- December 28, 2000, Department letter regarding the removal of spent nuclear fuel from the KW Basins at Hanford Site relative to recommendations 94-1 and 2000-1.
- December 21, 2000, Department letter proposing closure of Commitment 4.3.8 in Implementation Plan 98-2.
- December 19, 2000, Department letter responding to Board letter dated November 1, 2000 regarding the approval by field managers of nuclear safety analysis methodologies.
- December 19, 2000, Department letter informing the Board on the completion of commitment 26 in Implementation Plan 2000-2 and proposing closure of this commitment.
- December 15, 2000, Board letter reviewing the LANL methodology for design and construction of Los Alamos National Laboratory experimental confinement and safety vessels.
- December 14, 2000, Board letter regarding the Integrated Safety Management Workshop held on December 5 - 6, 2000 in Richland, WA.
- December 14, 2000, Board letter accepting Implementation Plan for Recommendation 2000-2.
- December 7, 2000, Department letter regarding the Board staff review on the Fire Protection Program at the Y-12 Plant.
- December 7, 2000, Department letter relative to the Board's Technical Report 27, Fire Protection at Defense Nuclear Facilities.
- December 6, 2000, Department letter regarding the fuel removal operations from the K Basins at the Hanford Site.
- December 6, 2000, Department letter responding to Board letter dated December 5, 2000 in relation to the fuel removal operations from the K Basins in Hanford.
- December 6, 2000, Board letter enclosing a staff issue report on the Phase II Verification Review of Integrated Safety Management System at the Nevada Test Site.
- December 6, 2000, Board letter commending Dr. George F. Hurley for his extraordinary efforts on the occasion of his retirement from 25 years of service at Los Alamos National Laboratory.
- December 5, 2000, Board letter regarding the Hanford Spent Nuclear Fuel Project relative to the vulnerabilities identified in Recommendation 94-1, Improved Schedule for Remediation.
- December 5, 2000, Remarks presented by Board Member Joseph J. DiNunno at the 2000 Workshop on Integrated Safety Management - Lessons Learned at Pasco, WA from December 5 - 6, 2000.
- December 1, 2000, Department letter enclosing a report on Pantex Pit Management Plan, a deliverable under Commitment 5.2.3 of Implementation Plan 99-1.
- November 30, 2000, Department letter providing information on three (3) deliverables due November 2000 relative to implementation plan 98-2.
- November 30, 2000, Department letter responding to Board letter dated August 29, 2000 on Hanford high-level waste storage tank integrity.
- November 22, 2000, Department letter reporting completion of two commitments in 2000-1 Implementation Plan and proposing closure of these commitments.
- November 18, 2000, Department letter relating to a classified Board staff report on the Y-12 W56 Dismantlement Campaign (U).
- November 17, 2000, Department letter responding to Board letter dated March 29, 2000 regarding the staff issue report on fire protection program at the Pantex Plant.
- November 17, 2000, Department letter enclosing a copy of the Final Change Order (FCO) for Inconel 718 capscrews to replace carbon steel capscrews in AL-R8 Sealed Insert, a deliverable under Commitment 5.1.1 of Implementation Plan 99-1.
- November 14, 2000, Board letter enclosing a staff issue report on the Department's Integrated Nuclear Materials Management Plan.
- November 7, 2000, Board letter enclosing Board/Tech 28, Safety Basis Expectations for Existing Department of Energy Defense Nuclear Facilities and Activities.
- November 3, 2000, Department letter responding to Board letter dated June 5, 2000 on the Chemical Safety Program and various chemical safety issues at the Y-12 Plant.
- November 3, 2000, Department letter responding to Board letter dated September 20, 2000 regarding the closure to support safe and reliable operation of the Hanford Spent Nuclear Fuel (SNF) Project facilities.
- November 1, 2000, Board letter relative to the use of the Department's standards, guides, and handbooks to identify and classify safety structures, systems, and components (SSCs) of defense nuclear facilities.
