This list last updated
- December 29, 2004, Department letter reporting completion of the Office of Environmental Management's (EM) portion of Commitment in the 2002-1 implementation plan, Quality Assurance for Safety-Related Software at Department of Energy Defense Nuclear Facilities, which requires the assessment of EM's safety software.
- December 23, 2004, Department letter forwarding the Department’s implementation plan in response to Board Recommendation 2004-1, Oversight of Complex, High-Hazard Nuclear Operations.
- December 22, 2004, Department letter regarding Facility Representatives staffing and training recruitment for the National Nuclear Security Administration sites.
- December 22, 2004, Board letter regarding DOE Policy 226.1, Department of Energy Oversight Policy.
- December 16, 2004, Board letter establishing a 20-day reporting requirement regarding the draft Request for Proposal for the Los Alamos National Laboratory management and operating contract.
- December 15, 2004, Federal Register publication of DNFSB Recommendation 2004-2, Active Confinement Systems.
- December 15, 2004, Board letter establishing a 30-day reporting requirement regarding the tooling program at the Pantex Plant.
- December 14, 2004, Department letter regarding DOE natural phenomena hazards design standards and the Salt Waste Processing Facility at the Savannah River Site.
- December 14, 2004, Board letter establishing a 30-day reporting requirement for a briefing on safety issues regarding unvented transuranic waste drums at the Savannah River Site.
- December 14, 2004, Board letter providing Board Technical Report DNFSB/TECH-35, Safety Management of Complex, High-Hazard Organizations.
- December 14, 2004, Board letter establishing a reporting requirement for monthly briefings from senior NNSA managers regarding commitments in the implementation plan for Recommendation 98-2, Safety Management at the Pantex Plant.
- December 13, 2004, Board letter regarding activity-level work planning and control of deactivation and decommissioning activities at the Savannah River Site.
- December 13, 2004, Board letter granting a 30-day extension to respond to Board reporting requirement regarding safety bases at Sandia National Laboratory.
- December 8, 2004, Department letter regarding Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant (WTP) ventilation systems design.
- December 7, 2004, Board letter forwarding Recommendation 2004-2, Active Confinement Systems with Technical Report DNFSB/TECH-34, Confinement of Radioactive Materials at Defense Nuclear Facilities.
- November 29, 2004, Department letter reporting completion of the Office of Environmental Management (EM) portion of Commitment 4.1.4 in the 2002-1 implementation plan, Quality Assurance for Safety-Related Software, which requires at least one qualified Software Quality Assurance (SQA) person in EM non-closure sites.
- November 29, 2004, Department letter regarding a delay in the Program Plan commitments related to ground motion issues vis-a-vis to the design of the Waste Treatment Plant at the Hanford Site.
- November 29, 2004, Federal Register publication of the Department's notification that an additional 45-days is needed to complete its implementation plan in response to Recommendation 2004-1, Oversight of Complex, High-Hazard Nuclear Operations.
- November 24, 2004, Department letter reporting completion of suspect/counterfeit items (S/CI) commitment relative to the revision of directives to reflect the process and roles and responsibilities of the Office of Environment, Safety and Health and other organizations.
- November 24, 2004, Department letter reporting completion of Commitment 121 in Revision 2 of the 2000-1 implementation plan, Prioritization for Stabilizing Nuclear Materials, which requires the selection of a treatment process for the containerized K-West Basin sludge.
- November 23, 2004, Department letter providing status of NNSA's portion in Commitment 4.1.4 in the 2002-1 implementation plan, Quality Assurance for Safety-Related Software, which requires NNSA personnel assigned to Software Quality Assurance positions to have qualifications in accordance to the Technical Qualification program.
- November 22, 2004, Department letter requesting a 30-day extension to submit a report and brief the Board regarding adequacy of safety basis for nuclear facilities at Sandia National Laboratory.
- November 10, 2004, Department letter providing the schedule for revising four DOE technical standards relative to High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filters.
