the Board letter of April 20, 2011, concerning the Safety Posture of the Y-12 National Security Complex.
- May 17, 2011, Department letter requesting an extension for the delivery of a report responding to the Board's April 20, 2011 letter concerning Safety Posture of the Y-12 National Security Complex.
- May 3, 2011, Department letter transmitting response to the Board's February 4th letter regarding storage of non-MAA material at the Y-12 National Security Complex.
- April 20, 2011, Board letter establishing a 30-day reporting requirement for a report and a briefing on Safety Posture of Y-12 National Security Complex.
- February 4, 2011, Board letter establishing a 90-day reporting requirement for a briefing and report on Non-MAA Material Storage at Y-12 in Building 9720-5.