
Departmental Representative to the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board



Departmental Representative Acronyms

(Acronyms used in the Departmental Representative website)

  • A

  • B

  • C

  • D

  • E

  • F

  • G

  • H

  • I

  • J

  • K

  • L

  • M

  • N

  • O

  • P

  • Q

  • R

  • S

  • T

  • U

  • V

  • W

  • X

  • Y

  • Z

  • A

    A/D Analog-to-Digital Converter
    A Ampere
    A Air
    A&C architectural and civil
    A&D Assembly and Disassembly
    A&F Arming and Firing
    AA Atomic Analyzer
    AA Atomic Absorption
    AA Aluminum Association
    AA Affirmative Action
    AA Assistant Administrator
    AAA American Antiquities Act
    AAA Amsterdam Advanced ATC
    AAAP Accelerated Access Approval Program
    AAAP Advance Acquisition or Assistance Plan
    AABC Associated Air Balance Council
    AACC American Association for Contamination Control
    AACS Airborne Activity Confinement System
    AAHP American Academy of Health Physics
    AAMA American Architectural Manufacturers Association
    AAMSR Aggregate Area Management Study Report
    AAO Amarillo Area Office
    AAPG American Association for Petroleum Geologists
    AAPROG Alarm Analysis Program
    AAR/BOE Association of American Railroads/Bureau of Explosives
    AB Authorization Basis
    ABCC Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission
    AAHP American Association of Health Physics
    ABS Automatic Backup Shutdown
    ABS Acrylonitrite-Butadiene-Styrene
    ABW Air Base Wing
    ABW Airborne Waste
    ABWR Advanced Boiling Water Reactor
    ac Alternating Current
    Ac Actinium
    AC Analytical Cell
    AC Accident Condition
    ACA Amended Consent Agreement
    ACB Asbestos-Cement Board
    acc accessibility
    ACC Abnormal Condition Control
    ACCA Air Conditioning Contractors of America
    ACDA United States Arms Control and Disarmament Agency
    ACD Advanced Conceptual Design
    ACE Adsorption and catalytic exchange
    ACE Aerosol Control Experiment/Alpha Containment Enclosure (ID)
    ACEEE American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy
    ACFM Actual Cubic Feet per Minute
    ACGIH American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists
    ACHD Alameda County Health Department
    ACHP Advisory Council on Historic Preservation
    ACL Alternate Concentration Limit
    ACM Action Description Memorandum
    ACM Asbestos-Containing Materials
    ACNFS Advisory Committee for Nuclear Facility Safety
    ACNW Advisory Committee on Nuclear Waste
    ACO Administrative Consent Order
    ACP Ashtabula Closure Project
    ACRR Annual Core Research Reactor (at SNL/NM)
    ACRS Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards
    ACV At Completion Variance (BAC-EAC)
    ACWP Actual Cost Work Performed
    ACWS Actual Cost Work Scheduled
    ADM Action Description Memorandum
    ADP Automatic Data Processing
    ADR Alternate Dispute Resolution
    ADS Activity Data Sheet
    ADU Ammonium diuranate
    AE Architect - Engineer/Acquisition Executive
    A-E or A/E Architect - Engineer
    AEA Atomic Energy Act of 1954
    AEC Atomic Energy Commission
    AECC Atomic Energy Commission of Canada
    AEDA Atomic Energy Defense Activities
    AET Apparent Effect Threshold
    AFB Air Force Base
    AFP Approved Funding Program
    AG Attorney General
    AHERA Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act
    AID Agreement in Principle
    AIHA American Industrial Hygiene Association
    AIP Agreements in Principle
    AIRFA American Indian Religious Freedom Act
    AIS Advanced Isotope Separation
    AIS Air Intake Shaft
    AISC American Institute of Steel Construction
    AL Albuquerque Operations Office
    ALARA As Low As Reasonably Achievable
    ALCS Analytical Laboratory Computer System
    ALEA As-Low-As-Economically-Achievable
    ALO Albuquerque Operations Office
    ALT Alanine Aminotransferase
    AM Ames Group
    AMES Ames Laboratory
    AMLGM Amalgamation
    AMR Annual Mitigation Report
    AMS Atmospheric Monitoring Station
    AMSO Ames Site Office
    AMU Aqueous Make-Up
    AMWTF Advanced Mixed Waste Treatment Facility
    AMWTP Advanced Mixed Waste Treatment Project
    ANC American Nuclear Corporation
    ANL Argonne National Laboratory
    ANL-E Argonne National Laboratory - East (Chicago)
    ANL-W Argonne National Laboratory - West (at INEL)
    ANOVA Analysis of Variance
    ANPR Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
    ANPRM Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
    ANSI American National Standards Institute
    AOC Administrative Order on Consent
    AOC Area of Concern
    AOC+ Area of Contamination
    AOSS Automated Office Support System
    AP Affirmative Procurement
    APEN Air Pollution Emission Notice
    API American Petroleum Institute
    APSF Actinide Packaging Storage Facility
    APT Accelerator Production of Tritium
    AQCRs Air Quality Control Regions
    AR Administrative Record
    AR Argonne Group
    ARA Advanced Reactor Area/Auxiliary Rocket Area
    ARA Aquatic Resources Alteration Permit
    ARARs Applicable or Relevant and Appropriate Requirements
    ARC Albany Research Center
    ARCO Atlantic Richfield (Medical Products) Company, Reading, Pennsylvania
    ARCS Alternative Remedial Contracting Strategy
    ARO Assurance Review Office
    ARR Accelerated Residue Recovery
    ARRR Aerotest Radiography and Research Reactor, San Ramon, CA
    AS Activity Specifications
    AS Ashtabula Area Office
    ASA Auditable Safety Analysis
    ASC Advanced Simulation and Computing
    ARP Accelerated Retrieval Project
    ASDP Assistant Secretary for Defense Programs
    ASEH Assistant Secretary for Environment, Safety and Health
    ASEP Accelerated Safety Enhancement Program
    ASER Annual Site Environmental Report
    ASHE Assistant Secretary for Environment, Safety and Health
    ASI Advanced Sciences, Inc.
    ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers
    ASME NQA-1 American Society of Mechanical Engineers Nuclear Quality Assurance
    ASO Argonne Site Office
    ASQC American Society for Quality Control
    ASTM American Society of Testing and Materials
    AT Atlanta Regional Support Office
    ATA American Trucking Association
    ATL Advanced Technologies and Laboratories International, Inc.
    ATL 1 Atlantic Site 1 (38'30'N, 72'06'W)
    ATL 2 Atlantic Site 2 (37'50'N, 70'35'W)
    ATP Acceptance Test Procedure
    ATR Advanced Test Reactor (at INEEL ICCP)
    ATS Action Tracking System
    ATS Assignment Tracking System
    ATSDR Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry
    AVLIS Atomic Vapor Laser Isotope Separation
    AWQC Ambient Water Quality Criteria
    AWRE Atomic Weapons Research Establishment
    AWWT Advanced Wastewater Treatment System


    B&R Budget and Reporting Classification
    B&W Babcock and Wilcox Company
    B&W-LTC Babcock and Wilcox-Lynchburg Technology Center, Lynchburg, Virginia
    BA Baseline Assessment
    BA Baseline Assessment for the Chemical Plant Area of the Weldon Springs Site
    BA Budget Authority
    BAAQMD Bay Area Air Quality Management District
    BAC Budgeted Cost at Completion
    BACT Best Available Control Technology
    BAPL Bettis Atomic Power Laboratory, West Mifflin, Pennsylvania
    BARCT Best Available Radiological Control Technology
    BARN Barnwell, South Carolina (commercial waste site)
    BAT Best Available Technology
    BBC Balanced Biological Communications
    BC Basic Cost
    BCBG Bear Creek Burial Ground
    BCC Baseline Change Control
    BCE B-Plant Chemical Effluent
    BCK Bear Creek Kilometer
    BCL Battelle Columbus Laboratories, Columbus, Ohio
    BCLDP Battelle Columbus Laboratories Decommissioning Project, Columbus, Ohio
    BCP B-Plant Condensate Process
    BCT Best Conventional Technology
    BCV Bear Creek Valley
    BCWP Budgeted Cost of Work Performed
    BCWS Budgeted Cost of Work Scheduled
    BDAT Best Demonstrated Available Technology
    BDE Backlog of Deferred Equipment
    BDM BDM Federal Inc, Germantown, Maryland
    BDM BDM International, Inc.
    BDT Best Demonstrated Technology
    BEDS Biological Effects Database for Sediments
    BEIAS Biomedical and Environmental Information Analysis
    BEMR Baseline Environmental Management Report
    BETY Beatty, Nevada (commercial waste site)
    BG Burial Ground
    BGS Below Ground Surface
    BHSO Brookhaven Site Office
    BIO Basis for Interim Operations
    BIODG Giodegradation
    BIP Belgium Incineration Process
    BIPP B-Plant Immobilization Pilot Plant
    BJC Bechtel Jacobs Company
    BK Brookhaven Group
    BLM Bureau of Land Management
    BMAP Best Management Practice
    BMAP Biological Monitoring and Abatement Program
    BMI Battelle Memorial Institute, Columbus, Ohio
    BMP Best Management Practices
    BMRR Brookhaven Medical Research Reactor (at BNL)
    BNI Bechtel National, Inc. Oak Ridge, Tennessee
    BNL Brookhaven National Laboratory
    BO Budget Outlays
    Board Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board
    BOD Beneficial Occupancy Date
    BOD Biological Oxygen Demand
    BORAX Boiling Water Reactor Experiment
    BPA Bonneville Power Administration
    BPO Bartlesville Project Office
    BPT Best Practicable Control Technology
    Bq Becquerel
    BR Belgium reactor
    BRC Below Regular Concern
    BRWM Board on Radioactive Waste Management
    BSC B-Plant Steam Condensate
    BSG Business Strategy Group
    BSO Berkeley Site Office
    BSO Boston Regional Support Office
    BSR Bulk Shielding Reactor (at ORNL)
    BSTS Boost Surveillance Tracking System
    BTEX Benzene, Toluene, Ethyl benzene, and Total Xylene
    BWID Buried Waste Integration Demonstration
    BWP Buried Waste Program
    BWR Boiling Water Reactor
    BWXT BWX Technologies, Inc.
    BY Budget Year