- November 10, 2004, Department letter regarding implementation of the guidance on Facility Representative training and staffing analysis.
- November 4, 2004, Department letter providing status of Commitment 4.4 in implementation plan 2002-3, Requirements for Design, Implementation and Maintenance of Administrative Controls.
- November 3, 2004, Department letter forwarding the Quarterly Report for the 98-2 implementation plan, Accelerating Safety Management Improvements at the Pantex Plant, for the period July 1 through September 30, 2004, and the NNSA exemption extension approvals for the W87 and W88 weapons program.
- November 3, 2004, Board letter regarding electrical and lightning protection systems at the Pantex Plant.
- November 3, 2004, Board letter establishing a 60-day reporting requirement regarding configuration management program for safety systems at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and Livermore Site Office relative to the 2000-2 implementation plan, Configuration Management, Vital Safety Systems.
- November 3, 2004, Board letter establishing a 90-day reporting requirement regarding deficiencies in the Device Assembly Facility (DAF).
- October 27, 2004, Department letter reporting completion of Commitment 118E in Revision 2 of the 2000-1 implementation plan, Prioritization for Stabilizing Nuclear Materials, which requires the removal of spent nuclear fuel from the K-Basins, providing status of Commitment 119E, and the North Load-Out Pit sludge.
- October 27, 2004, Board letter establishing a 90-day reporting requirement regarding the Department's commitment to develop a program for archiving safety-related activities at the Pantex Plant, the Y-12 National Nuclear Complex, and the Nevada Test Site relative to implementation plan 93-6, Maintaining Access to Nuclear Weapons Expertise.
- October 26, 2004, Board letter acknowledging receipt of the Department's letter dated October 25, 2004.
- October 25, 2004, Department letter informing the Board that the Department requires up to an additional 45 days to finalize and transmit implementation plan for Board recommendation 2004-1, Oversight of Complex, High-Hazard Nuclear Operations.
- October 22, 2004, Department letter regarding Integrated Safety Management System (ISMS) for the Hanford Tank Farms.
- October 21, 2004, Department letter providing revised schedule for updating National Nuclear Security Administration and Site Office Functions, Responsibilities and Authorities Manuals (FRAMs).
- October 18, 2004, Department letter forwarding the Department's assessment on fire safety performance metrics.
- October 14, 2004, Department letter regarding nuclear explosive surety directives.
- October 13, 2004, Department letter regarding seismic design of the Salt Waste Processing Facility at the Savannah River Site and DOE directives on natural phenomena hazards.
- October 12, 2004, Department letter informing completion of Commitment 219 of Revision 2 in the 2000-1 implementation plan, Prioritization for Stabilizing Nuclear Materials, which requires the initiation of the neptunium stabilization activities in the HB-Line Facility at the Savannah River Site.
- October 8, 2004, Board letter regarding Integrated Safety Management at Sandia National Laboratories, New Mexico.
- October 7, 2004, Department letter regarding leak path factor for Building 332 at the Plutonium Facility at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.
- October 7, 2004, Department letter regarding status of the Waste Management Risk Mitigation and Partial Site-Wide Fire Alarm Replacement Projects at the Los Alamos National Laboratory.
- October 1, 2004, Department letter providing status of the wet combustible transuranic waste shipments from the Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site.
- October 1, 2004, Department letter providing status on personnel quality and software assessments relative to the Department's 2002-1 implementation plan, Quality Assurance for Safety Software at Department of Energy Defense Nucler Facilities.
- September 29, 2004, Board letter regarding process chemistry and facility design for the Hanford Waste Treatment Plant.
- September 27, 2004, Board letter establishing a 90-day reporting requirement regarding issues on the adequacy of safety analyses for facilities at Sandia National Laboratory.
- September 17, 2004, Department letter reporting site-wide evaluations of training and qualification programs at Los Alamos National Laboratory, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, and Nevada Test Site.
- September 13, 2004, Board letter regarding suspension of nuclear operations and restart efforts at Los Alamos National Laboratory.