- October 31, 2000, Department letter reporting completion of a commitment, 210 resume HB-Line dissolution of SRS residues, in the Department's implementation plan 2000-1 and proposing closure of said commitment.
- October 31, 2000, Department letter providing information on five (5) deliverables due October 2000 relative to Implementation Plan 98-2.
- October 31, 2000, Department letter forwarding its initial implementation plan for 2000-2, Configuration Management, Vital Safety Systems.
- October 31, 2000, Department letter relative to the Pit Disassembly and Conversion Facility (PDCF) filter system.
- October 31, 2000, Board letter enclosing a staff issue report on the deactivation and risk reduction activities at Building 9206 at Y-12 Plant.
- October 31, 2000, Board letter enclosing a staff issue report on Integrated Safety Management System Phase II Verification at the Y-12 Plant.
- October 26, 2000, Department letter responding to Board letter dated August 30, 2000 relative to the preparations for the resumption of the enriched uranium reduction process at the Y-12 Plant.
- October 25, 2000, Board letter commending Dr. Robert I. Van Hook, Jr. on his retirement from Lockheed Martin Energy Systems.
- October 24, 2000, Department letter enclosing the 4th quarter status report of Fiscal Year 2000 on Implementation Plan 97-2, Criticality Safety.
- October 24, 2000, Charter, Corrective Action Management (CAM) Team.
- October 23, 2000, Department letter of appreciation for Steve Stokes, Board staff representative at the Hanford Site and the Hanford Site Cognizant Engineer, from Richland Operations Office and the Office of River Protection.
- October 23, 2000, Board letter requesting documentation and a briefing relative to the revised implementation plan for 98-2, Safety Management at the Pantex Plant.
- October 23, 2000, Board letter establishing a 30-day reporting requirement outlining the path forward and schedule for addressing the issues in the enclosed staff report on the implementation of the Lightning Basis for Interim Operation.
- October 23, 2000, Board letter responding to the Department's report on Quality Assurance for Safety-Related Software at the Defense Nuclear Facilities.
- October 23, 2000, Board letter responding to the Department's letter dated September 27, 2000 regarding the report on several completed commitments in implementation plan 2000-1.
- October 10, 2000, Department publication of an interim final rule on Nuclear Safety Management (10CFR830) in the Federal Register.
- October 2, 2000, Department letter responding to the issues raised in the Board's Technical Report 25, Quality Assurance for Safety-Related Software at the Department of Energy Defense Nuclear Facilities.
- September 29, 2000, Department letter relative to the Department's implementation plan for the stabilization of nuclear materials identified in Recommendation 2000-1.
- September 28, 2000, Department Memorandum on Realizing the Benefits of Integrated Safety Management.
- September 27, 2000, Department letter enclosing closure packages for several commitments in Implementation Plan 2000-1.
- September 26, 2000, Department letter regarding draft DOE Order 413.X, Project Management for the Acquisition of Capital Projects.
- September 26, 2000, Department memorandum on changes in field structure associated in the establishment of the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA).
- September 26, 2000, Board letter commending the Department of its initiative to assess the defense nuclear facilities of its state of readiness and capabilities to deal with fires, and awaiting the Department's plan for 2000-2 recommendation.
- September 25, 2000, Department letter forwarding Revision 1 to Implementation Plan 98-2, Safety Management at the Pantex Plant.
- September 21, 2000, Board letter to the Administrator of the National Nuclear Security Administration with classified reporting requirements on the W56 dismatlement campaign at the Y-12 Plant in Oak Ridge.
- September 21, 2000, Board letter commending the Department on its two-volume set regarding Vadose Zone: Science and Technology Solutions.
- September 20, 2000, Board letter requesting the Department to respond to issues summarized in the enclosed staff issue report on technical issues associated with the Spent Nuclear Fuel Project, Hanford Site.
- September 18, 2000, Department memorandum for Heads of Departmental Elements announcing a two-day Nuclear Criticality Safety Workshop on October 23, 2000 in Albuquerque, NM.
- September 18, 2000, Department memorandum for Heads of Departmental Elements on the continuation of nuclear criticality safety initiatives.