    C&C Consultation and Cooperation
    C&S Certified and Segregated
    CA Characterization Area
    CA+ Cooperative Agreement
    CAA Clean Air Act
    CAAA Clean Air Act Amendments
    CAB Citizens Advisory Board
    CAD Computer Assisted Design
    CADMUS The Cadmus Group, Inc.
    CAI Controlled Air Incinerator (LANL)
    CAM Constant Air Monitor/Computer Assisted Manufacturing
    CAM Corrective Action Management
    CAMP Capital Assets Management Plan
    CAMP Corrective Action Management Program
    CAMU Corrective Action Management Unit
    CANDU Canadian Deuterium Reactor
    CAO Columbus Area Office
    CAP Corrective Action Plans
    CAP Cost Account Plan
    Cas Corrective Activities
    CASS Computer Automated Surveillance System (RL)
    CAT Construction Acceptance Test
    CATS Corrective Action Tracking System
    CBFO Carlsbad Field Office
    CBI Confidential Business Information
    CBM Chlorobromoethane
    CC Component Check/Complexant Concentrate (Waste)
    CCB Configuration Control Board
    CCC Chronic Continuous Criterion
    CCMV Converse County Mining Venture, Converse County, Wyoming
    CCTV Closed-Circuit Television
    CD Consent Decree
    CD Critical Decision 
    CDC Centers for Disease Control
    CDH Colorado Department of Health
    CDI Chronic Daily Intake
    CDNS Chief of Defense Nuclear Safety
    CDR Conceptual Design Report
    CE Capital Equipment/Cubicle Exhaust
    CE Combustion Engineering Site (FUSRAP site), Windsor, Connecticut
    CEARP Comprehensive Environmental and Response Program
    CEDE Committed Effective Dose Equivalent
    CEDR Comprehensive Epidemiologic Data Resource
    CEEP Chemical Emergency Preparedness Program
    CEMI Center for Environmental Management Information
    CEMP Columbus Environmental Management Project
    CENRTC Capital Equipment Not Related to Construction
    CEQ Council on Environmental Quality
    CERCLA Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act
    CERCLIS+ CERCLA Information System
    CET CET Environmental Services, Inc.
    CEU Consolidated Edison Uranium (at ORNL)
    CEUSP Consolidated Edison Uranium Solidification Program
    CFA Control Facilities Area
    CFC Chlorinated fluorocarbon
    CFC Chlorofluorocarbons
    CFC Combined Federal Campaign
    CFDA Canister Fabrication Development Activity
    CFR Code of Federal Regulations
    CFSGF Coal Fired Steam Generation Facility
    CFTF Central Filter Test Facility
    CFY Current Fiscal Year
    CH Chicago Field Office
    CH Chicago Operation Office
    CH Contact - Handled
    CHAR Characterization
    CHF Critical Heal Flux
    CHG CH2M Hill Hanford Group
    CHO Chicago Operations Office
    CH-TRU Contact-Handled Transuranic Waste
    CI Curie
    CIF Consolidated Incinerator Facility
    CIN Change Identification Number
    CIRRPC Committee on Interagency Radiation Research and Policy Coordination
    CISS Colonie Interim Storage Site
    CKD Concrete Kiln Dust
    CLP Contract Laboratory Program
    CLP PQL Contract Laboratory Program Practical Quantification Limit
    cm centimeter
    CM&O Construction Management and Operations
    CMAA Crane Manufacturers Association of America
    CMC Criterion Maximum Concentration
    CMI Corrective Measures Implementation
    CMP Configuration Management Plan
    CMP Corrective Measures Plan
    CMP Corrugated Metal Pipe
    CMP/SAW Corrugated Metal Pipe/Saw
    CMPO Carbamoyl Methyl Phosphine Oxide
    CMRR Chemistry and Metallurgy Research Replacement
    CMS Case Management System
    CMS Corrective Measures Study
    CMSAs Consolidated Metropolitan Statistical Areas
    CMTS Central Mercury Treatment System
    CNF Central Neutralization Facility
    CNS Chief of Nuclear Safety
    COC Certificate of Compliance
    COC Chemical of Concern
    COC Contaminant of Concern
    COCA Consent Order and Compliance Agreement
    COCO Contractor - Owned Contractor - Operated
    COD Chemical Oxygen Demand
    COE Corps of Engineers
    COG Continuity of Government
    CONOPS Conduct of Operations
    COO Conduct of Operations
    COPC Contaminant of Potential Concern
    COPEC Contaminants of Potential Ecological Concern
    CORR contractor operational readiness review
    CPAF Cost Plus Award Fee
    CPCA Core Program Cooperative Agreement
    CPDF Centrifuge Processing Development Facility
    CPM Counts Per Minute
    CPM Critical Path Method
    CPR Cost Performance Report
    CQF Cognizant Quality Function
    CR Clinch River
    CR Community Relations
    CR/PC Clinch River/Poplar Creek
    CRADA Cooperative Research and Development Agreement
    CRC Coleman Research Corporation
    CRCPD Conference of Radiation Control Program Directors, Inc. Frankfort, Kentucky
    CRD Contractors Requirements Documents
    CRD Control-Rod Drive
    CREM classified, removable electronic media
    CR-ERP Clinch River Environmental Restoration Program
    CRK Clinch River Kilometer
    CRM Clinch River Mile
    CRMP Cultural Resource Management Plan
    CROET Community Reuse Organization of East Tennessee
    CRP Community Relations Plan
    CRRFI Clinch River RCRA Facility Investigation
    CRRI Clinch River Remedial Investigation
    CRWMS-M&O Civilian Radioactive Waste Management System-Management and Operating (contractor)
    Cs Cesium
    CSA Canned Sub-Assembly
    CSAP Confirmatory Sampling and Analysis Plan
    CSB Carlsbad Area Office
    CSCSC Cost and Schedule Control System Criteria
    CSMO Central Scrap Management Office
    CSO Chicago Regional Support Office
    CSR Contact Size Reduction System (WVPP)
    CSS Cement Solidification System (WVPP)/ Contaminated Soil Site
    CSSA Contaminated Soil Storage Area
    CSSG Criticality Safety Support Group
    CSSX Caustic Side Solvent Extraction
    CSTPs Conceptual Site Treatment Plans
    CT-1 Control 1
    CT-2 Control 2
    CTA Central Technical Authority
    CTAC Carlsbad Technical Assistance Contractor
    CTS Component Test Stand
    CUA Catholic University of America
    CV Chronic Value
    CV Cost Variance
    CWA Clean Water Act (1977)
    CWAM Crated Waste Assay Monitor
    CWBS Contract WBS
    CWDF Central Waste Disposal Facility
    CWM Center for Waste Management
    CWSA Containerized Waste Storage Area
    CX Categorical Exclusions
    CY Calendar Year
    CYRTF Coal Yard Runoff Treatment Facility
    CYWP Current Year Work Plan
    CZMA Costal Zone Management Act


    D&D Decontamination and Decommissioning
    D&I Disassembly and Inspection
    D&P Development & Production
    DAC Derived Air Concentration
    DACS Dual Axis Containment System
    DAD Deputy Associate Director
    DAF Device Assembly Facility
    DARTS DOE Audit Report Tracking System
    DASDP Deputy Assistant Secretary for Defense Program
    DASI Deputy Assistant Secretary for Intelligence
    DASMA Deputy Assistant Secretary for Military Applications
    DASNM Deputy Assistant Secretary for Nuclear Materials
    DASSA Deputy Assistant Secretary for Security Affairs
    DAW Dry Active Waste
    DBA Design Basis Accident
    DBE Design Basis Earthquake
    DBPP Diversion Box and Pump Pit
    DBR Design Basis Report
    DBVS Demonstration Bulk Vitrification System
    DC Drum Cell Facility
    DCAA Defense Contract Audit Agency
    DCF Dose Conversion Factor
    DCG Derived Concentration Guide
    DE Drums Equivalent
    DEACT Deactivation
    DEAR Department of Energy Acquisition Regulation
    DEIS Draft Environmental Impact Statement
    Department Department of Energy
    Departmental Representative Departmental Representative to the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board
    DEUSS Discharge of Enriched Uranium to the Sanitary Sewer
    DF Decontamination Factor
    DFDP Defense Facilities Decommissioning Project
    DHHS Department of Health and Human Services
    DHLW Defense High-level Waste
    DHS Department of Health Services
    DIPS Dynamic Isotope Power System
    DL Detection Limit
    DL/2 One-half Detection Limit
    DMP Division of Materials Processing
    DMR Discharge Monitoring Report
    DNA Deoxyribonucleic Acid
    DNAPL Dense Nonaqueous-Phase Liquid
    DNB Departure from Nucleate Boiling
    DNB Dinitrobenzene
    DNFSB Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board
    DNT Dinitrotoluene
    DNW damaged nuclear weapon
    DOC Decommissioning Operations Contractor
    DOC Department of Commerce
    DOD Department of Defense
    DOE Department of Energy
    DOE G DOE Guide
    DOE M DOE Manual
    DOE O DOE Order
    DOE P DOE Policy
    DOE/AL DOE Albuquerque Operations Office, Albuquerque, New Mexico
    DOE/CAO DOE Carlsbad Area Office, Carlsbad, New Mexico
    DOE/CH DOE Chicago Operations Office, Argonne, Illinois
    DOE/EIA DOE Energy Information Administration
    DOE/EM DOE Office of Environmental Management
    DOE/FN DOE Fernald Area Office, Cincinnati, Ohio
    DOE/HQ Department of Energy, Headquarters
    DOE/ID DOE Idaho Operations Office, Idaho Falls, Idaho
    DOE/NV DOE Nevada Operations Office, Las Vegas, Nevada
    DOE/OAK DOE Oakland Operations Office, Oakland, California
    DOE/OH DOE Ohio Field Office, Miamisburg, Ohio
    DOE/OR DOE Oak Ridge Operations Office, Oak Ridge, Tennessee
    DOE/RF DOE Rocky Flats Office, Golden, Colorado
    DOE/RL DOE Richland Operations Office, Richland, Washington
    DOE/RW Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management
    DOE/SR DOE Savannah River Operations Office, Aiken, South Carolina
    DOE/WIPP DOE WIPP Project Office, Carlsbad, New Mexico
    DOE/WVAO DOE West Valley Area Office, West Valley, New York
    DOE-EML U.S. Department of Energy, Environmental Measurements Laboratory
    DOELAP DOE Laboratory Accreditation Program
    DOE-ORO U.S. Department of Energy Oak Ridge Operations Office
    DOE-PMR DOE-Property Management Regulations
    DOI Department of Interior
    DOJ Department of Justice
    DOL U.S. Department of Labor
    DOP Detailed Operating Procedure
    DOS Department of State
    DOT Department of Transportation
    DP Defense Program
    DPC Design, Procurement, Construction
    DPM Disintegrations Per Minute
    DPO Division of Production Operations
    DPO Differing Professional Opinion
    DPS Disintegrations Per Second
    DQO Data Quality Objectives
    DRCT Dry rod consolidation technology
    DSA Documented Safety Analysis
    DSARC Defense System Acquisition Review Council
    DSHS Department of Social and Health Services
    DSS Double-Shell Slurry
    DST Double-Shell Tank
    DSTPs Draft Site Treatment Plans
    DT&E Demonstration Test and Evaluation
    DTR Defense Terrestrial Reactor
    DTRS Debris Transport Routing Sheet
    DU Depleted Uranium
    DUOF Depleted Uranium Oxidation Facility
    DuPont E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Company
    DUST Division of Underground Storage Tanks
    DVSO Denver Regional Support Office
    DWBM Defense Waste and Byproducts Management
    DWCS Defueling Water Cleanup System
    DWER Defense Waste and Environmental Restoration
    DWMD Defense Waste Management Division
    DWMO Defense Waste Management Plan
    DWPF Defense Waste Processing Facility
    DWS Drinking Water Standard
    DWTF Decontamination and Waste Treatment Facility
    DWTF Decontamination/ Detoxification and Waste Treatment Facility
    DWTM Defense Waste and Transportation Management