- September 10, 2004, Board letter regarding conduct of engineering at Los Alamos National Laboratory.
- September 8, 2004, Board letter establishing a 60-day reporting requirement regarding Integrated Safety Management System for the Hanford tank farms.
- September 3, 2004, Department letter regarding seismic ground motion at Hanford.
- September 2, 2004, Department letter reporting completion of Commitment 4.4.1 in the 2002-2 implementation plan, Weapons Laboratory Support of Defense Nuclear Complex, by the issuance of a modified memorandum of Appointment of Contracting Officer Representative at Los Alamos National Laboratory.
- September 1, 2004, Department letter transmitting the Report to the Committee on Armed Services of the Senate and the Committee on Armed Services of the House of Representatives, and the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board, Concerning Decommissioning of the Savannah River Site F-Canyon.
- August 27, 2004, Board letter regarding the design of the Salt Waste Processing Facility (SWPF) at the Savannah River Site, and establishing a 45-day reporting requirement regarding revising DOE directives on natural phenomena hazards.
- August 26, 2004, Board letter regarding electrical and instrumentation and control systems of the Waste Treatment Plant at the Hanford Site.
- August 24, 2004, Board letter regarding Waste Treatment Plant High-Level Waste Facility.
- August 23, 2004, Board letter regarding electrical and ventilation systems for high-level waste concentration, storage, and transfer facilities at the Savannah River Site.
- August 10, 2004, Federal Register publication of the Department's response to Board recommendation 2004-1, Oversight of Complex, High-Hazard Nuclear Operations.
- August 9, 2004, Department letter requesting an additional 90-day extension to submit report regarding Conduct of Engineering and Implementation of DOE Order 420.1A, Facility Safety, at the Los Alamos National Laboratory.
- August 6, 2004, Department letter forwarding the quarterly report for 98-2 implementation plan, Accelerating Safety Management Improvements at the Pantex Plant for the period April 1 through June 30, 2004.
- August 6, 2004, Department letter regarding Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Mobile Characterization Unit Generic Documented Safety Analysis.
- August 6, 2004, Board letter establishing a 45-day reporting requirement regarding cell leak path areas and high explosive accident analysis at the Pantex Plant.
- August 6, 2004, Board letter establishing a 45-day reporting requirement regarding site-wide evaluations of training and qualification programs at Los Alamos National Laboratory, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, and Nevada Test Site and after completion, a 30-day reporting requirement on corrective action plans to address evaluation findings.
- August 3, 2004, Department letter regarding Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant (WTP) Low Activity Waste (LAW) structural report.
- July 29, 2004, Board letter establishing a 30-day reporting requirement regarding ground motion issues at Hanford.
- July 23, 2004, Department letter informing the Board of the delay in completion of Commitment 118E in Revision 2 of the 2000-1 implementation plan which requires the complete fuel removal from the K West and K East Basins to the Cold Vacuum Drying Facility at Hanford.
- July 23, 2004, Department letter forwarding the revised 2000-1 implementation plan for stabilization, repackaging, or disposition of nuclear materials at the Los Alamos National Laboratory.
- July 23, 2004, Department letter regarding effectively incorporating Integrated Safety Management into work planning and control at the National Nuclear Security Administration sites.
- July 21, 2004, Department memorandum regarding delegations of authority on defense nuclear safety matters to field offices.
- July 21, 2004, Department letter accepting Board recommendation 2004-1, Oversight of Complex, High-Hazard Nuclear Operations.
- July 21, 2004, Board letter regarding design of various ventilation systems for the Waste Treatment Plant at Hanford.
- July 21, 2004, Board letter establishing a 30-day reporting requirement regarding fire protection of structural steel at the Waste Treatment Plant.
- July 16, 2004, Department letter regarding schedule for the review of quality assurance at the Pantex Plant.
- July 15, 2004, Department letter regarding a training assessment for the Device Assembly Facility (DAF) at Nevada Site Office.