- September 8, 2000, Department letter enclosing a report on the Department's path forward for correcting the deficiencies of authorization bases at the Y-12 Plant.
- September 8, 2000, Board letter enclosing an amplification on Recommendation 2000-2.
- September 8, 2000, Board announcing the assignment of David J. Grover to succeed Steve Stokes as one of the Board Site Representatives at the Department's Hanford Site.
- September 6, 2000, Department letter responding to Board letter dated August 18, 2000 on the Americum/Curium Vitrification Project at the Savannah River Site.
- September 5, 2000, Department letter providing additional information or clarification requested by the Board on Integrated Safety Management.
- September 1, 2000, Department letter forwarding the revision to the Department's Handbook, DOE-HDBK-3010-94, Airborne Release Fractions/Rates and Respirable Fractions for Nonreactor Nuclear Facilitites.
- August 31, 2000, Department letter enclosing FY 2001 Authorization Basis (AB) Upgrade Program Plan to complete commitment 4.1.1 of recommendation 98-2 and proposing closure of said commitment.
- August 30, 2000, Board letter enclosing a staff issue report on readiness to resume reduction process for enriched uranium operations at the Y-12 Plant.
- August 29, 2000, Board letter establishing a 90-day reporting requirement identifying the actions that will be taken to address the issues identified in the enclosed staff report on High-Level Waste Tank Integrity Program at Hanford Site.
- August 29, 2000, Board letter forwarding a staff issue report on a follow-up technical exchange relative to Board/TECH-24, Safe Handling of Insensitive High Explosive Weapon Subassemblies at the Pantex Plant.
- August 29, 2000, Board letter enclosing a staff issue report on flood mitigation measures at Los Alamos National Laboratory.
- August 29, 2000, Board letter regarding the Department's standard for long-term storage of uranium-233.
- August 28, 2000, Department letter enclosing revised program directives governing the composition and functioning of the Nuclear Explosive Safety Study Group (NESSG) in compliance to commitment 5.4.2(c) of the 98-2 implementation plan.
- August 24, 2000, Department letter regarding Recommendation 96-1 - disposition of Tank 49 material.
- August 22, 2000, Department letter responding to Board letter dated June 30, 2000 regarding the Federal Technical Capability Panel.
- August 21, 2000, Department letter notifying the Board of the Department's need of an additional 45 days to transmit the implementation plan for Recommendation 2000-2.
- August 18, 2000, Department letter forwarding a copy of the Pantex Plant Sealed Insert Third Quarter FY 2000 Summary Status Report, a deliverable under Commitment 5.2.2 of implementation plan 99-1.
- August 18, 2000, Board letter forwarding a staff issue report on the americium/curium (Am/Cm) solution stabilization project at the Savannah River Site (Rec's 94-1/2000-1).
- August 18, 2000, Board letter forwarding a staff issue report reviewing the fire protection program at the Y-12 Plant in Oak Ridge, TN.
- August 17, 2000, Department letter informing the Board of the designation of Mr. Ralph Erickson as the Responsible Manager for implementation of Board recommendation 96-1.
- August 16, 2000, Department letter reporting the completion of four commitments in the Department's 2000-1 Implementation Plan and proposing closure of these commitments.
- July 30, 2000, Department letter responding to Board letters dated March 30, 2000 and May 30, 2000 regarding the design and construction of the Hydrogen Fluoride Supply System (HFSS) project at the Y-12 Plant in Oak Ridge.
- July 27, 2000, Department letter enclosing Third Quarter Status Report for FY 2000 on Implementation Plan 97-2.
- July 21, 2000, Department letter forwarding the quarterly report for Implementation Plan 98-2.
- July 20, 2000, Board letter accepting the Department's proposal to delay the report and briefing on the fire hazards associated with the W76 Program at the Pantex Plant.
- July 20, 2000, Board letter establishing a 45-day reporting requirement on the response for the additional questions from the Board's May 31, 2000 public meeting.