    EA Environmental Assessment
    EA+ Endangerment Assessment
    EAC Environmental Advisory Committee
    EAC Estimated Cost at Completion
    EBR-I Experimental Breeder Reactor-1
    EBR-II Experimental Breeder Reactor-II
    EBWR Experimental Boiling Water Reactor
    EC Eddy Current
    EC Electrical Conductivity
    EC Electron Capture
    ECCS Emergency Core Cooling Systems
    ECF Extended Core Facility (at INEEL NRF)
    ECP Engineering Change Proposal
    ECR Excess Cancer Risk
    ECRTS Engineered Container Retrieval and Transfer System
    ECS Emergency Cooling System
    ECU Excavation Confirmation Unit
    EDAP Environmental Data Administration Plan
    EDD Enforcement Decision Document
    EDE Effective Dose Equivalent
    EDF Environmental Defense Fund
    EDL Economic Discard Limit
    EDS Engineering Demonstration System
    EE U.S. Department of Energy�s Office of the Assistant Secretary for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
    EE/CA Engineering Evaluation/Cost Analysis
    EEG Environmental Evaluation Group
    EEMTF East End Mercury Treatment Facility
    EERU Environmental Emergency Response Unit
    EESSMS East End Sanitary Sewer Monitoring Station
    EFCOG Energy Facility Contractors Group
    EFK East Fork Popular Creek Kilometer
    EFPC East Fork Popular Creek
    EFSEC Energy Facility Site Evaluation Council
    EG&G Edgerton, Germeshausen, and Grier Corporation
    EHS+ Extremely Hazardous Substance
    EIA Energy Information Administration
    EIA+ Economic Impact Assessment
    EIS Environmental Impact Statement
    EJ Environmental Justice
    ELPAT Environmental Lead Proficiency Analytical Testing Program
    EM Office of Environmental Restoration and Waste Management
    EM U.S. Department of Energy�s Office of Environmental Management
    EMAB Environmental Management Advisory Board
    EMAD Engine Maintenance Assembly and Disassembly (at NTS)
    E-MAD Engine Maintenance Assembly and Disassembly
    EMEF Environmental Management and Enrichment Facilities
    EML Environmental Measurements Laboratory
    EMP Ecological Monitoring Program
    EMP Environmental Monitoring Plan for the Oak Ridge Reservation
    EMS Environmental Management System
    EMSP Environmental Management Science Program
    ENDF Evaluated Nuclear Data File
    ENEA Italian National Committee for Nuclear and Alternative Energy Sources
    Energy System Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc.
    ENICO Exxon Nuclear Idaho Company
    EO Executive Order
    EOC Emergency Operations Center
    EOCY End of Calendar Year
    EOD Explosive Ordinance Disposal
    EOFY End of Fiscal Year
    EP Extraction Procedure
    EP Toxicity Extraction Procedure Toxicity
    EPA Environmental Protection Agency
    EPA-HQ U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Headquarters
    EPCRA+ Emergency Planning and Community Right-To-Know Act
    EPPIP Environmental Protection Program Implementation Plan
    EPRI Electric Power Research Institute
    EPS Emergency Power System
    EPT Ephemeroptera, Plecotera, Tricoptera
    EPTox Extraction Procedure Toxicity
    EQ_Part Equilibrium Partitioning Benchmark
    EQA Environmental Quality Assurance
    EQAB Environmental Quality Advisory Board
    EQAPjP Environmental Quality Assurance Project Plan
    ER Energy Research
    ER U.S. Department of Energy�s Office of Environmental Restoration
    ERA Expedited Response Action
    ERAB Energy Research Advisory Board
    ERCCC Environmental Radiation Control Coordinating Committee
    ERCS Emergency Response Cleanup Services
    ERD Emergency Response Division
    ERD Energy Response Division
    ERDA Energy Research and Development Administration
    ERG Emergency Response Guidebook
    ER-L Effects Range-Low
    ER-M Effects Range-Medium
    ERMC Environmental Restoration Management Contractors
    ERNS Emergency Response Notification System
    EROD 7-Ethoxyresorufin 0-Deethylase
    ERP Environmental Restoration Program
    ERT Environmental Response Team
    ES&H Environment, Safety and Health
    ES&H Environmental, Safety, and Health
    ESA Endangered Species Act
    ESAAB Energy System Acquisition Advisory Board
    ESAR Energy System Acquisition Review
    ESAT Environmental Services Assistance Team
    ESD Electrostatic Discharge
    ESD Environmental Sciences Division (ORNL)
    ESD Environmental Services Division
    ESD Explanation of Significant Differences
    ESH Environmental Safety and Health
    ESHQA Environmental, Safety, Health and Quality Assurance
    ESI Expanded Site Investigation
    ESO Engineering Science Order
    ETEC Energy Technology Engineering Center Canoga Park, California [also referred to as the Santa Susana Field Laboratory (SSFL)]
    ETECSO Energy Technology Engineering Center Site Office
    ETF Effluent Treatment Facility
    ETR Engineering Test Reactor
    ETTP East Tennessee Technology Park, Oak Ridge, Tennessee (formerly called the Oak Ridge K-25 Site)
    ETU Sum of Toxic Units
    EU Enriched Uranium
    EUDOR Enriched Uranium Direct Oxide Reduction
    EUO Enriched Uranium Operations


    F&OR Functional & Operational Requirements
    FACA Federal Advisory Committee Act
    FAR Federal Acquisition Regulation
    FAST Fluorinel and Storage (Facility)
    FATLC Fernald Atomics Trades and Labor Council
    FCP Fernald Closure Project
    FDA Fluorescardiacetate Hydrolysis Assay
    FDA U.S. Food and Drug Administration
    FDC Functional Design Criteria
    FDER Florida Department of Environmental Regulations
    FDP Fluorinel Dissolution Process
    FE Office of Fossil Energy
    FEA Federal Energy Administration
    FEIS Final Environmental Impact Statement
    FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency
    FEMP Fernald Environmental Management Project
    FERC Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
    FERMCO Fernald Operating Contractor
    FERMI Fermi Group
    FERMILAB Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
    Fern Fernald Area Office
    Fernald Fernald Environmental Management Project
    FFA Federal Facility Agreement
    FFCA Federal Facilities Compliance Agreement
    FFCAct Federal Facility Compliance Act
    FFS "Focused "Feasibility Study
    FFTF Fast Flux Test Facility
    FHBMS Federal Hazard Boundary Maps
    FHHS Francis Howell High School
    FIDF Fuel Improvement Demonstration Facility
    FIDS Fernald Integrated Demonstration Site
    FIFRA Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act
    FIP Federal Implementation Plan
    FIP Fuel Improvement Program
    FIRMS Federal Insurance Rate Managers
    FIS Farallon Islands (Pacific Ocean off Central California)
    FIT Field Investigation Team
    FLP Future Leaders Program
    FLPMA Federal Land Policy Management Act
    FM/FO Facility Manager and Facility Owner
    FMEF Fuels and Materials Examination Facility
    FMF Fuel Material Faculty
    FMPC Feed Materials Production Center (FERNALD)
    FNAL Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
    FO Field Office
    FOAK First of a kind
    FOIA Freedom of Information Act
    FONSI Finding of No Significant Impact
    FOS Fuel Oil Spill
    FP Fire Protection
    FPC Federal Power Commission
    FPDL Fission Product Development Laboratory
    FPF Fuels Production Facility
    FPMR Federal Property Management Regulations
    FPPA Farmland Protection Policy Act
    FPR Fuel Processing Restoration
    FPSC Fixed-price Subcontractor
    FR Federal Register
    FRA Functions, Responsibilities and Authorities
    FRAM Functions, Responsibilities and Authorities Manual
    FRESH Fernald Residents for Environmental Safety and Health
    FRL Final Remediation Level
    FRMAC Federal Radiological Monitoring and Assessment Center
    FRP Facilities Restoration Program
    FRR Foreign Research Reactor
    FS+ Feasibility Study
    FSAR Final Safety Analysis Report
    FSFCA Federal State Facilities Compliance Agreement
    FSO Fermi Site Office
    FSP Field Sampling Plan
    FSR Finding Summary Report
    FSUC Facility Segment Use Category
    FSV Fort St. Vrain
    FSVR Fort St. Vrain Reactor, Platteville, Colorado
    FT Feet
    ft Foot
    FTCP Federal Technical Capability Program
    FTE Fulltime Equivalent
    FTL/OSM Field Tracking Log/On-Site Manifest
    FUSRAP Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program
    FWCA Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act
    FWENC Foster-Wheeler Environmental Corporation
    FWPCA Federal Water Pollution Control Act
    FWS Fish and Wildlife Service
    FY Fiscal Year
    FYP Five Year Plan