- July 13, 2004, Department letter regarding the Facility Representatives Program at National Nuclear Security Administration sites.
- July 13, 2004, Department letter reporting completion of three Environmental Management commitments in the Quality Assurance Improvement Plan and implementation plan 2002-1, Quality Assurance for Safety-Related Software.
- July 6, 2004, Department letter regarding fire protection in Building 9212 B-1 Wing at Y-12.
- June 29, 2004, Department letter forwarding the updated code-specific guidance reports for the safety analysis toolbox codes relative to Commitment in the 2002-1 implementation plan, Quality Assurance for Safety-Related Software.
- June 24, 2004, Department letter notifying the Board of the authorized startup of the Seamless Safety (SS-21) Process for the W78.
- June 22, 2004, Board letter congratulating Ms. Joanne Lorence of Los Alamos Site Office as the 2003 Facility Representative of the Year.
- June 18, 2004, Department letter reporting completion of repackaging and welding of 358 DOE STD-3013 outer containers at Richland.
- June 18, 2004, Board letter establishing a 30-day reporting requirement regarding a comprehensive quality assurance review of the tooling program at Pantex.
- June 18, 2004, Board letter regarding revisions to the 2000-1 implementation plan, Prioritization for Stabilizing Nuclear Materials, regarding sludge removal at Hanford's K-Basins.
- June 18, 2004, Board letter regarding potential impacts of suspending radioactive waste disposition activities at Savannah River Site.
- June 17, 2004, Department letter requesting a 60-day extension to respond to Board letter dated May 3, 2004, regarding authorization basis for the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant mobile characterization units.
- June 16, 2004, Department letter to the United States Congress forwarding the First Annual Report to Congress on Plutonium Storage at the Savannah River Site.
- June 7, 2004, Federal Register publication of DNFSB Recommendation 2004-1, Oversight of Complex, High-Hazard Nuclear Operations.
- June 4, 2004, Department letter forwarding the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) Site Office Functions, Responsibilities and Authorities Manuals (FRAMs), and plans for updating safety-related Orders, Standards, and supplemental Directives.
- June 4, 2004, Department letter regarding contractor training assessment by the Livermore Site Office.
- May 28, 2004, Board letter to the United States Congress forwarding the First Annual Report to Congress regarding Plutonium Storage at the Department of Energy's Savannah River Site.
- May 28, 2004, Department letter regarding plutonium storage at the Savannah River Site.
- May 27, 2004, Board letter regarding safety bases at Los Alamos National Laboratory.
- May 26, 2004, Department letter regarding report on Filter Testing Facility data for the period October 1, 2003 through March 31, 2004.
- May 26, 2004, BNFL Inc. letter to Board Member Dr. Bruce Matthews regarding ventilation systems at the Advanced Mixed Waste Treatment Project at Idaho.
- May 25, 2004, Department letter regarding retrieval, storage, and disposal of waste drums containing Plutonium-238 (Pu-238) at Hanford.
- May 25, 2004, Department letter reporting completion of Commitment 111 in Revision 2 of the 2000-1 implementation plan, Prioritization for Stabilizing Nuclear Materials, which requires the complete stabilization and packaging of oxides at Hanford.
- May 21, 2004, Department letter responding to Board reporting requirement dated March 24, 2004 regarding hydrogen hazards related to non-Newtonian high-level waste and black cell design concept for the Office of River Protection's Waste Treatment Plant at Hanford.
- May 21, 2004, Department letter responding to Board reporting requirement dated March 23, 2004 regarding fire protection and structural engineering issues at the Office of River Protection's Waste Treatment Plant at Hanford.
- May 21, 2004, Board letter requesting NNSA to brief the Board on actions taken to address issues regarding documentation and practices associated with activity-level work planning at NNSA sites.
- May 21, 2004, Board letter establishing a 45-day reporting requirement regarding operations at Technical Area 18 (TA-18) at Los Alamos National Laboratory.
- May 21, 2004, Board letter forwarding Recommendation 2004-1, Oversight of Complex, High-Hazard Nuclear Operations.