- July 17, 2000, Department letter responding to Board letter dated May 23, 2000 regarding Savannah River Site's plans to return Tank 49 to a high-level waste storage mission.
- July 14, 2000, Department letter responding to Board letter dated May 24, 2000 regarding the recovery of Los Alamos National Laboratory from the Cerro Grande fire.
- July 14, 2000, Board letter forwarding its review on the Department's implementation plan for 2000-1 and 94-1 submitted to the Board on May 31, 2000.
- July 13, 2000, Board announcing the assignment of Mr. William I. White to succeed Timothy J. Dwyer as one of the two Board Site Representatives at the Pantex Plant effective July 31, 2000.
- July 10, 2000, Board letter offering counsel on the role of the Office of Environment, Safety and Health (EH) in implementing Integrated Safety Management.
- July 10, 2000, Board letter enclosing a staff issue report on the procurement and field testing of HEPA filters at the Hanford Site in relation to the prepartion of implementation plan for 2000-2.
- July 10, 2000, Board letter enclosing a staff issue report on the preparations for stabilization of materials at Molten Salt Reactor Experiment relative to Implementation Plan 94-1.
- July 10, 2000, Board letter enclosing staff issue reports on worker protection and chemical safety at Los Alamos National Laboratory.
- July 7, 2000, Department letter regarding the safety issue associated with Canned Sub-Assemblies (CSA).
- July 7, 2000, Board letter regarding budget concerns that may preclude the Department from meeting its commitments in Implementation Plan 99-1.
- July 3, 2000, Department letter responding to Board letter dated March 29, 2000 on fire protection program at the Pantex Plant.
- July 3, 2000, Department letter responding to Board letter dated May 2, 2000 on fire hazard analysis for W76 disassembly and inspection and fire response of certain Canned SubAssemblies (CSAs).
- June 30, 2000, Department letter forwarding the Office of Oversight Safety Issue Corrective Action Process Procedure to the Board, a supplement to Implementation Plan 98-1.
- June 30, 2000, Board letter forwarding concerns regarding the Federal Technical Capability Program.
- June 29, 2000, Department letter responding to Board letter dated June 7, 2000 regarding Pit Disassembly and Conversion Facility (PDCF).
- June 29, 2000, Board letter enclosing a staff issue report on the safety controls for the mobilization and removal of high-level waste from Tank 8 at the Savannah River Site.
- June 26, 2000, Board letter forwarding a staff issue report regarding the authorization bases at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.
- June 20, 2000, Department letter informing the Board on a delay in schedule for the inspection and repackaging program (IRP) activities involving uranium-233 inventory in Bldg. 3019 at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
- June 14, 2000, Board letter enclosing Technical Report 27 regarding fire protection at defense nuclear facilities.
- June 13, 2000, Board letter enclosing a staff issue report on the implementation of the Department's Order 435.1, Radioactive Waste Management, at Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site.
- June 12, 2000, Department letter forwarding an Issue Resolution Paper in response to the Board staff's report dated February 16, 2000 in relation to K-Area Materials Storage project at the Savannah River Site.
- June 9, 2000, Department letter enclosing the approved implementation plan verification report for Recommendation 98-1.
- June 9, 2000, Department letter informing the early completion of Commitment 701 of Implementation Plan 94-1 and enclosing the closure package for said commitment.
- June 8, 2000, Department letter enclosing Revision 3 of Implementation Plan for remediating the nuclear materials identified in 94-1 and 2000-1. It also proposes the closure of Recommendation 94-1.
- June 7, 2000, Board letter in relation to the filtration system design of the Pit Disassembly and Conversion Facility (PDCF) to be constructed at the Savannah River Site.
- June 5, 2000, Board letter enclosing a staff issue report on Chemical Safety Program of the Oak Ridge Operations Office and the various chemical safety issues at the Y-12 Plant.
- May 30, 2000, Board letter regarding the Hydrogen Fluoride Suppy System at the Oak Ridge Y-12 Plant.