    GA General Atomics, San Diego, California
    GA Georgia
    GAAT Gunite and Associate Tanks
    GAD Grants Administration Division
    GAO General Accounting Office
    GAP Government Accountability Project
    GAP CON Gap conductance
    GC General Council
    GCC General Construction Contractor
    GCD Greater Confinement Disposal
    GDP Gaseous Diffusion Plant
    GDP Grout Disposal Program
    GE General Electric
    GEIS Generic Environmental Impact Statement
    GEM (INEEL) Glovebox Excavation Method Project
    GETR General Electric Test Reactor
    GFE Government Furnished Equipment
    GFO Golden Field Office
    GI Gastrointestinal
    GJPO Grand Junction Projects Office (Grand Junction)
    GJRAP Grand Junction Remedial Action Project
    GLUMRB Greater Lakes-Upper Mississippi River Board
    G-M Geiger-Muller
    GMODS Glass Material Oxidation and Dissolution System
    GNP Gross National Product
    GOB Grants Operations Branch
    GOCO Government - Owned Contractor - Operated
    GOGO Government - Owned Government - Operated
    GPCS Gas Purification Control System
    GPMP Groundwater Protection Management Plan
    GPP General Plant Projects
    GPS Groundwater Protection Strategy
    GSA General Services Administration
    GSI Gonadal-Somatic Index
    GSN General Site Needs
    GSP Groundwater Surveillance Program
    GTAW Gas Tungsten Arc Weld
    GTCC Greater-Than-Class C (low-level waste)
    GTF Grout Treatment Facility
    GW Groundwater
    GWAR Generic Waste Acceptance Requirements
    GWDV Grouted Waste Disposal Vault
    GWPP Groundwater Protection Program
    GWPS Groundwater Protection Standard
    GWSB Glass Waste Storage Building
    GWTF Groundwater Treatment Facility
    GY Gray


    H&V Heating and Ventilation
    H&W Health and Welfare
    ha hectare
    HAC House Appropriations Committee
    HACC Human Assisted Computer Control
    HAD Hazardous Assessment Document
    HAI Health Assessment Index
    Hanford Hanford Site, Richland, Washington
    HAPs Hazardous Air Pollutants
    HAR Hazard Analysis Report
    HASC House Armed Services Committee
    HASP Health and Safety Plan
    HAW High-Activity Waste
    HAZ Hazardous
    HAZCHEM Hazardous Chemical Waste
    HazCom Hazard Communications
    HAZWOPER Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response
    HAZWRAP Hazardous Waste Remedial Actions Program
    HBCU Historically Black Colleges and Universities
    HC Hinds Creek Sampling Station
    HCF Hot Cell Facility (at SNL/NM)
    HCFCs Hydrogen Chlorofluorocarbons
    HDPE High-Density Polyethylene
    HDW Hanford Defense Waste
    HE High Explosive
    HEAST Health Effects Assessment Summary Tables
    HEC Hanford Environmental Compliance
    HEDL Hanford Engineering Development Laboratory
    HEME High-Efficiency Mist Evaporator
    HEMP Hanford Environmental Management Plan
    HEN Cap Henry (Atlantic Ocean off Virginia)
    HEPA High-Efficiency Particulate Air
    HEPA High-Efficiency Particulate Air (filters)
    HEU Highly-Enriched Uranium
    HEUMF Highly-Enriched Uranium Materials Facility
    HEW Health, Education, and Welfare
    HF Hydrofluoric Acid
    HFBR High-Flux Bean Reactor (at BNL)
    HFEF Hot Fuel Examination Facility (at ANL-W)
    HFIR High Flux Isotope Reactor
    Hg Mercury
    HHS Department of Health and Human Services
    HI Hazard Index
    HIC High-Integrity Container
    HISS Hazelwood Interim Storage Site
    HiVal High Investment Value
    HLLW High-Level Liquid Waste
    HLLWE High-Level Liquid Waste Evaporation
    HLMW High Level Mixed Waste
    HLW High-Level Waste
    HLWFP High-Level Waste Form Producers
    HLWIS High-Level Waste Interim Storage
    HMB Heat and Material Balance
    HMBCP Heat and Material Balance Computer Program
    HMTA Hazardous Materials Transportation Act
    HMWM Hazardous Materials Waste Management
    HNPF Hallam Nuclear Power Facility
    HP Health Physics
    HPGe High-Purity Germanium
    HPM High Pressure Mixer
    HPO Missouri Department of Natural Resources Historical Preservation Office
    HPT Health Physics Technician
    HQ Hazard Quotient
    HQ Headquarters
    HR House Resolution
    HRCQ Highway Route Controlled Quantity
    HRS+ Hazard Ranking System
    HSCD Hazardous Site Control Division
    HSED Hazardous Site Evaluation Division
    HSL Hazardous Substance List
    HSP Health and Safety Plan
    HSWA Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments
    HTGR High-Temperature, Gas-cooled Reactor
    HV High-volume
    HVAC Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning
    HW Hazardous Waste
    HW/MW Hazardous Waste/Mixed Waste
    HWHF Hazardous Waste Handling Facility
    HWHO Hazardous Waste Handling Operations
    HWIR Hazardous Waste Identification Rule
    HWMP Hanford Waste Management Plan
    HWMU Hazardous Waste Management Unit
    HWR Heavy-Water Reactor
    HWVP Hanford Waste Vitrification Plant
    HZ Hazardous Waste


    I&C Instrumentation & Control
    I&E Inspection and Evaluation
    i.p. Intraperitoneal
    I/CDI Intake (estimated dose)/Chronic Daily Intake
    I/I Industrial and Institutional (waste)
    IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency
    IAG Interagency Agreement
    IAM International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers
    IAQB Idaho Air Quality Bureau
    IATA International Air Transportation Association
    IBPMS Integrated Budget & Project Management System
    IBWP Idaho National Engineering Laboratory Buried Waste Program
    I&C Instrumenation and Control
    IC Institutional Controls
    ICC Interstate Commerce Commission
    ICE Independent Cost Estimate
    ICP Inductively Coupled Plasma
    ICP-MS Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry
    ICPP Idaho Chemical Processing Plant
    ICRP International Commission on Radiological Protection
    ICRU International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements
    ID Idaho Field Office
    ID Identification
    ID Idaho Operations Office
    IDB Integrated Data Base
    IDLH Immediately Dangerous to Life & Health
    IDW Investigation-Derived Waste
    IE Irradiation Effects
    IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers
    IEMP Integrated Environmental Monitoring Plan
    IEP International Energy Program
    IEP Interactive Electronic Procedures (Pantex)
    IFMCC Intersite Feed Materials Coordinating Committee
    IFPF Idaho Fuels Processing Facility
    IFSF Irradiated Fuel Storage Facility (at INEEL)
    IG Inspector General
    IH Industrial Hygiene
    IHA Integrated Hazard Analysis
    IHEM In-House Energy Management Program
    IHgTU Interim Mercury Treatment Unit
    IIMS Integrated Information Management System
    ILAW Immobilized Low-Activity Waste
    ILTSF Intermediate-Level Transuranic Storage Facility
    ILW Intermediate-Level Liquid Waste
    IMDG International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code
    IMP Impacted Materials Placement (Plan)
    IMT Integrated Management Team
    in. inch
    INCIN Incineration
    INEEL Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory
    INEL Idaho National Engineering Laboratory
    INF Intermediate Nuclear Forces
    INL Idaho National Laboratory
    INPO Institute for Nuclear Power Operations
    INTEC Idaho Nuclear Technologies and Engineering Center at INEEL
    IP Implementation Plan
    IPAC Industrial and Professional Advisory Council
    IPRP Implementation Plan for the Recovery of Plutonium
    IRB Internal Review Board or Budget
    IRC Information Resource Center
    IRDP Integrated Remedial Design Package
    IRIS Integrated Risk Information System
    IRM Initial Remedial Measure
    IRR Internal Rate of Return
    IRS Interim Retrievable Storage
    IRTS Integrated Radwaste Treatment System
    IS Industrial Safety
    ISA Interim Storage Area (at Hanford)
    ISCORS Interagency Steering Committee on Radiation Standards
    ISF Interim Storage Facility
    ISFSI Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation
    ISI In-Service Inspection
    ISL In Situ Leaching
    ISM Integrated Safety Management
    ISMS Integrated Safety Management Systems
    ISO International Organization for Standardization
    ISV In Situ Vitrification
    IT Innovative Technologies
    IT Isomeric Transition
    ITC Inner Tent Chamber
    ITC TRU Impractical to Certify TRU
    ITEH Institute of Toxicology and Environmental Health
    ITP In-Tank Precipitation
    ITP In-Tank Processing
    ITRI Inhalation Toxicology Research Institute (Albuquerque)
    IVC Independent Verification Contractor
    IDC Inner Demolition Chamber
    IWTS Integrated Water Treatment System
    IWAP Integrated Weapons Activity Plan
    IWC Instream Waste Concentration
    IWMC Integrated Waste Management Complex
    IWMF Interim Waste Management Facility
    IWMIS Industrial Waste Management Information Systems
    IWO Interim Waste Operations
    IWPF Idaho Waste Processing Facility
    IWQP Integrated Water Quality Program


    JAI (E.R.) Johnson Associates, Inc., Oakton, Virginia
    JCS Joint Chiefs of Staff
    JIO Joint Integration Office
    JTU Jackson Turbidity Unit


    K^eff Calculated Effective Multiplication Factor
    K-25 Site Oak Ridge K-25 Site
    KAMS K-Area Materials Storage Facility
    KAPL Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory
    KC Kansas City Area Office
    KCP Kansas City Plant
    KCSO Kansas City Site Office
    KD Key Decision
    KE K East Reactor
    KEH Kaiser Engineers, Hanford
    KESS Kesselring Site (at KAPL)
    KFL Key Facilities List
    kg Kilogram
    KI Kirtland Area Office
    km kilometer
    KOH KOH Systems, Inc.
    KPDES Kentucky Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
    K-T Kepner-Tregoe
    KW K West Reactor
    KWD Kilowatt Days