- May 14, 2004, Department letter regarding review of electrical and lightning protection and detection systems for facilities at the Nevada Test Site.
- May 14, 2004, Department letter regarding safety basis for Building 332 at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.
- May 14, 2004, Board letter regarding nuclear safety consequences of proposed Section 3116 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2005 (S. 2400) regarding radioactive material storage at Savannah River Site.
- May 14, 2004, Board letter granting a 90-day extension to complete a report regarding Conduct of Engineering and Implementation of DOE Order 420.1A, Facility Safety, at Los Alamos National Laboratory.
- May 14, 2004, Board letter establishing a 60-day reporting requirement regarding Facility Representative training and staffing issues at NNSA sites.
- May 13, 2004, Department letter from Office of Environment Management to the Board regarding proposed Section 3116 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2005 (S. 2400)regarding radioactive material storage at Savannah River Site.
- May 12, 2004, Department letter forwarding the final gap analyses report for the MACCS2, ALOHA, EPICODE, MELCOR, GENII, and CFAST toolbox codes relative to Commitment in implementation plan 2002-1, Quality Assurance for Safety-Related Software.
- May 12, 2004, Department letter providing status on the revision of directives to reflect the process, and roles and responsibilities of the Office of Environment, Safety and Health and other organizations in relation to suspect/counterfeit items (S/CI).
- May 6, 2004, Department letter providing status of commitments on Software Quality Assurance (SQA) and forwarding the revised Office of Environmental Management Headquarters Functions, Responsibilities, and Authorities (FRA) document.
- May 5, 2004, Department letter providing status on commitments from the Office of Environmental Management to the Board that are past due.
- May 4, 2004, Department letter reporting completion of Commitment 401 in implementation plan 2000-1, Prioritization for Stabilizing Nuclear Materials, which requires repackaging and disposition of all plutonium materials.
- May 4, 2004, Department letter regarding glovebox fire in Building 371 at the Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site.
- May 3, 2004, Department letter providing a revision to Commitment in implementation plan 2002-1, Quality Assurance for Safety-Related Software, which requires the Department to perform a gap analysis on the six toolbox codes.
- May 3, 2004, Department letter forwarding the revised implementation plan 2000-1, Prioritization for Stabilizing Nuclear Materials.
- May 3, 2004, Board letter establishing a 45-day reporting requirement regarding authorization basis for the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant mobile characterization units.
- May 3, 2004, Board letter regarding proposed "safety basis academy" at Los Alamos National Laboratory and the development of Draft TRNG-0046, Nuclear Safety Specialist Functional Area Qualification Standard.
- April 30, 2004, Department letter requesting a 90-day extension to submit report regarding Conduct of Engineering and Implementation of DOE Order 420.1A, Facility Safety, at Los Alamos National Laboratory.
- April 30, 2004, Department letter forwarding draft of the fully revised DOE Handbook on Electrical Safety.
- April 29, 2004, Department letter regarding the status of various issues related to weld quality assurance and safety basis at the Oxide Conversion Facilty at Y-12.
- April 28, 2004, Department letter forwarding the Quarterly Report for the 98-2 implementation plan, Accelerating Safety Management Improvements at the Pantex Plant.
- April 27, 2004, Department letter regarding the schedule for the training assessment of the Device Assembly Facility.
- April 27, 2004, Department letter providing update on the revision of the fire protection requirements in DOE Order 420.1A, Facility Safety.
- April 26, 2004, Department letter reporting completion of stabilization and packaging of certain nuclear materials at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory relative to the 2000-1 implementation plan, Prioritization for Stabilizing Nuclear Materials.
- April 15, 2004, Department briefing to the Board on Site and Facility Management Contracts.
- April 13, 2004, Department letter regarding revision of DOE Order 5600.1 on the Management of the Department of Energy Weapon Program and Weapon Complex relative to the 2002-2 implementation plan, Weapons Laboratory Support of the Defense Nuclear Complex.