- May 25, 2000, Board letter enclosing a staff issue report on the meeting of the Department of Energy Society for effective lessons learned sharing held on April 5 - 6, 2000.
- May 24, 2000, Board letter enclosing a staff issue report on the recovery plans of Los Alamos National Laboratory from the Cerro Grande Fire.
- May 23, 2000, Board letter suggesting the incorporation of 4 DEAR clauses in upcoming Department contracts for defense nuclear facilities.
- May 23, 2000, Board status report on the impact of the Cerro Grande fire on Los Alamos National Laboratory.
- May 23, 2000, Board letter enclosing a staff issue report to review the activities associated with tooling, design, manufacturing, and procurement program at the Pantex Plant.
- May 23, 2000, Board letter forwarding a staff issue report on the recovery actions and restart planning at the FB-Line facility at the Savannah River Site.
- May 23, 2000, Board letter for Ms. Karen Patterson regarding the Citizens Advisory Board's (CAB) request to be updated on the acceptance or rejection of implementation plan for 2000-1.
- May 23, 2000, Board letter enclosing a staff issue report on high-level waste tank space management at the Savannah River Site and the selection of an alternative salt treatment process.
- May 18, 2000, Department letter responding to the Board's letter dated February 29, 2000, regarding the inaccurate and incomplete information provided to the Board on Hanford Splent Nuclear Fuel Project.
- May 17, 2000, Department letter acknowledging receipt of the Board's letter dated March 7, 2000 in relation to the Department's Low Dose Radiation Research Program.
- May 15, 2000, Board letter forwarding staff issue reports on Enriched Uranium Operations (EUO) furnaces, safety bases at the Y-12 Plant, timely hazard reduction at Bldg. 9206 at the Y-12 Plant, and status of implementation of corrective action plan for emergency management at Oak Ridge.
- May 15, 2000, Board letter responding to Dr. LeRoy Moore's letter dated April 24, 2000 relative to the plutonium bearing material being prepared for shipment from Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site to Savannah River Site and to Waste Isolation Pilot Plant.
- May 10, 2000, Department letter forwarding the second quarter status report for Fiscal Year 2000 in compliance to Implementation Plan 97-2.
- May 4, 2000, Department letter informing the Board of the development of a Software Quality Assurance Policy in relation to the Board's Technical Report 25.
- May 3, 2000, Department letter responding to Board letter dated March 2, 2000 in relation to the quality of authorization bases at the defense nuclear facilities.
- May 2, 2000, Board letter establishing a 60-day reporting requirement for evaluating the systemic deficiencies in fire hazard analyses and controls at Pantex. The Board also requests a briefing within 4 weeks.
- April 28, 2000, Department letter forwarding an update on deliverables relative to implementation plan 98-2.
- April 28, 2000, Department letter acknowledging receipt of the Board's Recommendation 2000-2, Configuration Management, Vital Safety Systems and accepting the recommendations contained therein.
- April 27, 2000, Department letter informing the Board that Revision 3 of Implementation Plan 94-1 and it's response to Recommendation 2000-1 will be submitted to the Board by the end of May 2000.
- April 25, 2000, Department letter responding to Board letter dated December 6, 1999 on Tech 24, Safe Handling of Insensitive High Explosive Weapon Subassemblies at the Pantex Plant.
- April 25, 2000, Board letter forwarding a staff issue report on Integrated Work Control Program (IWCP) at the Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site.
- April 25, 2000, Board letter forwarding a staff issue report on plutonium stabilization and packaging system at Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site.
- April 21, 2000, Board letter responding to questions posed by the Serious Texans Against Nuclear Dumping (STAND), in their letter dated February 9, 2000, regarding the Board's activities at and the safe operation of Pantex Plant.
- April 19, 2000, Department letter informing the Board of two completed actions in response to Technical Report 23, HEPA Filters Used in the Department of Energy's Hazardous Facilities.
- April 7, 2000, Board letter acknowledging receipt of and accepting the Department's proposed implementation plan for 99-1.
- April 3, 2000, Department letter responding to Board letter dated November 9, 1999, regarding the safety management deficiencies and project management at the Y-12 Plant.