    LAAO Los Alamos Area Office
    LAER Lowest Achievable Emission Rate
    LANL Los Alamos National Laboratory
    LANSE Los Alamos Netron Science Center
    LACEF Los Alamos Criticality Experiments Facility
    LASO Los Alamos Site Office
    LAW Low-Activity Waste
    lb pound
    L-Basin Savannah River Site�s L-Reactor Basin
    LBL Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory
    LBNL Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, California
    LBS. Pounds
    LC(50) Effluent Concentration Lethal to 50% of Test Organisms
    LCL95 95% Lower Confidence Limit
    LCV Lowest Chronic Value
    LDRs Land Disposal Restrictions
    LDU Land Disposal Unit
    LEP Life Extension Program
    LEU Low Enriched Uranium
    LiH Lithium Hydride
    LEF L-Area Experiemental Facility
    LECS Liquid Effluent Containment System
    LEFPC Lower East Fork Popular Creek
    LEHR Laboratory for Energy-Related Health Research
    LEL Lowest Effect Level
    LEPCs Local Emergency Planning Committees
    LET Linear Energy Transfer
    LET&D Liquid Effluent Treatment and Disposal
    LETF Liquid Effluent Treatment Facility
    LEU Low-enriched Uranium
    LFRSB Loose Fuel-Rod Shipping Basket
    LGR Light-Water Cooled, Graphite-Moderated Reactor
    LHS Latin Hypercube Sampling
    LICP Line Item Construction Project
    LiOH Lithium Hydroxide
    LIS Laser Isotope Separation
    L-Lake Cooling Lake
    LLBG Low-Level Burial Grounds
    LLCL Low Level Counting Laboratory
    LLD Lower Limit of Detection
    LLLW Liquid Low-Level Waste
    LLMW Low Level Mixed Waste
    LLNL Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
    LLR LOFT Lead Rod
    LLRW Low-Level Radioactive Waste
    LLRWPA Low-Level Radioactive Waste Policy Amendments of 1985
    LLRWPAA Low-Level Radioactive Waste Policy Amendments Act of 1985
    LLW Low-Level Waste
    LLWDDD Low-Level Waste Disposal, Development, and Demonstration
    LLWMA Low-Level Waste Management Area
    LLWMP Low-Level Waste Management Program
    LLWPSS Low-Level Waste Processing and Shipping Program
    LMA Line Management Assessment
    LMER Lockheed Martin Energy Research Corporation
    LMES Lockheed Martin Energy Systems
    LMFBR Liquid-Metal Fast-Breeder Reactor
    LMITCO Lockheed Martin Idaho Technologies Company, Idaho Falls, Idaho
    LMUS Lockheed Martin Utility Services, Inc.
    LOAEL Lowest-Observed-Adverse-Effect Level
    LOC Loss of Coolant
    LOCA Loss-of-Coolant Accident
    LOEC Lowest-Observed Effective Level
    LOFT Loss of Fluid Test
    LSA Low Specific Activity
    LSFA Landfill Stabilization Focus Area
    LSI Liver-Somatic Index
    LSMR Large-Scale Metal Recycle
    LSO Livermore Site Office
    LTHWR Low-Temperature Heavy-Water Reactor
    LTRA Long Term Response Action
    LTSM Long-Term Surveillance and Maintenance
    LTV Lowest Test Value
    LUST Leaking Underground Storage Tank
    LWA Land Withdrawal Act
    LWBR Light-Water Breeder Reactor
    LWR Light-Water Reactor
    LWTS Liquid Waste Treatment System


    M&I Management and Integration
    M&O Management & Operating
    M&TE Measuring and Test Equipment
    M/S Materials and Services
    M2 Square Meter
    M3 Cubic Meter
    MAA Material Access Area
    MACRO Macro encapsulation
    MACT Maximum Achievable Control Technology
    MACTEC MAC Technical Services Company
    MAD Maintenance Assembly and Disassembly
    MAD Mutual Assured Destruction
    MAO Miamisburg Area Office
    MAP Management Action Process
    MAP Mitigation Action Plan
    MAPEP Mixed Analyte Performance Evaluation Program
    MAPI Mitsubishi Atomic Power Industries
    MARSSIM Multi-Agency Radiological Survey and Site Investigation Manual
    MASS Massachusetts Bay
    MAT Monitoring, Analysis and Testing
    MAWS Minimum Additive Waste Stabilization
    MC&A Materials Control and Accountability
    MCC Motor Control Center
    MCi Magacuries
    MCL Maximum Contaminant Level
    MCLG Maximum Contaminate Level Goal
    MCO Multi-Canister Overpack
    MCP Miamisburg Closure Project
    MCS Monitoring Control System
    MCU Modular CSSX Unit
    MCW Maywood Chemical Works
    MDA Minimum Detectable Activity
    MDC Minimum Detectable Concentration
    MDNR Missouri Department of Natural Resources
    MDOC Missouri Department of Conservation
    MDSA Master Document Safety Analysis
    MED Manhattan Engineer District
    MEDLAR National Library of Medicine Database
    MEF Material Evaluation Form
    MEK Melton Branch Kilometer
    METC Morgantown Energy Technology Center
    MEWS Mixed Energy Waste Study
    MFKY Maxey Flats, Kentucky (commercial waste site)
    MFRP Midwest Fuel Recovery Plant, Morris Illinois (commercial spent fuel storage site)
    MFT Memorandum to File
    mg Milligram
    MG Motor Generator
    mg/kg milligram per kilogram
    mg/l Milligrams Per Liter
    Mgd Million Gallons Per Day
    MGPF Multiprogram General Purpose Facilities
    MHTC Missouri Highway Transportation Commission
    MI Minority Institution
    MIE Major Item of Expense
    MIK Mitchell Branch Kilometer
    MIMS Manifest Information Management System
    MIN Materials in Inventory
    MIP Maintenance Implementation Plan
    MIS Management Information System
    MIS Materials Identification & Surveillance Program
    MK-F MK-Ferguson of Oak Ridge Company
    MLC Military Liaison Committee
    MLIS Molecular Laser Isotope Separation
    MLLW Mixed Low-Level Waste
    MLLWDF Mixed Low-Level Waste Disposal Facility
    MMEC Materials Management Executive Committee
    MMES Martin Marietta Energy Systems
    MMP Materials Management Plan
    MND Mound Plant
    MNS Master Nuclear Schedule
    MOA Memorandum of Agreement
    MOE Ministry of Environment (Ontario)
    MOU Memorandum of Understanding
    Mound Miamisburg Environmental Management Project
    MP Major Project
    MPC Matrix Parameter Category
    MPC Multi-Purpose Canister
    MPPF Multi-Purpose Processing Facility
    MPRSA The Marine Protection, Research and Sanctuaries Act
    MPS Meters Per Second
    mrem/yr Millirems per Year
    MRF Metal Recovery Facility
    MRM Miscellaneous Radioactive Material
    MSA Major Systems Acquisition
    MSA Material Staging Area
    MSA Metropolitan Statistical Areas
    MSAD Mechanical Safe and Arm Detonator
    MSCA Multi-Site Cooperative Agreement
    MSCC Material Segregation and Containerization Criteria (form)
    MSDSs Materials Safety Data Sheets
    MSHA Mine Safety and Health Administration
    MSL Management Systems Laboratory
    MSL Mean Sea Level
    MSR Molten Salt Reactor (at ORNL)
    MSRE Molten Salt Reactor Experiment
    MSRE Molten Salt Reactor Experiment
    MSSA Master Safeguard and Security Agreement
    mSv Millisievert
    MT Metric Tons
    MTHM Metric Tons Heavy Metal
    MTIHM Metric Tons Initial Heavy Metal
    MTL Material Tracking Location
    MTR Materials and Test Reactor
    MTR Minimum Technology Requirement
    MTRUM Mixed Transuranic Waste
    MTU Metric Tons Uranium
    MURR Missouri (University of) Research Reactor, Columbia Missouri
    MVTWTP Melton Valley Transuranic Waste Treatment Plant
    MVWPF Melton Valley Transuranic Waste Processing Facility
    MVWTP Melton Valley Waste Treatment Plant
    MW Megawatt
    MW Mixed Waste
    MWe Megawatt Electric
    MWIR Mixed Waste Inventory Report
    MWMF Mixed Waste Management Facility
    MWt Megawatt Thermal
    MWTF Multi-Function Waste Tank Facility


    N/A Not Applicable
    NA Not Applicable
    NAA "Nonattainment" Area
    NAAG National Association of Attorneys General
    NAAQS National Ambient Air Quality Standards
    NAE National Academy of Engineers
    NaI Sodium Iodide
    NARA National Archives and Record Administration
    NARAC National Atmospheric Release Advisory Center
    NARM Naturally-Occurring or Accelerator-Produced Radioactive Material
    NAS National Academy of Sciences
    NAWQC National Ambient Water Quality Criteria
    NB New Brunswick Laboratory
    NB Nitrobenzene
    NBL-NJ New Brunswick Laboratory - New Jersey
    NBSR National Bureau of Standards Reactor, Gaithersburg, Maryland
    NCAPS National Corrective Action Prioritization System
    NCAW Neutralized Current Acid Waste
    NCP National Contingency Plan
    NCP+ National Oil and Hazardous Substances Contingency Plan (National Contingency Plan)
    NCRP National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements
    NCRW Neutralized Cladding Removal Waste
    NCSP Nuclear Criticality Safety Program
    NDA Nondestructive Assay/NRC Licensed Disposal Area
    NDE Nondestructive Evaluation
    NDE/NDA Non-Destructive Examination/Non-Destructive Assay
    NDT Nondestructive Testing
    NE Office of Nuclear Energy
    NEC National Electric Code
    NEPA National Environmental Policy Act (1969)
    NERL-LV National Exposure Research Laboratory at Las Vegas
    NES Nonradiological Environmental Surveillance Program
    NES Nuclear Explosive Safety Process
    NESE Nuclear Explosion Safety Evaluation
    NESS Nuclear Explosive Safety Study
    NESHAPs National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants
    NETL National Energy Technology Laboratory
    NETO National Environmental Training Office
    NEUTR Neutralization
    NFCS Nationwide Food Consumption Survey
    NFPA National Fire Protection Agency
    NFS Nuclear Fuels Services
    NFSP Nuclear and Facility Safety Programs
    NFSS Niagara Falls Storage Site
    ng Nanograms
    NGA National Governor's Association
    NHF New Hydrofracture Facility
    NHP New Hope Pond
    NHPA National Historic Preservation Act
    NIEHS National Institute for Environmental Health Sciences
    NIOSH National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
    NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology
    NJDEP New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection
    NLF Navy Landfill
    NLO NLO, Inc.
    NLOP North Load-Out Pit (Hanford)
    NM New Mexico
    NM Nuclear Materials
    NMD No-Migration Determination
    NMD No-Migration Determination
    NMED New Mexico Environment Department
    NMEID New Mexico Environmental Improvement Division
    NMFS National Marine Fisheries Service
    NMGF New Mexico Department of Game and Fish
    NMIMT New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology
    NMIS Nuclear Materials Inspection and Storage
    NMMD Nuclear Material Management Division
    NMMSS Nuclear Materials Management and Safeguards System
    NMP Office of Nuclear Materials Production
    NMV No-Migration Variance
    NMWQCCR New Mexico Water Quality Control Commission Regulations
    NNSA National Nuclear Security Administration
    NOA Notice of Availability
    NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
    NOAEL No-Observed-Adverse-Effect Level
    NOD Notice of Decision
    OBOE Subcritical Experiments at Nevada Test Site
    NOD Notice of Deficiency
    NOEC no-observed-effect concentration
    NOEL no-observed-effect level
    NOI Notice of Intent
    NOMAD trade name; not an acronym
    NON Notice of Noncompliance
    NORM Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material
    NOV Notice of Violation
    NOx Nitrogen Oxides
    NOx Nitrous Oxide
    Np Neptunium
    NPDES National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
    NPDWR National Primary Drinking Water Regulations
    NPL+ National Priorities List
    NPR New Production Reactor
    NPRM Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
    NPS National Park Service
    NPV Net Present Value
    NQA National Quality Assurance
    NR Natural Resource
    NR Naval Reactors
    NRC National Research Council
    NRC National Response Center
    NRC Nuclear Regulatory Commission
    NRD Natural Resource Damage
    NRDA Natural Resource Damage Assessment
    NRDC Natural Resource Defense Council
    NREL National Renewable Energy Laboratory
    NRF Naval Reactor Facility
    NRT National Response Team
    NRTC Natural Resource Trustee Council
    NRWTF Nonradiological Wastewater Treatment Facility
    NSC National Security Council
    NSDWP National Secondary Drinking Water Regulations
    NSF National Science Foundation
    NSF National Strike Force
    NSO Nevada Site Office
    NSPS New Source Performance Standards
    NTIS National Technical Information Service, Springfield, Virginia
    NTPO National Transuranic Waste Program Office
    NTS Nevada Test Site
    NTSB National Transportation Safety Board
    NTU Nephelometric Turbidity Unit
    NUMEC Nuclear Uranium Materials and Equipment Corporation
    NUREG NRC Acronym used for Regulatory Guidance Documents
    NUS NUS Corporation, Gaithersburg, Maryland
    NV Nevada Field Office
    NV Nevada Operations Office
    NVLAP National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program
    NW 2 Northwest 2
    NWCF New Waste Calcining Facility
    NWHWRC Pacific Northwest Hazardous Waste, Research, Development and Demonstration Center
    NWPA Nuclear Waste Policy Act (1982)
    NWPAA NWP Amendments Act of 1987
    NWSM Nuclear Weapons Stockpile Memorandums
    NYSDEC New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
    NYSERDA New York State Energy Research and Development Administration