- April 12, 2004, Department letter informing completion of Commitment 2.2 of the Department's Action Plan on Fire Safety and Preparedness with the issuance of DOE Manual 231.1, Environment, Safety, and Health Reporting Manual.
- April 12, 2004, Board letter establishing a 30-day reporting requirement regarding safety basis for Building 332 at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.
- April 9, 2004, Department letter forwarding the semi-annual report, Analysis and Trending of Suspect/Counterfeit Items at Department of Energy Facilities.
- April 5, 2004, Board letter regarding the existing annual reporting requirement on nuclear criticality safety.
- April 5, 2004, Department letter forwarding Los Alamos National Laboratory's schedule to review field implementation of existing critical administrative controls relative to Commitment 4.6 in the 2002-3 implementation plan, Requirements for the Design, Implementation, and Maintenance of Administrative Controls.
- April 5, 2004, Department letter regarding status update on Software Quality Assurance (SQA) deficiencies at Pantex.
- April 5, 2004, Board letter establishing a 60-day reporting requirement regarding assessing, prioritizing, and managing risks at defense nuclear facilities
- April 1, 2004, Board letter establishing a 15-day reporting requirement regarding issues on the term "site/facility management contractor" and DOE Order 251.1A.
- March 29, 2004, Board staff letter forwarding updated list of Department of Energy Orders of Interest to the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board.
- March 25, 2004, Department letter responding to Board reporting requirement dated January 22, 2004 regarding Nuclear Explosive Safety Study (NESS) process.
- March 25, 2004, Department letter providing status on updating the NNSA Site Office Functions, Responsibilities and Authorities Manuals (FRAMs).
- March 25, 2004, Department letter providing additional information in response to questions from the February 9, 2004 Board public meeting.
- March 25, 2004, Department letter forwarding a report on Safety-Related Design Code Survey relative to Commitment in implementation plan 2002-1, Quality Assurance for Safety-Related Software.
- March 24, 2004, Department letter providing information on technical qualifications and experience of personnel involved in the development of DOE technical standard on administrative controls relative to implementation plan 2002-3, Requirements for the Design, Implementation, and Maintenance of Administrative Controls.
- March 24, 2004, Board letter regarding waivers to DOE Order 440.1A granted by the Department.
- March 24, 2004, Board letter establishing a 30-day reporting requirement regarding issues on high-level waste at Savannah River Site relative to the low-curie salt (LCS) program and funding for salt processing activities.
- March 24, 2004, Board letter establishing a 60-day reporting requirement regarding hydrogen hazards related to non-Newtonian high-level waste and black cell design concept for the Office of River Protection's Waste Treatment Plant at Hanford.
- March 23, 2004, Board letter establishing a 60-day reporting requirement regarding fire protection and structural engineering issues at the Office of River Protection's Waste Treatment Plant at Hanford.
- March 22, 2004, Department letter providing the address to access the Department's newly-developed Software Quality Assurance Knowledge Portal.
- March 19, 2004, Department letter responding to Board reporting requirement regarding a weapon dismantlement at the Pantex Plant.
- March 18, 2004, Department letter providing additional information as a follow-up to the Sandia National Laboratory briefing with the Board on its new management team and other areas of interest to the Board.
- March 18, 2004, Department letter regarding lightning protection system at the Weapons Engineering Tritium Facility (WETF) and safety classification of the electrical distribution system at the Chemistry and Metallurgy Research facility (CMR).
- March 18, 2004, Department letter forwarding report on the Analysis of the Temperform USA Investigation.
- March 16, 2004, Department letter inviting Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board Chairman John Conway or a member of the Board to be a guest speaker at the 2004 Facility Representatives Workshop scheduled for May 18-20, 2004 in Las Vegas, Nevada.
- March 9, 2004, Department letter providing status of Los Alamos National Laboratory's portion of commitment 4.6.1 in implementation plan 2002-3, Requirements of the Design, Implementation, and Maintenance of Administrative Controls, which requires NNSA to review field implementation of existing critical administrative controls.