- March 31, 2000, Department letter responding to board letter dated December 1, 1999, regarding issues raised on authorization basis complexity and integration in relation to Recommendation 98-2.
- March 30, 2000, Board letter forwarding a staff issue report on the instrumentation and control for the hydrogen fluoride supply system at the Oak Ridge Y-12 Plant.
- March 29, 2000, Board letter forwarding a staff issue report on the fire protection program at the Pantex Plant.
- March 27, 2000, Department letter forwarding the Department's pit storage container surveillance program plan. This is a deliverable under Commitment 5.3.1 of implementation plan 99-1.
- March 23, 2000, Board letter fowarding a staff issue report on the Integrated Safety Management Phase I/II Verification at Hanford's plutonium finishing plant.
- March 17, 2000, Department memorandum regarding corrective action plans for identified self-assessments.
- March 16, 2000, Department letter responding to the Board's letter dated February 16, 2000, requesting additional information or clarification on presentations and material submitted at the Board's public meeting on January 20, 2000.
- March 13, 2000, Department letter acknowledging receipt of the Board's Recommmendation 2000-1 and the acceptance of sub-recommendations 1 through 9 of said Recommendation.
- March 9, 2000, Board letter forwarding a staff issue report on the K-Area Material Storage project at Savannah River Site.
- March 8, 2000, Board forwarding Technical Report 26, Improving Operation and Performance of Confinement Ventilation Systems at Hazardous Facilities of the Department fo Energy.
- March 8, 2000, Board letter forwarding comments on the state of implementation of the Department's (DOE) Order 425.1A, Startup and Restart of Nuclear Facilities and a staff issue report on the review of status of W62 disassembly and inspection program at the Pantex Plant.
- March 8, 2000, Board letter forwarding Recommendation 2000-2, Configuration Management -- Vital Safety Systems.
- March 7, 2000, Board letter encouraging the Department's support of the expanded research programs of the Offices of Science and Environmental Management on the assessment of health risks from exposure to low dose radiation.
- March 7, 2000, Board letter forwarding a staff issue report on the review of chemical safety aspects of handling and packaging radioactive waste in Fernald Environmental Management Project.
- March 3, 2000, Department letter forwarding report on the validation study on the Oak Ridge National Laboratory Fire Protection Department baseline needs.
- March 2, 2000, Board letter forwarding a staff issue report on the authorization basis quality review at the Los Alamos National Laboratory.
- March 1, 2000, Department letter forwarding completion of Commitment 121 in Implementation Plan 94-1, Revision 2. It documents the Department's rationale for no change to the completion date of August 2002 for the completion of polycube stabilization.
- March 1, 2000, Department letter enclosing a report on the effectiveness of the Department's Corrective Action Tracking System (CATS), a deliverable under Commitment 5.3.4 of Implementation Plan 98-1. The Department proposes closure of this commitment.
- February 29, 2000, Department letter forwarding the quarterly status report of Implementation Plan 97-2 for the first quarter of Fiscal Year 2000.
- February 29, 2000, Department letter responding to Board letter dated December 1, 1999, in relation to issues on hazard identification and analysis at the Hanford 233-S Plutonium Concentration Facility.
- February 29, 2000, Board letter commending Mr. Frank R. McCoy, III on the occasion of his retirement from the Department after many years of dedicated service.
- February 29, 2000, Board letter encouraging the Department to take appropriate actions in providing the Board with timely and accurate information on the Integrated Water Treatment System at Hanford.
- February 25, 2000, Board's Tenth Annual Report to Congress on its activities relating to the Department of Energy.
- February 23, 2000, Department letter forwarding the amended Work Authorization Directive (WAD) for pit repackaging at the Pantex Plant. It is also a deliverable under Commitment 5.2.1 of the Department's 99-1 Implementation Plan.
- February 16, 2000, Department letter forwarding the completion of Commitment 113, Document a Decision for Polycubes Stabilization Path Forward, included in the Implementation Plan for Board Recommendation 94-1, Revision 2.