    O&EC Operating and Engineering Contractor
    O&M Operation and Maintenance
    O&MM Operations and Maintenance Manual
    O/O Owner/Operator
    OA Office of Independence Oversight and Performance Assurance
    OAC Ohio Administration Code
    OAK Oakland Operations Office
    OBE Overtaken by Events
    OCB Operations Control Building
    OCF Oxide Conversion Facility
    OCRWM Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management
    ODS Ozone-Depleting Substance
    OE Operating Expense
    OECM Office of Enforcement and Compliance Division
    OEMP Operational Environmental Monitoring Plan
    OEPA Ohio Environmental Protection Agency
    OER Office of Energy Research
    OER Office of Environmental Restoration
    OERR Office of Emergency and Remedial Response
    OFFE Office of Federal Facilities Enforcement
    OH Ohio Field Office
    OHF Old Hydrofracture Facility
    OHM Office of Hazardous Materials
    OHMTADS Oil and Hazardous Material Technical Assistance Data System
    OMA Office of Military Application
    OMB Office of Management and Budget
    ONS Office of Nuclear Safety, ASPE
    ONWI Office of Nuclear Waste Isolation
    OO Operations Office
    OPM Office of Personnel Management
    OPM Office of Program Management
    OPTRAN Operational Transit
    OR Oak Ridge Field Office
    OR Oak Ridge Operations Office
    OR Oak Ridge Complex: Oak Ridge National Laboratory, East Tennessee Technology Park and Oak Ridge Y-12 Plant, Oak Ridge, Tennessee
    ORAU Oak Ridge Associated University
    OREIS Oak Ridge Environmental Information System
    ORGDP Oak Ridge Gaseous Diffusion Plant (K-25 Site)
    ORIGEN Oak Ridge Isotope Generator
    ORIGEN2 Oak Ridge Isotope Generation and Depletion Code (version 2)
    ORISE Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education
    ORM Other Regulated Material
    ORNL Oak Ridge National Laboratory
    ORO Oak Ridge Operations Office
    ORP Office of River Protection
    ORR Oak Ridge Reservation
    ORR Operational Readiness Review
    ORREMP Oak Ridge Reservation Environmental Monitoring Program
    ORREMSSAB Oak Ridge Reservation Environmental Management Site Specific Advisory Board
    ORR-PCB-FFCA Oak Ridge Reservation Polychlorinated Biphenyl Federal Facilities Compliance Act
    OSC+ On-Scene Coordinator
    OSDF On-site Disposal Facility
    OSH Occupational Safety and Health
    OSH Act Occupational Safety and Health Act
    OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration
    OSO Office of Science and Technology Policy Operational Services - Other
    OSR Operational Safety Requirement
    OSTI Office of Scientific and Technical Information
    OSW Office of Solid Waste
    OSWER Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response
    OTA Office of Technology Assessment
    OTD Office of Technology Development
    OU Operable Unit
    OWP Office of Weapon Production
    OWPE Office of Waste Programs Enforcement
    OWST Organic Waste Storage Tank


    P&D Production and Development
    P&PD Production and Planning Directive
    P.L. Public Law
    PA Project Authorization
    PA/ES&H Production Assurance/Environment, Safety and Health
    PA/SI Preliminary Assessment/Site Inspection
    PA/SI Preliminary Assessment/Site Investigation
    PA/ST Preliminary Assessment/Site Inspection
    PA+ Preliminary Assessment
    PAAA Price-Anderson Amendments Act
    PACE Plant and Capital Equipment
    PAD Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant, Paducah, Kentucky
    PAF Plasma Arc Furnace
    PAH Polycyclicpoly-nuclear Atomic Hydrocarbons
    PAM Perimeter Air Monitoring (station)
    Panel Federal Technical Capability Panel
    PANT Pantex Plant, Amarillo, Texas
    PAO Department of Energy Public Affairs Office
    PAO Princeton Group
    PAP Personnel Assurance Program
    PAP Project Acquisition Plan
    PARM Program Analysis and Resource Management, OMA
    PATRAM Packaging and Transportation of Radioactive Materials
    PBF Power Burst Facility
    PBS Project Baseline Summary
    PC Personal Computer
    PC Poplar Creek
    PCE Perchloroethene
    pCi Picocurie
    pCi/G Picocries per gram
    PCK Poplar Creek Kilometer
    PCM Phase Contrast Microscopy
    PCM Poplar Creek Mile
    PCPs Polycholrinated Biphenyl
    PCS Primary Coolant System
    PCT Production Consistency Testing
    PDC Performance Development Corporation
    PDCF Pit Disassembly and Conversion Facility
    PDF Portable Document Format
    PDQ-7 Group Diffusion Reactor Computation Code
    PDR Performance Dry Run
    PDS Project Data System
    PDSA Preliminary Documented Safety Analysis
    PE&D Plant Engineering and Design
    PEG Program Execution Guidance
    PEIS Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement
    PEP Program Execution Plan
    PER (special) Power Excursion Reactor (test) (at INEEL)
    PERT Performance Evaluation Review Technique
    PETC Pittsburgh Energy Technology Center
    PEW Process Equipment Waste
    PFM Process Facility Modification
    PFP Plutonium Finishing Plant
    PGDP Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant (Paducah)
    pH Hydrogen-Ion Activity of a System
    PHEA Public Health and Ecological Assessment
    PHSO Philadelphia Regional Support Office
    PI Pinellas Area Office
    PI Principal Investigator
    PIAT Public Information Assistance Team
    PICS Project Information Control System
    PIDAS Perimeter Intrusion Detection Assessment System
    Pinellas Pinellas Plant, Largo, Florida
    PIP Program Implementation Plan
    PIP Public Involvement Program
    PISCES Plant Instrumentation Surveillance Calibration & Evaluation System
    PJM Pulse Jet Mixer
    PLE Product Limit Estimate
    PM Prevention Maintenance
    PM Program Manager
    PM Project Manager
    PM-10 Particulate Matter less than 10 Microns in Diameter
    PMA Power Marketing Administration
    PMC Project Management Contractor
    PMIP Project Management and Integration Plan
    PMP Project Management Plan
    PMPR Program Manager's Progress Report
    PMS Project Management System
    PNL Pacific Northwest Laboratory
    PNNL Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, Washington
    PNPF Piqua Nuclear Power Facility
    PNRO Pittsburgh Naval Reactors Office
    PNWL Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
    PO Office of the Assistant Secretary for Policy and International Affairs
    POC Point of Contact
    POL Project Objective Letter
    POLREPS Pollution Reports
    POM Packaging Operations Management
    PORT Portsmouth Site Office
    PORTS Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant
    POTW Publicly Owned Treatment Works
    PP Pantex Plant
    PP Plutonium Processing
    PP Project Plan
    PP Proposed Plan for Remedial Action and the Chemical Plant Area of the Weldon Springs
    PPA Pollution Prevention Act
    PPB/PPM Parts per Billion/Parts per Million
    PPBS Federal Planning, Programming and Budgeting System
    PPE Personal Protective Equipment
    PPL Program Planning Level
    PPM Parts per Million
    PPM/PPB Parts per Million/Parts per Billion
    PPOA Pollution Prevention Opportunity Assessment
    PPPL Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
    PPPO Portsmouth/Paducah Project Office
    PPS Plant Protection System
    PRA Probabilistic Risk Assessment
    PRAC Programs Risk Advisory Committee
    PRAP Proposed Remedial Action Plan
    PRD Project Requirements Document
    PRDA Program Research and Development Announcement
    PRECP Chemical Precipitation
    PREPP Processing Experimental Pilot Plant
    PRF Plutonium Reclamation Facility
    PRP Potentially Responsible Party
    PRP Productivity Retention Program
    PRS Project Record Services
    PRSC+ Post-Removal Site Control
    PRTR Plutonium Recycle Test Reactor
    PSAR Preliminary Safety Analysis Report
    PSC Public Service of Colorado
    PSCM Pilot Scale Ceramic Melter
    PSCS Preliminary Site Characterization Summary
    PSD Prevention of Significant Deterioration
    PSG Planning Support Group
    PSO Program Secretarial Office
    PSO Program Senior Official
    PSP Plasma Separation Process
    PSP Post Solidification Plan
    PSP Project-Specific Plan
    PSTP Proposed Site Treatment Plan
    PSWBS Program/Project Summary WBS
    PTI Project Training and Improvement
    PTS Project Tracking System
    PTSO Project Technical Support Office
    Pu Plutonium
    Pu/Ti Plutonium/Titanium
    PuCL Plutonium Chloride
    PuE Plutonium Equivalent
    PuSPS Plutonium Stabilization and Packaging System
    PUREX Plutonium Uranium Extraction
    PVC Polyvinyl Chloride
    PWID Project Waste Identification and Disposition (form)
    PWMP Pond Waste Management Project
    PWR Pressurized-Water Reactor
    PWSF Production Waste Treatment and Disposal Facility
    PWTDF Production Waste Treatment and Disposal Facility
    PWTF Production Waste Treatment Facility
    PY Prior Year


    q1* Carcinogenicity Slope Factor
    QA Quality Assurance
    QA/QC Quality Assurance/Quality Control
    QACD Quality Assurance Control Document
    QAMS Quality Assurance Management Staff
    QAMT Quality Assurance Management Team
    QAP Quality Assurance Plan
    QAP Quality Assurance Procedure
    QAP Quality Assurance Program
    QAPD Quality Assurance Program Description
    QAPjP Quality Assurance Project Plan
    QAPP+ Quality Assurance Project Plan
    QARD Quality Assurance Requirements Document
    QARG Quality Assurance Review Group
    QAT Quality Action Team
    QC Quality Control
    QTY Quantity
    QWTP Quarry Water Treatment Plant