- March 9, 2004, Department letter providing additional information as a follow-up to the February 3, 2004 Board public meeting.
- March 8, 2004, Department letter forwarding the Quality Assurance Program assessment reports for Pantex, Los Alamos, Nevada, and Livermore Site Offices, completing Action 1.3.1 of the Quality Assurance Improvement Plan.
- March 3, 2004, Board letter establishing a 58-day reporting requirement requesting information and a revised implementation plan regarding sludge removal from the K-Basins relative to implementation plan 2000-1, Prioritization for Stabilizing Nuclear Materials.
- March 2, 2004, Department letter forwarding the Programmatic Risk Assessment for the Savannah River Site Salt Processing Program, relative to implementation plan 2001-1, High-Level Waste Management at Savannah River Site.
- March 1, 2004, Department letter providing interim status on Commitments 2.1 and 2.2 on the Action Plan on Fire Safety and Preparedness.
- March 1, 2004, Department letter forwarding part of the Department of Energy's proposed revision to the DOE Handbook on Electrical Safety.
- March 1, 2004, Board letter regarding electrical systems for the Highly Enriched Uranium Materials Facility at Y-12.
- February 25, 2004, Department letter forwarding NNSA Lessons Learned and Recommendations from Review of NASA's Columbia Accident Investigation Board Report.
- February 25, 2004, Department letter regarding W56 Dismantlement Program.
- February 24, 2004, Board's Fourteenth Annual Report to Congress describing its health and safety activities relating to the Department of Energy's defense nuclear facilities.
- February 24, 2004, Board letter regarding suspension of the proposed rulemaking on 10 CFR 851 and cancellation of the previously announced public meeting scheduled for February 27, 2004.
- February 23, 2004, Department letter providing status of Los Alamos National Laboratory projects.
- February 23, 2004, Department letter forwarding its Annual Report to Congress for Calendar Year 2003, on its activities relating to the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board.
- February 23, 2004, Department briefing to the Board on Software Quality Assurance.
- February 23, 2004, Department letter regarding seismic monitoring system in the Tritium Extraction Facility.
- February 23, 2004, Department letter suspending rulemaking on the proposed 10 CFR 851 rule.
- February 18, 2004, Board announcement of a Public Meeting on February 27, 2004 at 9:30 A.M. at the DNFSB headquarters regarding the Department's plans to address the Board's comments on the proposed 10 CFR 851 rule.
- February 13, 2004, Department letter forwarding the annual report on Criticality Safety for Calendar Year 2003.
- February 13, 2004, Board letter regarding electrical and lightning protection systems for the K-Area Material Storage Facility, FB-Line, and Building 235-F at the Savannah River Site.
- February 12, 2004, Board letter establishing a 120-day reporting requirement for the Department to provide a revised implementation plan for Board recommendation 2000-1 regarding accelerated stabilization, repackaging, or disposition of nuclear materials at Los Alamos National Laboratory.
- February 10, 2004, Department letter reporting completion of Commitment 227 in Revision 2 of implementation plan 2000-1, Prioritization for Stabilizing Nuclear Materials, which requires completion of the dissolution of Mark-16/22 spent nuclear fuel at the Savannah River Site.
- February 6, 2004, Department letter reporting completion of Commitment 2.8 in implementation plan 2001-1, High-Level Waste Management at the Savannah River Site, which requires the completion of the conceptual design of the Salt Waste Processing Facility at the Savannah River Site.
- February 5, 2004, Department letter reporting completion of Commitment 4.3 in implementation plan 2002-3, Requirements for the Design, Implementation, and Maintenance of Administrative Controls, which requires the development of appropriate training materials for contractor personnel responsible for critical administrative controls.
- February 4, 2004, Department letter forwarding the semi-annual report on Filter Test Facility data for fiscal year 2003.
- February 3, 2004, Department letter forwarding the quarterly report for implementation plan 98-2, Safety Management at the Pantex Plant, for the period October 1 - December 31, 2003.