- February 16, 2000, Board letter enclosing questions for additional information or clarification relative to the presentations and material submitted for the public record at the Board's public meeting on January 20, 2000. It also establishes a 30-day reporting requirement providing responses these questions.
- February 14, 2000, Board letter commending the outstanding performance of Westinghouse Savannah River Company's instructors relative to the Radiation Worker II and Consolidated Annual Training for the Board's technical staff held on January 19 - 20, 2000.
- February 9, 2000, Annual Report to Congress on DOE's activities relating to the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board.
- February 9, 2000, Department letter forwarding a report on a Type B Accident Investigation on the intakes of plutonium that occured at the FB-Line facility on September 1, 1999.
- February 9, 2000, Department letter responding to Board letter dated November 2, 1999, on the review of ventilation systems in Building 3019 used for safe operations and long term storage for uranium-233 at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
- February 9, 2000, Department letter responding to the Board's letter dated January 20, 2000, and the assignment of Mr. John M. Gilligan, DOE's Chief Information Officer, as lead to develop a report on software quality assurance.
- February 7, 2000, Department letter forwarding detail on the deliverables for implementation plan 98-2 due during the months of December and January.
- February 7, 2000, Board letter forwarding a staff issue report on the distributed control system used to operate the Defense Waste Processing Facility at the Savannah River Site.
- February 2, 2000, Department letter responding to Board letter in relation to a more effective utilization of the contractual arrangements with the Center for Chemical Process Safety (CCPS) and the Institute for Nuclear Power Operations (INPO).
- February 1, 2000, Department letter forwarding Revision 2 of the Implementation Plan for Board Recommendation 94-1, Remediation of Nuclear Materials in the Defense Nuclear Facilities Complex.
- February 1, 2000, Department letter forwarding DOE's Implementation Plan for Board Recommendation 99-1, Safe Storage of Pits at Pantex.
- January 20, 2000, Board announcement of this year's Stello Safety Leadership Awardee - Mr. Joseph F. King from DOE's Office of Defense Programs.
- January 20, 2000, Board letter forwarding Technical Report 25, Quality Assurance for Safety-Related Software at Department of Energy Defense Nuclear Facilities. It establishes a 60-day reporting requirement on actions needed to address the deficiencies and potential improvements identified in the report and the schedule for completing these actions.
- January 18, 2000, Department letter forwarding a deliverable under Commitment 5.1.3 of Implementation Plan 98-1. It reviews implementation of the process for resolving issues identified by the Office of Oversight.
- January 14, 2000, Board letter commending DOE Rocky Flats Field Office in citing its contractor for inadequate implementation of Safety Technical Requirements and Operational Safety Requirements set forth in site Authorization Agreements.
- January 14, 2000, Board letter forwarding Recommendation 2000-1, Stabilization and Storage of Nuclear Material.
- January 14, 2000, Board letter forwarding a staff issue report on the Uranium-233 Inspection Program at Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
- January 14, 2000, Board letter responding to Mr. W. Lee McVey's letter dated December 3, 1999, regarding the normal electrical distribution system at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.
- January 13, 2000, Board letter forwarding a revised staff issue report on the In-Progress Review of the W79 Dismantlement Program.
- January 13, 2000, Board letter forwarding comments on proposed guidance to DOE-STD-3009-94, the draft Implementation Guide DOE G 420.1-X, and DOE G 420.1-Y. The Board considers all of these comments satisfactorily resolved.
- January 12, 2000, Department letter congratulating Board Member Dr. Herbert J. C. Kouts on his retirement from government service.
- January 12, 2000, Department letter responding to Technichal Report 23 in which the Department committed to examine the issue of exchange of information concerning ventilation filtration technology.
- January 11, 2000, Board letter forwarding a staff issue report on lightning protection for nuclear explosive operations at the Pantex Site.
- January 11, 2000, Board letter forwarding a staff issue report documenting observations concerning the Department's upgrade of the work planning process at INEEL per the Integrated System Management System.