    R&D Research and Development
    RA Readiness Assessment
    RA Removal Action
    RA Risk Assessment
    RA+ Remedial Action
    RAC Response Action Contractor
    RACT Reasonably Achievable Control Technology
    RAD Radiation Absorbed Dose
    RAD Radioactivity
    RAD-NESHAP Radionuclide National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutions
    RAL Remote Analytical Laboratory
    RAM Remote Area Monitor
    RANT Radioassay and Nondestructive Testing
    RAO Remedial Action Objectives
    RAP Remedial Action Program
    RAR Remedial Action Report
    RASB Radioactive Asbestos
    RAWP Remedial Action Work Plan
    RBE Relative Biological Effectiveness
    RBOF Savannah River Site�s Receiving Basin for Offsite Fuels
    RBP Radiological Baseline Program
    RC Regional Coordinator
    RC Remedial Construction
    RCA Radiological Control Area
    RCB Retrieval Containment Building
    RCD Reference Conceptual Design
    RCF RCRA Facility Assessment
    RCG Radioactivity Concentration Guide
    RCM Radiological Control Manual
    RCMS Removal Cost Management System
    RCRA Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (1976)
    RCSB Rackable Can Storage Box
    RCW Recirculating Cooling Water
    RD&D Research, Development, and Demonstration
    RD/RA Remedial Design/Remedial Action
    RD+ Remedial Design
    RDDT&E Research Development Demonstration Test and Evaluation
    RDR Remedial Design Report
    RDS Risk Data Sheet
    REA Radiological Engineering Assessment
    REDAC Remote Detection and Controls
    REDC Radionuclide engineering Development Center
    REECo Reynolds Electrical and Engineering Company, Inc.
    REM Remedial Planning
    REM Roentgen Equivalent Man
    RER Remediation Effectiveness Report
    RES Radiological Environmental Surveillance
    RESL Radiological and Environmental Sciences Laboratory
    RESRAD Residual Radiation
    RF Rocky Flats Field Office
    RFA RCRA Facility Assessment
    RfC Reference Concentration
    RfD Reference Dose
    RFETS Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site
    RFFO Rocky Flats Field Office
    RFI RCRA Facility Investigation
    RFI Plans RCRA Facility Investigation Plans
    RFI/CMS RFI/Corrective Measure Study
    RFP Request for Proposal
    RFPO Rocky Flats Project Office
    RGO Remedial Goal Option
    RGP Rare Gas Plant
    RH Remote-Handled
    RHF Reactor a-Haut Flux
    RHO Rockwell Hanford Operations
    RH-TRU Remote-Handled Transuranic Waste
    RI Rockwell International Corporation, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
    RI/FS Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study
    RI/FS-EIS Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study-Environmental Impact Statement
    RI+ Remedial Investigation
    RIA Reactivity Initiated Accident
    RIA Regulatory Impact Analysis
    RICH Richland, Washington (commercial waste site)
    RIF Recoverable Irradiated Fuel
    RIR Remedial Investigation Report
    RL Radio luminescent (light)
    RL Richland Field Office
    RL Richland Operations Office
    RM Responsible Manager
    RMD Resource Management Division
    RMDF Radioactive Materials Disposal Facility
    RME Reasonable Maximum Exposure
    RMI Reactive Metals, Incorporated Titanium Company Extrusion Plant, Ashtabula, Ohio
    RMP Radiological Monitoring Plan
    RMPE Reduction of Mercury in Plan Effluent
    RMW Radioactive Mixed Waste
    RMX Radioactive Mixed Waste
    ROA Research Opportunity Announcement
    ROD Record of Decision
    ROG Radioactive Organic Gases
    ROI Return on Investment
    ROV Report of Violation
    RP+ Responsible Party
    RPCB Radioactive Polychlorinated Biphenyl
    RPM Remedial Project Manager
    RQ+ Reportable Quantity
    RRB Readiness Review Board
    RRC Regional Response Center
    RRT Regional Response Team
    RSCRC Regional Superfund Community Relations Coordinator
    RSM Radioactively Contaminated Scrap Metal
    RSO Responsible Supervisory Official
    RSPA Research and Special Programs Administration
    RSR Remote Size Reduction
    RSWF Radioactive Scrap & Waste Facility
    RSWMS Radioactive Scrap and Waste Management Site
    RTG Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator
    RTR Real Time Radiography
    RTS Removal Tracking System
    RW Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management
    RWG Reduced Waste Generation
    RWMC Radioactive Waste Management Complex
    RWMIS Radioactive Waste Management Information System
    RWMS Radioactive Waste Management Site
    RWP Radiation Work Permit
    RWQCB Regional Water Quality Control Board


    S&A Sampling and Analysis
    S&M Surveillance and Maintenance
    S&S Safeguards and Security
    s.c. Subcutaneous
    S/RIDs Standards/ Requirements Identification Documents
    S-1 U.S. Department of Energy Secretary of Energy
    SAB Environmental Protection Agency�s Science Advisory Board
    SAC Senate Appropriations Committee
    SAC Support Agency Coordinator
    SACA Support Agency Cooperative Agreement
    SAD Safety Analysis Document
    SAF Secure Automated Fabrication
    SAFER Streamlined Approach for Environmental Restoration
    SAIC Science Application International Corporation
    SAN San Francisco Field Office
    SAN San Francisco Operations Office
    SAP Sampling and Analysis Plan
    SAR Safety Analysis Report
    SARA+ Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act
    SARP Safety Analysis Report for Packaging
    SARS Safety Analysis and Review System
    SAS Special Analytical Services
    SASC Senate Armed Services Committee
    SASSI System for Analysis of Soil-Structure Interaction
    SAV Secondary Acute Value
    SBIR Small Business Innovation Research
    SBS Safety Basis Strategy
    SBW Sodium-Bearing Waste
    SCAP Superfund Consolidated Accomplishments Plan
    SCDHEC South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control
    SCEM Site Conceptual Exposure Model
    SCO State Cleanup Order
    SCQ Site wide CERCLA Quality Assurance Project Plan
    SCS Soil Conservation Service
    SCTI Sodium Components Test Installation
    SCV Secondary Chronic Value
    SCW Special Case Waste
    SDA State-licensed Disposal Area
    SDA Subsurface Disposal Area
    SDF Slurry Dewatering Facility
    SDG San Diego (Pacific Ocean off San Diego, California)
    SDI Strategic Defense Initiative
    SDOR Saltless Direct Oxide Reduction
    SDS Submerged Demineralizer System
    SDWA Safe Drinking Water Act
    SE&EA Safety, Environment, and Emergency Actions
    SE-1 Southeast 1
    SE-2 Southeast 2
    SEA Site Evaluation Accomplished
    SEB Source Evaluation Board
    Secretary Secretary of Energy
    SED Site wide Environmental Database
    SEG Scientific Ecology Group, Inc., Oak Ridge, Tennessee
    SEIS State Environmental Impact Statement
    SEIS Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement
    SEMP Systems Engineering Management Plan
    SEN Secretary of Energy Notice
    SEP Safety Enhancement Program
    SEP Site wide Excavation Plan
    SER Site Environmental Report
    SERA Superfund Emergency Response Actions
    SERCs State Emergency Response Commissions
    SERDP Strategic Environmental Research Development Program
    SETF Systems Evaluation and Test Facilities
    SEU Slightly Enriched Uranium
    SF San Francisco Operations Office
    SF Slope Factor
    SF+ Superfund
    SFD Severe Fuel Damage
    SIMS Safety Issues Management System
    SIRR Single Internal Readiness Review
    SFE Supercritical Fluid Extraction
    SFMP Surplus Facilities Management Program
    SFO San Francisco Operations Office
    SHEF Sheffield, Illinois (commercial waste site)
    SHPO State Historic Preservation Officer
    SI International System of Units (metric system)
    SI Saturation Indexes
    SI Sensitivity Index
    SI+ Site Inspection
    SIA Strategic Issues and Analysis
    SIC Standard Industrial Classification
    SIC Standard Industrial Code
    SICAPCD San Joaquin County Air Pollution Control District
    SIF Systems Integration Plans
    SIMS Safety Issues Management System
    SIP State Implementation Plans
    SIS Special Isotope Separation
    SITE Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation
    SLAC Stanford Linear Accelerator Center
    SLB Shallow Land Burial
    SLSF Sodium Loop Safety Facility
    SM Special Metallurgical
    SM Stationary Media
    SMAC Shipment Mobility and Accountability
    SMB Special Metallurgical Building
    SMC Special Manufacturing Capability
    SMCL Secondary Maximum Contaminant Level
    SMCRA Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act
    SME Subject Matter Expert
    SMO Sample Management Office
    SMOA+ Superfund Memorandum of Agreement
    SMP Site Management Plan
    SMPC Senior Management Planning Council
    SMS Sludge Mobilization System
    SMT Safety Management Team
    SNAP Significant New Alternatives Policy
    SNF Spent Nuclear Fuel
    SNFP Spent Nuclear Fuel Program
    SNL Sandia National Laboratories
    SNL/CA Sandia National Laboratories/California, Livermore, California
    SNL/NM Sandia National Laboratories/New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico
    SNLA Sandia National Laboratories - Albuquerque
    SNLL Sandia National Laboratories - Livermore
    SNLNM Sandia National Laboratories, New Mexico and California
    SNM Special Nuclear Material
    SNRO Schenectady Naval Reactors Office
    SNRS Stationary Neutron Radiography System, Sacramento, California
    SO System Operational
    SOP System/Standard Operating Procedures/Practice
    SOW Statement of Work
    SP Standard Practice
    SPCC Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure
    SPDES State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
    SPDV Site and Preliminary Design Validation
    SPEERA Secretarial Panel for the Evaluation of Epidemiologic Research Activities
    SPF Sodium Process Facility
    SPF Spontaneous Fission
    SPMD Semipermeabel membrane Device
    SPMS Strategic Planning and Management System
    SPP Standard Practice Procedure
    SPR Single-Pass Reactor (Hanford)
    SPRO Strategic Petroleum Reserves Office
    SQA Safety and Quality Assurance
    SQA Software Quality Assurance
    SQAG Sediment Quality Assessment Guideline
    SQAIP Software Quality Assurance Improvement Plan
    SQAS Software Quality Assurance Subcommittee
    SQC Sediment Quality Criteria
    SR Savannah River Operations Office
    SREL Savannah River Ecology Laboratory
    SRF Size Reduction Facility
    SRG Safety Resource Group
    SRIIC Standards and Requirements Identification Improvement Council
    SRL Savannah River Laboratory
    SRNL Savannah River National Laboratory
    SRO Savannah River Operations Office
    SRP Savannah River Plant
    SRRT Start-up Readiness Review Team
    SRS Savannah River Site
    SRSO Savannah River Site Office
    SRSO Seattle Regional Support Office
    SRTC Savannah River Technical Center (at SRS)
    SS Stainless Steel
    SS-21 Seamless Safety for the 21st Century
    SSAB Site-Specific Advisory Board
    SSAP Site Sampling and Analysis Plan
    SSC Scientific Support Contractor
    SSC+ Superfund State Contract
    SSE Safe Shutdown Earthquake
    SSFL Santa Susana Field Laboratory, Canoga Park, California [also referred to as the Energy Technology Engineering Center (ETEC)]
    SSI Site Screening Investigation
    SSI Soil-Structure Interaction
    SSNAEL Site-Specific No Apparent Effects Level
    SSO Sandia Site Office
    SSP Site-Specific Plan
    SSR Summary Structural Report
    SSSR Site Specific Standard Request
    SST Single-Shell Tanks
    ST Strong-Tight
    START Steps to Achieve Required Training
    STD Standard
    STEL Stay Time Exposure Level
    STEP State Training and Emergency Preparation (and response)
    STGWG State and Tribal Working Group
    STP Sewage Treatment Plant
    STP Sludge Treatment Project
    STPs Site Treatment Plans
    STS Supernatant Treatment System
    SURF Sandia Underground Reactor Facility
    SV Schedule Variance
    Sv Sievert
    SW Sanitary Waste
    SWAT Solid Waste Assessment Test
    SWATS Site Wide Audit Tracking System
    SWDA Solid Waste Disposal Act
    SWDA-7 Solid Waste Disposal Area-7
    SWDF Solid Waste Disposal Facility
    SWEPP Stored Waste Examination Pilot Plant
    SWHISS Surface Water Hydrological Information Support System
    SWIFTS Site wide Waste Information Forecasting and Tracking System
    SWIMS Solid Waste information Management System
    SWM Solid Waste Management
    SWMU Solid Waste Management Unit
    SWPF Salt Waste Processing Facility
    SWPP Storm Water Pollution Prevention
    SWPPP Storm Waster Pollution Prevention Plan
    SWR Special Waste Reactor
    SWRB Storm Water Retention Basin
    SWSA Solid Waste Storage Area
    SWTP Site Water Treatment Plant
    SWU Separative Work Unit
    SWU Southern Waste Unit(s)