- February 3, 2004, Department letter providing status on Commitment 4.6 in implementation plan 2002-3, Requirements for the Design, Implementation, and Maintenance of Administrative Controls, which requires NNSA to review field implementation of existing critical administrative controls.
- February 3, 2004, Department letter providing an interim response to Board letter dated November 7, 2003 regarding retrieval, storage, and disposal of waste drums at Hanford.
- February 3, 2004, Department letter providing an interim status on the actions taken in response to Board letter dated December 2, 2003 regarding the glovebox fire at Building 371 at the Rocky Flats Site.
- February 3, 2004, Department letter providing status of commitments on Sludge Removal at Hanford in implementation plan 2000-1, Stabilization and Storage of Nuclear Materials, low curie salt-waste process in implementation plan 2001-1, High-Level Waste Management at the Savannah River Site, and two actions in the Quality Assurance Improvement Plan for Defense Nuclear Facilities.
- February 2, 2004, Department letter providing an interim deliverable on Commitment 4.6 in implementation plan 2002-3, Requirements for the Design, Implementation, and Maintenance of Administrative Controls, which requires the Office of Environmental Management to establish schedules to review and verify field implementation of critical administrative controls.
- February 2, 2004, Board announcement of changes in the Public Meeting previously scheduled for February 3, 2004 on safety oversight.
- January 30, 2004, Board letter regarding deactivation and decommissioning activities at defense nuclear facilities.
- January 29, 2004, Department letter reporting interim status on Commitment in implementation plan 2002-1, Quality Assurance in Safety-Related Software, which requires a gap analysis on toolbox codes.
- January 29, 2004, Department letter providing status of Commitments 4.1.3,,, and in implementation plan 2002-1, Quality Assurance for Safety-Related Software.
- January 29, 2004, Board letter establishing a 30-day reporting requirement for a DOE briefing on DOE plans for addressing the Board's comments on proposed rule 10CFR851, Worker Safety and Health.
- January 27, 2004, Board letter establishing a 90-day reporting requirement regarding implementation of facility design requirements and good engineering practices at Los Alamos National Laboratory.
- January 23, 2004, Department letter inviting Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board Chairman John T. Conway to be a guest speaker at the NNSA Safety Summit scheduled for February 4, 2004 in Albuquerque, NM.
- January 22, 2004, Board letter establishing a 60-day reporting requirement regarding the Nuclear Explosive Safety Study process at Pantex.
- January 21, 2004, Department letter reporting completion of Commitment 506 in implementation plan 2000-1, Prioritization for Stabilizing Nuclear Materials, which requires roasting and blending of dioxide items Los Alamos National Laboratory.
- January 21, 2004, Board letter regarding hoisting and rigging at the Nevada Test Site.
- January 20, 2004, Board letter establishing a 30-day reporting requirement regarding a weapon dismantlement at the Pantex Plant.
- January 14, 2004, Department letter providing status on Action 3.3 in the Department's Quality Assurance Improvement Plan, which requires the NNSA to validate and verify effective implementation of quality assurance programs.
- January 14, 2004, Department letter reporting completion of Commitment 25 in implementation plan 2000-2, Configuration Management, Vital Safety Systems, which requires the issuance of direction to site offices for implementing the revised Nuclear Air Cleaning Handbook.
- January 13, 2004, Department letter providing additional information on Oversight as requested at the DNFSB Public Meeting held on December 4, 2003.
- January 8, 2004, Board announcement of a Public Meeting regarding the Department of Energy's oversight scheduled on February 3, 2004 at 9 A.M. at the DNFSB Headquarters.
- January 7, 2004, Department letter reporting completion of Quality Assurance Implementation Plan Action 3.2.2 which requires each Site Office Manager to certify effective implementation of the quality assurance assessment process.
- January 5, 2004, Department letter regarding electrical and lightning protection systems for the K-Area Material Storage Facility, Building 235-F, and FB-Line at Savannah River Site.