    TA Technical Area (LANL, SNL)
    TEF Tritium Extraction facility
    TPB tetraphenylborate
    TQP Technical Qualification Program
    TRU transuranic
    TSR Technical Safety Requirement
    TVA Tennessee Valley Authority
    TWRA Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency
    TWRS Tank Waste Remediation System
    TWTF Transuranic Waste Treatment Facility
    TWTSF Transuranic Waste Treatment & Storage Facility
    TYP Ten-Year Plan


    U Uranium
    U-235 Uranium-235
    UBC Uniform Building Code
    UCB Upper Confidence Bound
    UCC Union Carbide Corporation
    UCD University of California at Davis
    uCi Micro curie
    UCL95 95% Upper Confidence Limit
    UCNI Unclassified Controlled Nuclear Information
    UE Uranium Enrichment
    UEFPC Upper East Fork Poplar Creek
    UE-PCB-FFCA Uranium Enrichment Polychlorinated Biphenyl federal Facilities Compliance Agreement
    UE-TSCA-FFCA Uranium Enrichment Toxic Substance Control Act Federal Facility Compliance Agreement
    ug/l Micrograms Per Liter
    UIC Underground Injection Control
    UMT Uranium Mill Tailings
    UMTGA Uranium Mill Tailings Groundwater Restoration (project)
    UMTRA Uranium Mill Tailing Remedial Action Program
    UMTRAP Uranium Mill Tailing Remedial Action Program
    UMTRCA Uranium Mill Tailings Radiation Control Act of 1978
    UN United Nations
    UNC United Nuclear Corporation
    UOR Unusual Occurrence Report
    UPF Uranium Processing Facility
    UPS Uninterruptible Power System
    UPS Uninterruptible Power Supply
    URS Uniform Report System
    USACE U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
    USAMC U.S. Army Material Command, Rock Island, Illinois
    U.S.C. United States Code
    USCG United States Coast Guard
    USDA U.S. Department of Agriculture
    USDW Underground Source of Drinking Water
    USFWS U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services
    USGS U.S. Geological Survey
    USQ Unreviewed Safety Questions
    USQE Unreviewed Safety Question Evaluation
    USS U.S. Steel
    UST Underground Storage Tank
    UV Ultraviolet


    VA Veterans Administration, U.S.
    VDRIF Variable Dose Rate Irradiation Facility
    VEE Visible Emissions Evaluation
    VEPCO Virginia Electric Power Company, Richmond, Virginia
    VF Virtrification Facility
    VHEU Very Highly Enriched Uranium
    VL Various Locations
    VLEU Very Low-Enriched Uranium
    VOCs Volatile Organic Compounds
    VP Vapor Pressure
    VPB Vitrification Project Branch
    VPI Virginia Polytechnic Institute
    VPP Voluntary Protection Program
    VPs Vicinity Properties
    VSI Visceral-Somatic Index
    VSI Visual Site Inspection
    VSS Vital Safety System
    VTL Validated Target Level


    WAC Waste Acceptance Criteria
    WACC Waste Acceptance Criteria Committee
    WACCC Waste Acceptance Criteria Certification Committee
    WAESD Westinghouse Advanced Energy Systems Division
    WAG Waste Area Group
    WAO Waste Acceptance Operations
    WAP Waste Analysis Plan
    WAPS Waste Acceptance Preliminary Specifications
    WAS Waste Acceptance Specifications
    WBR Watts Bar Reservoir
    WBS Work Breakdown Structure
    WCCF Waste Characterization and Certification Facility
    WCD Waste Form and Canister Description
    WCF Waste Calcining Facility
    WCF Waste Characterization Facility
    WCK White Oak Creek Kilometer
    WDOE Washington Department of Ecology
    WEAF Waste Examination Assay Facility
    WEC Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
    WED Waste Engineering Development
    WEFF Waste Encapsulation and Fractionating Facility
    WELD Weldon Spring Site Office
    WERF Waste Experimental Reduction Facility
    WESF Waste Encapsulation and Storage Facility
    West Valley West Valley Demonstration Project
    Weston Roy F. Weston, Inc.
    WETF West End Treatment Facility
    WETO Western Energy Technology Office
    WFPC West Fork Poplar Creek
    WFQ Waste Form Qualification
    WGA Western Form Qualification
    WGI Washington Group International
    WGWA Working Group for Waste Acceptance
    WHC Westinghouse Hanford Company
    WHPP (Transuranic) Waste Handling and Packaging Plant, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
    WHPP Waste Handling Pilot Plant
    WIPP Waste Isolation Pilot Plant
    WIN Waste Information Network
    WINCO Westinghouse Idaho Nuclear Company
    WIND Windsor Site (at KAPL)
    WIPP Waste Isolation Pilot Plant
    WITS Waste Inventory Tracking System
    WITS Waste Isolation Tracking System
    WKWMA West Kentucky Wildlife Management Area
    WL Working Level
    WLM Working Level Monitor
    WLM Working Level Month
    WM Waste Management
    WMCO Westinghouse Materials Company of Ohio
    WMFU Waste Minimization Facility Upgrade
    WMIN Waste Minimization
    Wmin/P2 Waste Minimization/Pollution Prevention
    WMIS Waste Management Information Systems
    WMO Waste Management Operations Program
    WMP Waste Management Plan
    WMPP Waste Management Project Plan
    WNYNSC Western New York Nuclear Service Center
    WO Waste Operations
    WOC White Oak Creek
    WOCC Waste Operations Control Center
    WOD White Oak Dam
    WOL White Oak Lake
    WPAB Work Package Authorization System
    WPC Water Pollution Control
    WPIO Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Project Integration Office, Albuquerque, New Mexico
    WPPSS Washington Public Power Supply System
    WPRAP Waste Pits Remedial Action Project
    WPSO WIPP Project Site Office
    WQA Water Quality Act o
    WQC Water Quality Criteria
    WQS Water Quality Standard
    WQSP Water Quality Sampling Program
    WR708 War Reserve 708 Weapons Development Course
    WRAP Waste Receiving and Processing Facility
    WSB Waste Storage Building
    WSCP Weldon Spring Chemical Plant
    WSQ Weldon Springs Quarry
    WSRA Wild and Scenic Rivers Act
    WSRC Waste Reduction Steering Committee
    WSRC Westinghouse Savannah River Company
    WSRP Weldon Spring Riffinate Pits
    WSS Weldon Springs Site
    WSS Work Smart Standards
    WSSRAP Weldon Spring Site Remedial Action Project
    WSUFMP Weldon Spring Uranium Feed Materials Plant
    WTAC Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Technical Assistance Contractor
    WTP Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant
    WTSF Waste Treatment and Storage Facility
    WTWBIR Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Transuranic Waste Baseline Inventory Report
    WVAO West Valley Area Office
    WVDP West Valley Demonstration Project
    WVNS West Valley Nuclear Services Company
    WVNY West Valley, New York (commercial waste site from 1963-1981)
    WVP Waste Vitrification Projects
    WVPO West Valley Project Office


    X-10 Oak Ridge National Laboratory, also known as the X-10 Plant


    Y-12 Oak Ridge Y-12 National Security Complex
    yd3 Cubic Yards
    YMSCPO Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Office
    YSO Y-12 Site Office
    YTD Year-To-Date


    ZBB Zero Base Budgeting
    Zn Zinc
    ZPPR Zero Power Physics Reactor
    ZRL Zero Risk Level